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Consequences of an Ideology

One's ideology provides a worldview (the veil) trough which one sees meaning in an objectively meaningless world.
  • One’s ideology establishes a purpose to one’s life.
  • One’s ideology provides a worldview through which one perceives and makes sense of reality, and through which one seeks harmony with the world and one’s self.
  • One’s ideology defines one’s personal identity and gives one a sense of belonging.
  • One’s ideology determines one’s moral code, and thus defines the ideals and the highest aspirations one should pursue.

Sources of Strength

The Nazi ideology gave the german people a new purpose, identity, worldview and moral code. It provided them with will and unity, which in turn gave them renewed strength. (See also: The Third Wave)

Constituents of an Ideology

  • One’s ideology is not subject to one’s direct will, for will is derived from ideology.
  • The will-independent (i.e., that can not be obatined through effort) constituents that form an ideology are
  • One’s beliefs, love and knowledge, i.e, his ideology, are solely defined by one’s environment and experiences, over which the human being has no direct control. Human thoughts are a part and a product of the universe's unbroken chain of causality; the human being does not posses free will.

Evolution of an Ideology

  • The human being is endowed with consciousness; he has the ability to become aware of the ideology he adheres to, can put it in perspective and desire self-growth.
  • The human being can alter his ideology by acquiring knowledge, confronting foreign beliefs and discovering new passions.
  • The human being can exert an indirect control on his ideology by adopting an open mind towards the outside world and confronting reality;

Individual Freedom

  • All men and women are equal in the face the meaninglessness of the world;
  • The human being has the right to espouse whichever ideology he chooses;
  • The human being has the right to pursue his happiness as he pleases;
  • The human being has a duty to respect the individual freedom of any other human being, as his freedom stops when one’s begins (right-duty duality);