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User:Colonel Marksman/40k Planet Page Guidelines

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This proposal has become dormant through lack of discussion by the community. It is inactive but retained for historical interest. If you want to revive discussion on this subject, try using the talk page or start a discussion at the village pump.

This proposal was created for the purposes of organizing the Warhammer 40,000 articles in Wikipedia. It was intended to unite differing armies, strategies, backgrounds, and locations; an attempt to help bring each army together for better comparison; and to help share a better organized Wikiproject for those who want more information on the Warhammer 40,000 universe and those unfamiliar with other armies.

Notable Planet Page


In order for a planet to be qualified to have its own page, it must have all of the following:

  • Mention in a background fluff story made by Games Workshop
  • Have a sufficent history to uphold it's own article

Suggested Outline


I. Introduction

  • Note the planet is a fictious planet in the universe of the table top game of Warhammer 40,000.

II. General Description

  • Type of planet, population (if available), what race inhabits it, any changes the planet went through, and brief overview of history. (e.g. Cadia lies near the entrance to the Eye of Terror and has been subject to many Black Crusades)

III. History

  • Simply keep in chronological order according to major events. History section must be at least 150 words long.

IV. "See Also", "References", "External Links"

Other Planets


Other planets that do not have such the extensive history and information as homeworlds or those centered around important time periods or invasions will follow the same guidelines in the "Warhammer 40,000 Galaxy Page".

For another idea, see the General Guidelines.