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The wikipedia page of Cloudbongee


Hello, I am a computer scientist and mathematician; enthusiastic on set theory and linear algebra. In the meatspace I usually write, play pool, play guitar, and drink water.

Contributions and editing philosophy


My current contributions are pointed towards information technologies, engineering, and physics articles. I would like to contribute on mathematic pages and hopefully find some nice theorems to add proofs or relevant information to.

I edit wikipedia because I strongly believe in the results derived from a community effort; as someone who had a lack of access to educative content during developmental years of my education, this website and the contributions that were made by its people became a centerpiece of my self-learning, and a push in the increase of my curiosity. I hope that every time I edit a document, I am also part of providing accurate scientific and historical information to those around me, and I wish for my editions to reflect that.



I currently speak English, Spanish, and entry level Japanese. I am enthusiastic about linguistics and culture, so I'm always up for sharing about different languages and learning fun facts about them.

Fun facts

  • Trinkets are very fun to collect. I specifically like rusty metal shapes I can find on the ground.
  • I love cats!
  • My introduction to wikipedia was this article on the hyacinth macaw.
  • My username is a reference to the Bongcloud Attack.
  • I love the axiom of choice. My beloved.
  • My favorite algebraic group is the Quaternion group, so much to derive from it.
  • My favorite musical genre is math rock, which ironically doesn't have any relation with my mathematical shenanigans.
  • Against all odds, I defend running Kali Linux on bare metal. I like consuming RAM.