The Odakyu 3000 series (小田急3000形, Odakyū 3000-gata) or SE (Super Express), later becoming SSE (Short Super Express), was a "Romancecar" electric multiple unit (EMU) train type operated by Odakyu Electric Railway in the Tokyo area of Japan from 1957[1] to 1992[2].
It was designed as a "breakthrough lightweight, high performance new express train" to connect Shinjuku and Odawara in 60 minutes[3]. Since technical support from Japanese National Railways' (JNR's) Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI)[4] was provided in its development, many technologies that were new to rolling stock in Japan were implemented for the first time in this train[5]. Many of these were evolved and carried over to the Shinkansen[6], so it has been called "the roots of the Shinkansen[7]" and "the pioneer of high-speed rail[8]." "Super Express" (SE) was set as the official nickname, but the "SE" abbreviation can be also one of "Super Electric car"[6].
[edit]Odakyu, which had separated from Tokyu Railways (Dai-Tokyū ), set their future goal as "connecting Shinjuku and Odawara in 60 minutes"[9], and proceeded with developing lightweight, high performance rolling stock[9]. At the same time, the research institute of Japan National Railways (JNR) was developing ultrahigh speed rolling stock[10] based on applying aviation technology to railways[11]. Odakyu took notice of this plan, and development of the rolling stock started as a joint partnership between Odakyu and JNR[11].
It was introduced in 1957, and in a high-speed test conducted in that same year on the Tokaido Main Line, it broke the then world speed record for a narrow-gauge train at 145 km/h[12]. Thereafter, data was provided to JNR's high-speed train development[13]. In addition, the appearance of this style prompted[14] the Japan Railfan Club to create the Blue Ribbon Award[14] and the first one was conferred to it in 1958[14].
It first appeared as an 8-car trainset[12], but with the extension onto the Gotemba Line from 1968 the composition was switched to 5 cars and it was named "Short Super Express" (SSE)[15]. It was in use until the 1991 introduction of the 20000 series RSE[16], and by 1992 all cars had been decommissioned[2].
Development chronology
[edit]Odakyu's goal
[edit]Risaburo Yamamoto was a board member and the transportation head when Odakyu split from Dai-Tokyū on June 1, 1948[17]. He had an interest in articulated trains ever since he knew of their existence[18]. When he found out about the Talgo, an articulated train invented in Spain, he thought that it "wouldn't be a bad idea to try that design with an electric train"[18]. When he was employed at JNR's Tokyo Railroad Administration Bureau in 1935, he put out a research paper as part of his work titled Concerning New Jointed Electric Trains (関節式新電車ニ就イテ) [19]. The paper's general contents were as follows: "Besides improving noise, shaking, and ride quality by introducing an articulated train, making the head car a streamliner and having the drive system be a nose suspension drive will reduce noise. With these improvements a low noise, high speed train can be made to run from Tokyo to Numazu[20]." These ideas were not taken up at all by JNR at the time[21], but Yamamoto still had an interest in introducing an articulated train[17]. In the winter of 1948, he went[22] with Yoshio Ubukata , who was still a new hire, to observe the construction and maintenance[22] of the Nishitetsu 500 series , an articulated train already in practical use[2].
At Odakyu, which had just split and began operating as a separate entity, the Transport Improvement Committee was set up to rehabilitate and improve transportation facilities which had been battered in the war[9]. They set their future goal of connecting Tokyo and Odawara in 60 minutes[9]. Before the war, Hanwa Electric Railway[note 1] covered the 61.2 km distance between Hanwa-Tennōji Station and Higashi-Wakayama Station in 45 minutes[23][note 2]. At a scheduled speed of 81.6 km/h[23], Odakyu were aware of the fact that if the (at the time) 82.8 km distance between Shinjuku and Odawara were covered at the same speed, they could run the whole distance in 60 minutes[26]. Yamamoto, being from Osaka, would cite Hanwa Electric Railway as an example on a regular basis[23]. The goal was not simply to break their record[23], but to work towards improving management efficiency. This was to be acheived by increasing the turnover rate of rolling stock by increasing speed[27][note 3].
