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-Article Evaluation- Heroic Nudity was my article of choice.

1.) Relevance and Readability At first glance this article seemed like a steaming pile of crap and upon finishing it, my suspicions held true. First, it's rated as a 'Start Class' article which makes plenty of sense. A lack of information, hard examples, and any organization ended up creating an incomplete article. Thankfully, there is two sentences describing the general ideas and concepts behind heroic nudity, but two sentences is quite obviously not enough to explain the breadth of art heroic nudity encompasses. This general lack of information on the topic results in a few unfocused speculations by the author. One example, is when the author divulges into noting the odd juxtaposition of Greek idealism and Roman hyper-realistic naturalism. This tidbit of information would be useful if the author had already expounded on what Heroic nudity is, but by the time you read this example, you're left in the dark wondering why the hell(enistic) the author took this tangent instead of further defining the primary topic. On a scale of 1-10, Relevance and Readability is a meager 2.5/10. There is no substance or organization.

2.) Accuracy of information and Sources -No apparent bias, which is a good thing at least. -Two sources listed that aren't even cited in the article, although after reviewing the sources it's not very clear whether or not the author even used them. They could have written plenty more if they actually did use one of the sources, which was 400 pages on the Roman nude and heroic statues. Why list it if you ignored it? -Information seems to be fairly accurate for the most part. There's nothing that is blatantly wrong or untruthful. Although the lack of citations for any information of concepts in the first two paragraphs diminishes the article's credibility significantly. -The citations made were definitely necessary, but there was so much more the author could have gone over.

3.) Edits March 2013, the wiki user Malcolm77 made some great additions to the page by uploading images of several examples of heroic nudity. The original author failed to give any examples of images of heroic nudity. After filing through 6 years worth of edits, it appeared this was the most significant one in improving the article. From 2011 and up, just about every edit besides Malcolm77's has been a simple grammar fix or basic layout revision.

————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 10/19/17 Outline



 2.1 Greek/Roman philosophy
   2.1.1. Nudity in Society
   2.1.2. Nude in Religion
   2.1.3. Attitudes towards Nudity in Rome
 2.2 The Nude Portrait
   2.2.1. Sculpture

3.Depictions of Heroic Nudity

 3.1 Gods/Myths
   3.1.1. Greek 
   3.1.2. Other Cultures
 3.2 Political Use
 3.3 Female Nudity
 3.4 More Recent

4.Other Types of Nudity in Greek Art

5.Reference/Further Reading

3.1 Gods/Mythology