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"Bloodchild" is about humans who escaped earth and stared living in an alien planet in where they are kept in a preserves. Gan who is a young male is sacrificed by his mother and he is use to have the baby. The alien tlics who are described as big insect looking are not capable of having their own kids so they use male hosts instead. Aliens need the humans to breed and the humans need the aliens to survive. Unfortunately, Gan witnesses an alien birth and is horrified by it that takes him to decide to allow T'Gatoi to impregnate him. He makes this decision because he wants to save his family therefore he makes a deal with T'Gatoi.


  • My last night of childhood began with a visit home(3).
  • Yet I undressed and lay downbeside her. I knew what to do, what to expect.I had been told all my life(27)
  • I stared at Lomas in panic, realizing that I did not want to touch him, let alone hold him. This would not be like shooting an animal. Not as quick, not as merciful, and, I hoped, not as final, but there was nothing I wanted less than to be part of it(13).

"The Evening and The Morning and The Night"




This story is about a girl who suffered a disease called Duryea-Gode. When she was 15 years old her parents took her to a ward to see what was like to have the disease and not take care of it diet wise. Her parents also has this disease. When she got home after this horrible experience she try to commit suicide but failed in the attempt her father broke into the bathroom saving her. The disease got to him three years later in which he killed the mother and then he killed himself. After some time she decided to go to college and to major in biology. She decided to move into a house with four other people that have the same disease in where she was like the mother always after them to clean and to pick up after themselves. There she met a guy named Alan who also wanted to move in with them. After some time, he found out that his mother was still alive after not seeing her since he was three years old. Alan asked her to accompany him to the ward to see his mother. In the ward, they saw that the patients are well taken care of and they keep them busy doing different actives like computer work or working with clay which was what Alan's mother was into. His mother was a rough condition since she had no eyes barely any nose left and one of her eyes was almost gone. She seemed happy and did recognized him. She even touch them without harming them. After they visited his mother beatrice offered them a job but they rejected the offer.


  • it's enough to say that when they brought me home, I cut my wrists. I did a thorough job of it, old Roman style in a bathtub of warm water.

Almost made it. My father dislocated his shoulder breaking down the bathroom door.

  • Scars didn’t bother me much. Disability didn’t bother me. It was the act of self-mutilation that scared me. It was someone attacking her own arm as though it were

a wild animal. It was someone who had torn at himself and been restrained or drugged off and on for so long that he barely had a recognizable human feature left, but he was still trying with what he did have to dig into his own flesh.

  • Naomi Chi was a small woman, hair still dark, fingers long and thin, graceful as they shaped the clay. Her face was a ruin. Not only her eyes but most of her nose and

one ear were gone. What was left was badly scarred.

"Speech Clouds"




Rye is a girl who decided to go to her brothers house who is the only family member she has left. he lives 20 miles away in Pasadena. A fight took place on the bus where she was traveling to her brother's place. This forced the bus driver to stopped the bus and her along with a few others decided to get off the bus. This is where she meets obsidian who was driving a ford and stopped next to the bus. He offers her a ride and she accepts knowing that this might bring consequences. She learned that he is able to read the map and she's able to talk. They had sex after a while and after that she asked him to go back home with her. After this occurred they saw a woman running across from them and after the woman theres was a man with a knife in his hand. They try to stop the attack but they were unable to stop it the man killed the woman and obsidian got shot by the man while they thought he was dead. Two little kids showed up from the house the woman was running they shocked her trying to wake her up. The kids were like three years old. She wanted to give obsidian a proper burial but she wasn't able to leave the kids there. when she returned to get the woman the girl yelled "no". She hear them talk as well. she assure them it was alright to talk to her. The children seemed less scared now.


  • She knelt beside Obsidian, dry-eyed, frowning, trying to understand why everything had suddenly changed. Obsidian was gone. He had died and left her—like everyone else.
  • There was trouble aboard the Washington Boulevard bus. Rye had expected trouble sooner or later in her journey.
  • “I’m Valerie Rye,” she said, savoring the words. “It’s all right for you to talk to me.”

Loss of Words:Octavia Butler's "Speech Sounds"




This is an analysis of the short story elements of "speech sounds" troy uses this story as a starting piece in her linguistics class.