The common practice at the time for high-speed running was to use a powerful traction motor and make the body heavy and sturdy to gain adhesion performance[29][note 4]. However, Odakyu's management base at the time was still fragile[9], and it was not possible to make large investments in all facilities in order to have a speed increase[9]. Moreover, the newly introduced 1800 series , which was a remodeled JNR MoHa 63 series, had poor ride quality, and the reality was that the track maintenance division really disliked rolling stock that ruined the tracks[32][note 5]. Because of this, a plan was made to increase the high-speed performance of rolling stock while avoiding investment in tracks, electrical substations, and other facilities as much as possible[9]. Following this plan[9], they moved forward with the development of lightweight, high-performance rolling stock[9], and research and testing were iterated on[11].
The 2100 series introduced in 1954[33] was the realization of a lightweight body[34], and as for the drive system, the 2200 series introduced in the same year[11] implemented a universal joint[11]. On September 11 of the same year, the development of a new limited express train was officially decided[35].
Towards an Odakyu and JNR joint development
[edit]In those days, JNR was also researching high-speed rolling stock[11]. In 1946, Yamamoto's friend Hideo Shima invited Tadanao Miki and Tadashi Matsudaira of the Imperial Navy's Air Technical Arsenal among others to RTRI[36]. They formed the "High-Speed Bogie Vibration Research Society" and carried out research[36]. Researchers who moved from the Air Technical Arsenal to RTRI used aeronautical engineering to study the increasing of train speeds[11]. As for the bogie vibration problem, solutions were being found thanks to Matsudaira's research[37][note 6].
RTRI had been a research institution that performed experiments rather than made developments[40]. However, in September 1949, Seishi Ōtsuka took up his post as the new laboratory head[41]. He encouraged the researchers to research freely and guided them in proactively presenting their findings[40]. He also actively sought outside plans and research initiatives[41].
Following this policy, Miki's research findings presented in September 1953 were as follows. "If streamlined, lightweight, low center of gravity rolling stock is used, a maximum speed of 160 km/h and an average speed of 125 km/h can be achieved even on narrow-gauge tracks. With this Tokyo and Osaka can be connected in 4 hours and 45 minutes[42]." However the assumption at the time was to remove all protuding objects and incorporate them into the body, adopting a completely aerodynamic design[43]. On the other hand, this would also incorporate a 1200 hp electric locomotive in a seven-car push-pull configuration, rather than using distributed power[44].
Their plan received criticism from the main JNR office, with "We should be the ones that think about this[40]," but the Ministry of Transport opposed this, sending out a notice saying: "We'll give you some additional research money so send in an application[10]." So that the Japan Association of Rolling Stock Industries could take on the research they established the Ultrahigh Speed Rolling Stock Committee[10]. In September 1954 after much research they came out with a plan for rolling stock that set a goal of "a 100.9 meter long 7-car articulated train, weighing 113.3 tons, with 8 electric motors each with an output of 110 kW, seats 224, and has a maximum speed of 150 km/h[10]."
Yamamoto took note of this research publication[10]. On October 19, 1954[45] he asked RTRI for engineering guidance on the planning and design [37], saying "I want to make our express train the world standard[40]".
Odakyu and JNR were rivals and competed for ridership numbers between Tokyo and Odawara[46]. Odakyu actually had also opposed JNR 80 series services[47], so this request seemed to just lack common sense[37]. However at that time Shima had resigned from JNR after the Sakuragichō train fire[37] and was in a position to rely on using the influence of his trusted former subordinates[37]. Internally at JNR there was already a project working on high-speed trains[37], but in the large organization there was little appreciation of it[37]. Shima thought that if a private railway were to successfully bring in a high speed train, then JNR would venture into doing it too[37]. Moreover on RTRI's side the thought was that research results could be confirmed if they got on board with Odakyu's idea[11][note 7]. RTRI decided to go all-in on Odakyu's request[40]. Joint development on a new limited express train[11] started on October 25, 1954[45] when they took charge of research for Odakyu[11].
