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User:Cruella dark

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Database 3: STUDENTS, COURSES & BOOK ISSUED STUDENT (Regno: String, Name: String; Major: String; Bdate:Date) COURSE (Courseno: Integer, Cname: String; Dept: String) ENROLL (Regno: String; Courseno; integer; Semester: Integer: Marks: int) BOOKADOPTION (Courseno: Integer ; Semester: Integer; BookISBN:Int) TEXT ( BookISBN:Int; BookTitle:String; Publisher:String; Author:string) a. Create the above tables by properly specifying the primary key. b. Enter At least five tuples for each relation. c. Demonstrate how to add new text book to the database and make this book be adopted by some course d. Execute the following queries 1. Produce a list of textbooks with Book ISBN, Title, publisher, author, course name and course number adopted by some course. Select TEXT.Bookisbn, TEXT.Title, TEXT.Publisher, TEXT.Author, COURSE.Cname, COURSE.CourseNo FROM TEXT, COURSE, BOOKADOPTION WHERE TEXT.Bookisbn = BOOKADOPTION.Bookisbn and COURSE.Courseno=BOOKADOPTION.Courseno and COURSE.Courseno=1; 2. List the name, major, course name, semester and the marks obtained by a particular student. Select STUDENT.name, STUDENT.major, COURSE.cname, ENROLL.semester, ENROLL.marks FROM STUDENT, COURSE, ENROLL WHERE STUDENT.Regno = ENROLL.Regno and COURSE.Courseno = ENROLL.Courseno AND STUDENT.Regno=’ ‘; Italic text