  • "science fiction may help defamiliarize every day life and offer a different point"(73)
  • "These trait of aphasia are an internal part of "speech sounds" and they are highlighted, for instance, when Obsidian wants Rye to show him on the map where she would like him to drive..."(76).
  • "The breakdown of society's infrastructure is signaled early in the story, when Rye expects that her twenty mile journey, one way, to Pasadena will take at least one daY, and the arrival of the bus is described as "unexpected"..."(77)

Disparate Spirits Yet kindred Souls:Octavia E.Butler, "Speech Sounds,"and Me




In disparate spirits yet kindred souls, Sandra Y. Govan focuses on what the meaning of the disease is related to the real world. how people won't be able to survive something this magnitude. The story starts in a bus in where everyone that has ride a bus can relate to the feeling of being in a crowded bus. She mentions that rye is a character that is very strong and she's able to hold herself to avoid being a target for people that are not able to talk. According to Govan this disease attacking humans can be something sent from god to all the sinners.


  • For the faith community,or the merely superstitious, the sudden inexplicable appearance of such horrific diseases raises the specter of an old testament god striking down sinners(119).
  • anyone who has ever ridden on a large urban bus line knows how easily tempers can fray, how quickly fights can start among crowded, tired, irritable passengers(117).
  • Morris's discussion,connected to other studies of brain research such as Emotional Intelligence, split-brain research, or brain-mapping,allows knowledgeable readers with similar eclectic interests to examine more closely how Butler wove the science into her tale(124)

Digging Deep: Ailments of Difference in Octavia Butler's "the Evening and the Morning and the Night"




Society does not like anything different from whats "normal" and when victims of a disease are marked as not normal they are rejected by everyone else. Isiah lavender raises the question that what about if Octavia Butler story was not only about a disease but was also about race . Lavender thinks there is some sort of racial issues in it like when they are talking about a law that should be passed to sterilize them she mentions that this desire of destroying someones's ability causes fear.


  • "Butler explores race as a cultural construction rather than as a biological inevitability."(69).
  • "A segregation system, much like Jim Crow, is one particular behavioral response to fear of this disease, where the rights of the DGD sufferers are curtailed by the discriminatory policies of the health care industry. "(70).
  • "Lynn is like Beatrice in that both women are double afflicted (both parents were carriers) and can actually bring about change."(75).





"Amnesty" takes place on earth where aliens took over earth and they came in two waves. The first wave they did was to abduct humans and put them through experiments.These experiments killed many people until they figured out how to avoid killing people but still conducted these experiments. Noah is the protagonist who is abducted by the Communities at an early age. On the second wave, they established their colonies on earth in the desserts. They were called bubbles. This event also crashed the world's economy forcing humans to work with the aliens. There were 30 volunteers and translators that would help the aliens. The aliens allowed Noah back into her house after several years and then her own people kidnapped her because they thought she was a traitor. The government tortured noah in order to get information out of her. Noah faced more cruelty with humans than with the aliens that she tried to commit suicide. Noah's goal was to work for a peaceful coexistence between humans and the Communities.


  • "No payback. Just what I said earlier. Jobs. We get to live, and so do they. I don't need payback(181).
  • The Communities were not plants,but it was easiest to think of them in those terms since most of the time, most of them looked so plantlike(151).
  • "They wanted to know how we got along with one another and they needed to know how much we could bear of what was normal for them."(160).

The Book Of Martha




The story starts with Martha being in the presence of God. God chooses her to do a task. A task that can be done at any time she would like but it has to be soon because people are just killing each other. Martha has to come up with one solution that would change humans from destruction. She sees god's command as a terrible burden to her life. She worries she won't be able to come up with something. Martha's solution is to give humans vivid utopian dreams where they get to do what they most desire without any harm to others.This will have them release all their stress and anger therefore, when they wake up they can feel a lot better. As the dialogue between Martha and God progresses, Martha's perception of god changes. The stereotypical white male God to a mirror of herself.


  • "Whatever people love to do most, they should dream about doing it, and the dreams should change to keep up with their individual interest"(204).
  • "Martha stopped, startled, then sighed. "I see you as female now," she said. "Actually, I think you look a little like me. "(209).
  • "I chose you for all chat you are and allthat you are not," God said."(194).