新宿と小田原との間を60分で結ぶことを目指した「画期的な軽量高性能新特急車」として計画された[3]。開発に際して日本国有鉄道(国鉄)の鉄道技術研究所より技術協力が得られた[4] ことから、日本の鉄道車両において初の導入となる新技術がいくつか盛り込まれた[5] 車両であり、それらの中には国鉄の新幹線に発展的に引き継がれた技術も存在する[6]。このため、「新幹線のルーツ」[7] や「超高速鉄道のパイオニア」[8] とも言われている。"Super Express"(略して「SE」)という愛称が設定された[50] が、「SE」という略称には "Super Electric car" という意味も含ませている[6]。
本項においては、本形式3000形は「SE車」、3100形は「NSE車」、7000形は「LSE車」、10000形は「HiSE車」、20000形は「RSE車」、50000形は「VSE車」、60000形は「MSE車」、鉄道省・運輸通信省・運輸省および日本国有鉄道が運営していた国有鉄道事業は「国鉄」、鉄道技術研究所は「研究所」、箱根登山鉄道箱根湯本駅へ乗り入れる特急列車については「箱根特急」と表記する。また、小田急が編成表記の際に「新宿寄り先頭車両の車両番号(新宿方の車号)×両数」という表記を使用している[51] ことに倣い、特定の編成を表記する際には「3011×8」「3021×5」のように表記する。
[edit]東京急行電鉄(大東急)から分離発足した小田急では「新宿と小田原を60分で結ぶ」という将来目標を設定し[9]、軽量・高性能な車両の開発が進められていた[9]。折りしも国鉄の研究所では航空技術を鉄道に応用した[11] 超高速車両の研究が行われていた[10] が、この構想に小田急が着目し、小田急と国鉄の共同開発として開発が開始された[11] 車両である。
当初は8両連接車として登場した[12] が、1968年以降は御殿場線乗り入れのため編成を5両連接車に短縮し[52]、"Short Super Express"(略して「SSE」)とも称されるようになった[15]。1991年に20000形(RSE車)が登場するまで運用され[16]、1992年に全車両が廃車となった[2]。
[edit]1948年6月1日に小田急が大東急から分離発足した際に取締役兼運輸担当として就任した[17]山本利三郎は、学生時代にその存在を知って以来連接車に関心を抱き[18]、スペインで開発された連接車であるタルゴの存在を知ってからは「あれを電車でやれないか」と考えていたという[18]。国鉄東京鉄道局に在籍していた1935年には、業務研究資料で「関節式新電車ニ就イテ」と題する構想を出した[19]。これは、「関節車(連接車)を導入することで騒音・動揺・乗り心地を改善した上で、先頭部を流線形にし、駆動方式も吊り掛け駆動方式から改良して騒音を低減した高速電車を東京と沼津の間で走らせる」という内容であった[20]。この発想は当時の国鉄ではまったく受け入れられなかったが[21]、山本はその後も連接車の導入に関心を持ちつづけ[17]、1948年冬には当時まだ新入社員であった生方良雄とともに[22]、当時既に連接車として運用されていた西日本鉄道500形[2] の構造や保守について視察した[22]。
