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User:Coin945/Sa'adiah Shoshani

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Saadia Shoshani (י"ט Adar The Trm"t, 20 February 1889 - as Kislev The Tsl"b, 13 December 1971), a public figure from the village early days of Israel. Society was a founding Maccabi Jaffa " no relation to football founded in 1949; a group formed for the purpose of organization of residents of Jaffa during the Turkish rule, before World War II, for sport and protection.[1], one of the "defense" on Tel Aviv, member of the Supreme Headquarters of National Defense, Head "Group Jaffa", prime Committee "infidel occupation", the founders of the police city of Tel Aviv, deputy head of Tel Aviv - Jaffa in 1953 -- 1959. He was also the partner of his uncle Aaron Aitin house pattern "pattern Aitin the roses".

Family background


Shoshani was born in Bryansk return Oryol district in Russia. His parents, Gedaliah priest Rosenrot Feiga - rest house Aitin, were born nine children, and (in order of birth): Menachem, Saadia, Noah (expelled in 1915 by the Turkish to Egypt, died Name of illness), Joseph, molasses, Miriam (perished in a fire that broke out at the tree where the family lived and she was two), Bella, Aaron and Eliezer.

Bryansk was the industrial city on the banks of the porridge (a tributary of the river Dnieper River), in European Russia Oryol, about 350 km south west to Moscow. At the time was outside of Bryansk Pale The Jew in Russia. Saadia's mother's family was allowed to live because my father Bbriansk family, Saadia Aitin, would own the rights to military service by the tsar Nicholas II (he is one with Jewish children "kidnapped "). also Gedaliah was drafted into the Czar Rosenrot (where he worked as tailor). stay with his unit near Bryansk knew Gedaliah Paige - rest and they were married secretly, as allowed on soldiers to marry. because it recorded the eldest son Menachem son of his grandmother up Aitin, named Samuel Aitin, and grew up in Russia grew. Cshsthrr Gedaliah his military service disguised marriage became official.

Childhood aliyah


Saadia first acquired his education, as the old days, on room, while also studied in gymnasium local Russian. He received a diploma at age 16 in addition to confirming the certificate of excellence to choose a profession at will, despite the time restrictions imposed on Jews in Russia. Family circles and among his friends inspired realization that leave Russia and establish a Jewish settlement in Eretz Israel. In 1906 decided uncle's family Rosenrot, Aaron Aitin, which has a pattern Bbriansk, to the Land of Israel with his family and possessions. A year later, in November 1907, Saadia nephew also came on board "Kornilov". With his immigration Aaron Aitin established printing house in Jaffa. Shoshani began work in this pattern about magic.

In 1913 made Uncle Aitin the family Gedaliah Feiga - Rosenrot rest and home to Israel. The family lived in Neve Tzedek, which was the first Jewish neighborhood built outside of Jaffa. Ship was also carrying Hannah Levinstein, born Lithuania, who immigrated to Israel alone. On their arrival down the left wing Saadia Hannah kept her in touch with letters and meetings. After six years they were married. They had two sons: Samuel (1999-1921) and Jonah (1923 -).

Shoshani pattern


Saadia became a partner of his cousin Aaron Aitin, and the pattern was given the name "pattern Aitin the roses". Most of the time ran Saadia the printing press alone, due to severe illness of his uncle's long stay in Paris in Alexandria for healing.

B - 1917, late World War (1918-1914), was purchased for the printing Land on through the Jaffa 5 in Tel Aviv, and the war in 1919 was built on the building of a new pattern. Printed books in print Publishing Shtiebel, book publishing, "Moriah" founded knee Wonders (who later founded the publishing house Massada), all books Ahad, tell "period" and tell Art Publishing of Shoshana Parsitz. The highlight of the book was published Alter Druyanov - "joke book refinement", printed in three volumes, as well as paper sheets "The young worker" (except for the first two issues) . For a while the newspaper also printed "country".

One of the largest and most important customers of the printing press was Bank of England - Palestine (later National Bank) that any system forms were printed in his paper pattern. As he approached the day independence bank feared that the end of mandate, the British will take with them the most bills circulation and may not be enough bills held by banks and the public's needs. Business Banking and Treasurer Jewish Agency Eliezer Kaplan decided on the printing of banknotes temporary use legal tender state. This decision was made in secret secrecy. Banknotes were printed in print Shoshani, but to save - only one side of the paper values of 500 res, Pound one, 5 pounds and 10 pounds. Also invited to official notes from the American Venknots "in United States, but it was feared this invitation would not arrive in time. Print "Backup bills" began in March 1948, next to the statement on the establishment of the state. Finally Ntbdo concerns: supply enough current bills, and bills from the U.S. arrived on time. Therefore shelved "notes backup" and then also destroyed.

