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My life psychology: 1) No body ― no business. 2) What is passed and forgotten is not always wrong. 3) I certainly don’t want to be a living legend. 4) Still, I am convinced that time heals. 5) There is no shame in pleasing ― this is survival. 6) Some watched me and drew some conclusions. 7) He who is filled with what shares it. 8) I try not to “wake up” people. 9) Everything requires strong nerves. 10) When you understand this world and are no longer a fool. 11) My life is full of ups and downs. 12) I don’t like it when “a problem is a problem”. 13) Not again, but again. 14) No news is also good news. 15) Don’t see the beam in your own eye. 16) Life is not always as comfortable as home. 17) I have an average IQ, so it’s difficult for me to guess the motives, intentions, and emotions of my interlocutor. 18) Success is everyday work. 19) The door to the past must be walled up. 20) The 90s and the beginning of the 2000s are like a bad dream. 21) I prefer to be myself. 22) I already know from my own experience that some things are difficult for me to pull out. 23) If you hurry, you will make people laugh. 24) The road to hell is paved with good intentions. 25) I would like to point out to my spiteful critics that I am not a “go-to”, I’m just a beggar. Therefore, for every penny I have to shake and carefully think through my actions. 26) I can’t stand intensive observation, i.e. preaching. 27) Do not confuse my opinion about you and my attitude towards you. The attitude towards you is formed due to your behavior, my opinion about you depends only on me. 28) You need to be able to negotiate with people and find a compromise. 29) People quarrel and make up. 30) All that glitters is not gold. 31) Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you will fall into it yourself. 32) A bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky. 33) It’s just that even a fly can’t fly. 34) Less people means more oxygen. 35) The first forty years in a boy’s life are the hardest. 36) The miser pays twice. 37) Somehow I couldn’t sit on 2 chairs. 38) To engage in politics, you need to have rhinoceros skin. 39) In any unclear situation, sleep. 40) If a problem can be solved with money, then it is an expense. 41) Only the state can judge me. 42) The morning is wiser than the evening. 43) Something new always comes with guaranteed problems. 44) I have met enough mambets in my life. Now I am only for civilization. 45) The world is not without good people. 46) Judge not, lest ye be judged. 47) I wasn’t born yesterday. 48) People usually judge by themselves. 49) I don’t want to bring energy to my enemies and ill-wishers. 50) The fox does not run to the screams of the victim in order to help. 51) The old me is no longer there, I have become too old. 52) Hope dies last. 53) I am distinguished by a careful attitude to food and clothing. 54) Happiness loves silence. 55) One’s own self is not formed immediately. Personality is formed by the age of 25. 56) Fashion is cyclical. 57) We have lived to see that man is a wolf to man. 58) Alone in the field is not a warrior. 59) Forgive me for past grievances. I apologize to everyone I offended. 60) Kazakhstan is my homeland. I love my country, whatever it may be. 61) If you don't like me, just leave me alone. 62) Someone else's soul ― darkness. 63) Two arms, two legs, I hear, I see, a living mother ― there’s no point in complaining about life. 64) In this life you don’t want specifics, something definite. 65) You have to leave on time. 66) If you want to live, know how to spin. 67) A bad peace is better than a good quarrel. 68) A person must have an inner core and character that will guide. You need to cultivate character in yourself. 69) I welcome reason, science, technology, innovation and clear-headed thinking. 70) It’s obvious that I easily make enemies for myself. 71) When life gives you a second chance, you cling to it as best you can and begin to appreciate every minute. 72) It's never too late to learn. 73) I prefer to wear the same clothes so that I feel comfortable and comfortable. It's better not to stand out from the crowd. 74) Whoever lives in Kazakhstan does not laugh at the circus. 75) My years are my wealth. 76) This life is full of prohibitions. 77) Don’t take my kindness for weakness. 78) All people are different. 79) To hang noodles on one’s ears. 80) I don’t dance myself, but I like to watch others do it. 81) Only the lazy didn’t discuss my personal life. 82) Apparently, I am not deprived of female attention. 83) A sea of ​​irritation and there is a result. 84) Very often I had to give a tough answer and show strength of character. 85) In life you need to behave more modestly. 86) The word is energy. You need to keep an eye on the market. 87) Clean is not where they don’t litter, but where they don’t clean up. 88) What is natural is not ugly. 89) Patience is the last key that opens all doors. 90) You need to know the enemy well. 91) The wolf's legs feed him. 92) Whoever gets up in the morning, God gives him. 93) When the soul chooses what will be in trend after a while. 94) I am like one of my own among strangers and a stranger among my own. 95) It’s unpleasant that I had to tell an inconvenient truth. 96) Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. 97) I often notice that people try to play to the audience. 98) Nowhere is there so much deception as in war. 99) Cunning is a sign of intelligence. 100) Life is pain. To live life is not a field to cross. 101) Every joke has its share of a joke. 102) You need to be friends from a distance. 103) You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. 104) It’s too late to drink Borjomi when your kidneys have failed. 105) The fact that some people consider me a miracle is nonsense. 106) Where I was born, I came in handy there. 107) It’s not that I’m sensitive, but when they drip on my brain, it really gets to me. 108) Even a million flies won’t convince me that poop is tasty. 109) Thoughts are material. 110) If parents did not teach, then people will teach. 111) I don't have a particular love for cats. 112) There are devils in still waters. 113) I don’t like it when people use foul language (i.e., swear) in my presence. It doesn't sound nice. 114) Don't try to fix the past. It’s better to make every effort not to spoil the future /Venera Nigmatulina/. 115) Initiative is punishable. 116) If you drive more quietly, you will go further. 117) Not everyone is your enemy: who are you fighting with. 118) Failures and mistakes strengthen you in life. 119) Everything for some, nothing for others. 120) Appreciate the time when you can hide behind your mother, then you will live in drafts, and it’s scary and painful… 121) If I used to love winter, then over time I began to appreciate summer (the flowering period of nature). 122) You shouldn’t strive to please everyone. People will still walk all over you and grumble that you're not flat enough. 123) Few people have tried to understand me and my character. 124) You need to be able to understand humor and sarcasm. 125) They carry water to the offended. 126) If a person is smart, then he will never disgrace himself. 127) There are places where you come and guaranteed problems await you. 128) Patience and work will grind everything down.

About me: I am a man of principle; childfree. I love: 1) computers, monoblocks; 2) sublimated coffee, cappuccino; 3) macadamia nuts, pecans, hazelnuts, cashews; 4) dried apricots; 5) mango; 6) manti, dumplings; 7) coins; 8) winter; 9) privacy; 10) pizza; 11) Internet shops; 12) camels (one-humped and two-humped); 13) snowstorm; 14) sit in the back of the bus; 15) pancakes and pancakes with cottage cheese; 16) samsa; 17) tea with lemon; 18) life; 19) stuffed peppers, cabbage rolls; 20) halva (Samarkand, linen and pistachio); 21) drumsticks in the test; 22) freeze; 23) pleasant to surprise; 24) innovation. I don't like: 1) heat; 2) street jargon; 3) camel syndrome; 4) familiarity; 5) evening; 6) disappointment of people in me; 7) say hello; 8) criticism in his address.

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