一方、分離発足後の小田急では、戦争で疲弊した輸送施設の復旧と改善を主目的として[9] 設置された輸送改善委員会が[9]、「新宿と小田原を60分で結ぶ」という将来目標を設定した[9]。この目標値は、戦前に阪和電気鉄道[注 1] が阪和天王寺と東和歌山の間61.2kmを45分で結び[23]、表定速度は81.6km/hに達していたことを意識したもの[23] で、この表定速度であれば、新宿と小田原の間82.8km(当時)は60分で走破できると考えたのである[26]。大阪出身である山本は、日ごろから阪和電気鉄道を引き合いに出していたという[23]。この目標は、単に阪和電気鉄道の記録を破ることを目的にしていたわけではなく[23]、速度向上によって車両の回転率を高めることによって経営効率の向上を図ることも目的としていた[27]。
1954年に登場した2100形[33] では車体の軽量化が実現[34]、駆動方式についても同年に登場した2200形[11] ではカルダン駆動方式が実用化された[11]。また、この年の9月11日には新型特急車両の開発が正式に決定した[35]。
この方針を受けて、1953年9月に三木が発表した研究成果の内容は「軽量で低重心の流線形車両であれば、狭軌においても最高160km/h・平均125km/hで走行が可能で、東京と大阪を4時間45分で結ぶことも可能である」というものであった[42]。ただし、この時の想定では、突起物を全て車体内部に取り込むという徹底的な空力設計を採用[43] する一方で、電車方式(動力分散方式)ではなく1,200馬力の電気機関車牽引による7両編成の客車列車(動力集中方式)とする構想であった[44]。
この構想は、国鉄本社から「これは本社が考えるべきことである」と批判を受けた[40] が、運輸省は逆に「研究補助金を出すので申請するように」と通告した[10]。そこで、日本鉄道車両工業協会で研究を受託するために「超高速車両委員会」が発足した[10]。研究を重ねた後の1954年9月には「全長100.9mの7両連接車、自重113.3t、電動機出力は110kWが8台、定員224名、最高速度は150km/h」を目標にした車両構想が打ち出された[10]。
山本はこの研究発表に着目し[10]、1954年10月19日に[45] 研究所に対して「特急車両として世界的水準を抜くものにしたい」[40] と、新型特急車両の企画・設計全般について技術指導を依頼した[37]。
小田急と国鉄は東京と小田原の間で旅客数を争うライバル関係にあり[46]、現実に国鉄の80系電車運行に対して小田急が反対していた経緯もあるので[47]、この依頼は非常識にさえ見えた[37]。しかし、この当時、島は桜木町事故の後に国鉄を退職していたものの[37]、腹心の部下だった者を通じた影響力を行使できる立場にあった[37]。国鉄内部でも当時既に高速電車の計画はあったが[37]、大組織の国鉄ではなかなか理解が得られなかった[37]。島は「私鉄が導入して成功すれば、国鉄も高速電車の導入に踏み切るだろう」と考えた[37]。また、研究所側でも「小田急の構想に乗ることで研究成果の確認が可能になる」と考えた[11]。研究所では小田急の要請に全面的に応じることとし[40]、1954年10月25日から[45] 研究所が小田急の研究を受託するという形式で[11] 新型特急車両の共同開発が開始された[11]。
[edit]- ^ Now JR West's Hanwa Line and Hagoromo Line.