Public activities


In Tel Aviv began Shoshani engage in activities among the founders of public association "Maccabi Jaffa", "Association with the industry" and "landlords Association in Tel Aviv." It also was among the first who joined the ranks of an organization "defense" in the city. He was "the immigration inspector's deportees discover in roll in Turkish rule head" Group Jaffa ". On the activities for the community rabbi Shoshani received the "letter of the volunteer" by David Ben - Gurion.

Ben-Gurion told him:

Saadia Shoshani defense is a column we were during the British Mandate during the most difficult conversion. The only purple, transcends partisanship and social affinities and set the protection from any account sorry.

— David Ben Gurion, in cable birthday greeting 75th Shoshani's 40th year membership on the City Council Tel Aviv

Jaffa Group protection


Side organization guard "that existed then and the role was to protect the Jewish community in Palestine, rising further reorganization of young people," the group Jaffa ", were led by Shoshani and Eliyahu Golomb. Jaffa Group has undertaken the protection and security of Tel Aviv and the Jewish community in Jaffa, and the nucleus remained in guarded the property of the residents of Tel Aviv during the deportation in the spring 1917. Group members were active in all plant life of the community organizations: the distribution of supplies during World War I, followed by convoys of Tel Aviv residents Csgorso by the Turks. Same group were also brother and sister Bella and Joseph Menahem, and Eliahu Golomb, who later became commander of the Haganah, Yitzhak Hos and others.

After the evacuation of Jaffa and Tel Aviv, the Galilee concentrations increased concern. Role in preparing the defense Galilee imposed primarily on the arms Shoshani, Eliyahu Golomb. Abraham Krinitzi worked at the factory at the time to kiss in Damascus. Shoshani Golomb came several times Krinitzi's house in Damascus, and took away several thousand firecrackers Krinitzi transferred from the factory quarters. These were the only times in which Saadia left the area after the rise of Israel, but Damascus was in fact, a territorial perspective, the region. On Saadia Hotel to Shoshani valuable assets that roll. After much effort, achieved a place for leading a military train soldiers to the front Tall - Kerem. There was a problem one way trips Shoshani had to stop the ride down on station Daraa. At the same time came for a Turkish military officer - a Jew named Moshe Sharett (later Moshe Sharett, the second prime minister of Israel), by virtue of his role could continue to travel by train. He took the cargo Rose hoped to reach train station Smh (plant) and then transfer it to the ground, but teaching about changing the direction of travel - to get to Hejaz through Amman, did not allow him to pass So precious cargo went lost.

Parallel civil Haganah "created out of necessity by the citizens - merchants, industrialists, artisans, etc., which the group was part of Jaffa, founded an organization" protecting "more controlled managed by the World general staff headed by David Ben-Gurion. In 1930, after the merge agreement signed by representatives of both organizations - David Ben - Gurion Saadia Shoshani, unified defense organization was founded. Saadia was one of the six members of the national headquarters of the "defense": Histadrut served by three headquarters - Eliyahu Golomb, Meir Rotenberg and Dov, on behalf of citizens - Issachar Sitkov, Saadia Shoshani and Dov Geffen.

Tel Aviv


Shoshani, a founder of the Association of landlords in the past representative Tel Aviv City Council, bread preserving the rights of landlords, payment of property tax paid financed most of the municipal budget, and acted to prevent deprivation decisions municipality. These activities demanded by virtue of the municipal court Shoshani legal superiority. B - 30 July 1926 published the High Court of Justice of the Mandatory country decision regarding the petition for temporary union landlords in Tel Aviv against the Tel Aviv municipality. This claim interpretation touched the Tel Aviv municipality has given the term "pay taxes," appeared in orders as a condition which gives local councils voting in Elections municipality. The court ruled that the term "paying taxes" refers only to those who pay tax homes (Marco), and therefore can not interpret the term "paying taxes" each resident who pays another fee to the municipality. Shoshani valid at the time, as landlords, even the progressive tax introduced the municipality. Constitution of the municipality itself has determined that property tax not exceed 12.5% of assets for which he was charged. This lawsuit also justified the Court's claim Shoshani abolished the progressive tax collection. This activity has caused resentment against Shoshani the turning of the courts and the courts mandate of the Jewish community, but many justified the essence of his activities.