- ^ This was a record set in November 1933 by the Kuroshio , a Hanwa Electric Railway passenger train that pulled Transportation Ministry cars. It ran as a direct train to Nanki via the Kisei Main Line. It was also set by the superexpress service started in December of the same year. Both had no stops between Hanwa-Tennōji Station and Higashi-Wakayama Station. Kuroshio was discontinued as of the December 1, 1937 timetable revision. The superexpress continued after the merger of Hanwa Electric Railway and Nankai Railway but was discontinued as of the timetable revision of either July 1 or December 1, 1941. It is assumed that the Osaka to Wakayama section in 45 minutes ended with the Hanwa Electric Railway[24][25]. 1933年11月運行開始の、紀勢線に直通する鉄道省制式客車を阪和電気鉄道の電動客車で牽引する南紀直通列車「黒潮号」と、同年12月運行開始の「超特急」での記録。いずれも阪和天王寺 - 東和歌山間ノンストップ運転であった。「黒潮号」は1937年12月1日のダイヤ改正で廃止、「超特急」は1940年12月1日に阪和電気鉄道が南海鉄道へ合併された際にも存続したが、1941年7月1日か同年12月1日のいずれかに実施されたダイヤ改正で廃止となり、この時点で阪和電気鉄道以来の阪和間45分運転は終了したと推定されている[24][25]。
- ^ In particular, this was "Through going from Shinjuku to Odawara in 60 minutes, 1 train set can go from Shinjuku to Hakone-Yumoto and back in 180 minutes. If the Hakone Limited Express were to run every 60 minutes then only 3 train sets would be needed. If Shinjuku to Odawara took more than 60 minutes, 4 train sets would be needed."[28]. 具体的には、「新宿から小田原までを60分で走ることによって、1編成が新宿と箱根湯本の間を往復するのに折り返し時間を含めたとしても180分で済み、箱根特急を60分間隔で運行する場合に必要な車両が3編成で済む。新宿から小田原まで60分以上かかると4編成が必要」というものであった[28]。
- ^ For example, at Hanwa Electric Railway which the Transport Improvement Committee set as a benchmark. Besides laying down imported 100 lb rails (equivalent to 50 kg/m rails) and installing sufficient transformer substations and overhead wires, 4 motors each rated for a continuous hourly output of 149 kW (200 PS) were installed. This made for an unloaded weight of 53 tons (this is the weight as measured by the manufacturer of the main MoTa 300 series configuration of 3 doors with bench-style seats[30]; the nominal unloaded weight was 47 - 48.56 tons) making the aforementioned record-setting train run with super-heavyweight class rolling stock. In addition, consider Shinkeihan Railway , the model for Hanwa Electric Railway. Even considering the different track gauge but with similar rolling stock and facilities, they ran a superexpress from Tenjimbashi to Keihan-Kyoto covering 42.4 km in 34 minutes (at a scheduled speed of 74.8 km/h). Still, the weight difference between Odakyu's rolling stock and the heavyweight trains these Kansai private railways used was more than 10 tons, and the difference in power output reached 300 horsepower[30]. 例えば、輸送改善委員会が目標として想定した阪和電気鉄道は、輸入品の100ポンドレール(50kg/mレール相当)を敷設し、十分な容量の変電所施設や架線設備を用意した上で、1時間定格出力149kW(200PS)級電動機を4基ずつ装架する自重53t(基幹形式となる3扉ロングシート車であるモタ300形のメーカー実測値[31]。公称自重は47t - 48.56t)の超重量級車両を走らせて前述の記録を達成していた。また、阪和電気鉄道のモデルとなった新京阪鉄道も、軌間こそ異なるものの同様の車両・施設で、天神橋 - 京阪京都間42.4kmを34分で走破する(表定速度74.8km/h)超特急を同時期に運行していた。なお、同時代における小田急の車両とこれら関西私鉄で用いられていた重量級電車の重量差は公称値でも10t以上、電動車の出力差は約300馬力に達した[31]。
- ^ If the 1800 was driven fast, it would pull out the rail spikes[32]. 1800形で速度を上げて飛ばしたら、線路の犬釘が抜けてしまったこともあったという[32]。
- ^ However, at first the dyed-in-the-wool researchers at RTRI entirely rejected them, only furnishing them a research laboratory not unlike a shed[38][39]. しかし、当初は研究所生え抜きの研究者からことごとく否定され、倉庫のような研究室しかあてがわれていなかった[38][39]。
- ^ Akira Hoshi , who was Shima's subordinate, has said this about the project: "This is kind of rude, but it seems like Shima used Yamamoto's idea[48]." On the other hand Yamamoto said at a exhibition in June 1957 concerning gaining support from RTRI: "We figured that JNR would also benefit from the research in the future[49]." 島の部下だった星晃は「言葉は悪いが、島は山本の構想を利用したのではないか」と述べている[48] が、一方の山本は、1957年6月に行われた展示会での談話の中で、研究所の支援を受けられたことについて「将来国鉄でも役立つとの考えからであったと思う」と述べている[49]。
Inline References
[edit]- ^ a b "Japan's Private Railways 5 - Odakyu" (1981 version) p.17
- ^ a b c d e f g "Japan Railfan Magazine" volume 386 p.67
- ^ a b "Japan's Private Railways 5 - Odakyu" (1981 version) pp.114-115
- ^ a b "Japan's Private Railways 5 - Odakyu" (1981 version) p.115
- ^ a b "Japan's Private Railways 5 - Odakyu" (1981 version) p.20
- ^ a b c d "Odakyu: 60 Years of Railcars and Stations" p.88
- ^ a b "Japan Railfan Magazine" volume 375 p.96
- ^ a b "Japan Railfan Magazine" volume 375 p.97
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t "The Railway Pictorial" volume 491 p.16
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j "From the Zero to the Dream Superexpress" p.68
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t "The Railway Pictorial" volume 546 p.82
- ^ a b c d "Private Railway Rolling Stock #2: Odakyu" p.24
- ^ a b "Blue Ribbon Award '88" p.97
- ^ a b c d e f "Japan's Private Railways 5 - Odakyu" (1981 version) p.116
- ^ a b "Japan's Private Railways 5 - Odakyu" (1981 version) p.21
- ^ a b "The Railway Pictorial" volume 546 p.191
- ^ a b c d "Japan Railfan Magazine" volume 386 p.68
- ^ a b c d "From the Zero to the Dream Superexpress" p.137
- ^ a b "日本の電車物語 新性能電車編" p.167
- ^ a b "日本の電車物語 新性能電車編" p.167-168
- ^ a b "日本の電車物語 新性能電車編" p.168
- ^ a b c d "Japan Railfan Magazine" volume 386 p.69
- ^ a b c d e f g h "From the Zero to the Dream Superexpress" p.20
- ^ a b "The Railway Pictorial" volume 488 pp.41-43
- ^ a b "The Journal of Railway History" volume 108 pp.54-59
- ^ a b "From the Zero to the Dream Superexpress" p.21
- ^ a b "From the Zero to the Dream Superexpress" p.23
- ^ a b "From the Zero to the Dream Superexpress" p.22
- ^ a b "Project X" p.20
- ^ a b "Japan Rolling Stock Product Guide 1928" pp.17,37,58・"Japan Rolling Stock Product Guide 1930" pp.67-68
- ^ a b Cite error: The named reference
was invoked but never defined (see the help page). - ^ a b c d "The Railway Pictorial Archives 1" p.13
- ^ a b "From the Zero to the Dream Superexpress" p.130
- ^ a b "From the Zero to the Dream Superexpress" pp.130-131
- ^ a b "The Railway Pictorial Archives 1" p.65
- ^ a b c d "The Man Who Built the Shinkansen - The Hideo Shima Story" p.91
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p "The Man Who Built the Shinkansen - The Hideo Shima Story" p.159
- ^ a b "Project X" comic version p.17
- ^ a b "Project X" comic version p.36
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j "Japan Railfan Magazine" volume 375 p.92
- ^ a b c d "From the Zero to the Dream Superexpress" p.67
- ^ a b "The Man Who Built the Shinkansen - The Hideo Shima Story" p.158
- ^ a b "From the Zero to the Dream Superexpress" p.66
- ^ a b "The Man Who Built the Shinkansen - The Hideo Shima Story" pp.158-159
- ^ a b c d "The Story of Odakyu's Romancecar" p.140
- ^ a b "The Man Who Built the Shinkansen - The Hideo Shima Story" p.154
- ^ a b "From the Zero to the Dream Superexpress" p.73
- ^ a b "From the Zero to the Dream Superexpress" p.135
- ^ a b "The Railway Pictorial Archives 1" p.118
- ^ "The Railway Pictorial" volume 546 p.86
- ^ "鉄道ダイヤ情報" volume 145 p.15
- ^ "Private Railway Rolling Stock #2: Odakyu" p.28
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