Shoshani served as deputy mayor of Tel Aviv during the time of Live Lebanon (from 1959-1953) and served as director of the Department of Tunneling and sewage Director of the municipal gardens. He made sure to bring the engineer of the British John Duncan Watson (John Duncan Watson, ((about)) 1946-1860) ((This)) to provide a comprehensive solution to problems Tunneling expanding the city's sewage. Watson was an engineer with an international reputation for expert Tunneling problems, drainage and sewage, he advised local authorities in Britain and United States, and others published a detailed opinion of why the river Chicago should not be an open sewer. British Mandatory authorities recommended a consultant regarding the sewer problems of the Union of towns in Gush Dan. To build better sewage systems, which were very expensive, Shoshani established the Fund Saadia Shoshani channeling sewage "((This)). After completing his duties at City Hall, he was appointed to head the "Association of Towns - Dan district, which concentrated the responsibility for wastewater of the seven local authorities around the city.

Other roles


Following the Great Arab Revolt (in 1936 - 1939) was established at the initiative of National Committee institution to collect money to finance current operations and security settlement. This institution - "settlement committee at the National Committee, 'infidel occupation' - Committee of Defense" - operated under Shoshani. Besides was Shoshani, together with peace Fhtr Abraham Krinitzi, the committee's establishment Police in Tel Aviv appointment headquarters, life Alperin.

In thirties was among the founders of the Bank of roses "loan and savings" Tel Aviv, and forties served as president of an organization with the printing industry in Israel. "

Outbreak of World War II (1939) called Jewish Agency for young people to join the British Army. Saadia was appointed to head the recruiting office.

End of his days, his death, his legacy perpetuation


In 1966, after 45 years as a member of Tel Aviv city council and 12 years as chairman of the Association of Cities and president of the Dan in the printing industry organization, retired from public Saadia intensive. He moved to engage in private business and helped establish the MDA and Mih"a, plants his wife Hannah was active in them. At that time also allowed himself to relax and enjoy the company of his immediate family.

Shoshani was crowned the title of "honorary citizen of Tel Aviv." Park named after him, "Saadia garden roses" neighborhood level Hahayil, donated by Parks Department employees who worked under him and appreciated his contribution. Jewish National Fund gave Forest in the name of his wife Shoshani Hannah forests Latrun on the old road to Jerusalem.

Saadia Shoshani d. - 13 December 1971 and was buried in cemetery Trumpeldor Street in Tel Aviv see [2] site of burial society



Further reading

  • Joseph Aricha, 'Jaffa: a historical reader - literary: chapters in the history of the city from its beginnings to the present', Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Tshi"z
  • Arie Boaz, 'mysterious light in all - life story of Saul Avigur', Ministry of Defense - publishing, תשס"ב 2001, p. 67
  • Baruch Ben Yehuda, 'the story of Hgmanish ""', Tel Aviv, Herzliya, Gmansih" Herzliya ", Ts"l
  • 'Defense in Tel Aviv: Chapters of the History of Defense in Tel Aviv and surroundings', Tel Aviv, the defense fund named J. Blackie and his friends, Tst"z
  • ' "Ohtorkim are looking more control over the Land ...": - Israel in War - World War', Tel Aviv, Eretz Israel Museum, תשס"ח
  • Shimon Samet, 'Where are they now ?', Tel Aviv, A, Ts"l, p. 69-72
  • Abraham Krinitzi, 'act forcefully, Tel Aviv, Massada, Ts"i
  • Abraham Krinitzi, 'with my own hands, Ramat - Gan, Massada, Tshi"t
  • Shimon Rubinstein, 'affair De - Han - a political assassination or execution of the institutions' state which'?', directions, 27 (Tshm"h), p. 5—29
  • Yaacov Shavit and Gideon Bigger, 'history of Tel Aviv,', vol, city neighborhoods (1909-1936), Tel Aviv, Ramot, Tel Aviv University, תשס"א
  • Avraham Shmuel Stein, 'portraits, Jerusalem, M.. Newman, Tsc"z, p. 46-60