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User:CitiField2010/Sacred Heart School (Merrick, New York)

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Sacred Heart School (Merrick) Sacred Heart School was formed in 1959 by the nuns of St. Joesph. as stated in their mission statement. There Convent was formed in 1929 and there Old Church in 1953, and Now there new Church that was opened on October 3rd, 2009 with a celebration with the Bishop of Nassau County.

Opening of the Convent

In 1955, the First convent was established out of an two old Construction trailers. In 1966, Construction of new Rectory - 1921 Old Mill Road. In 1968, the First Parish Council formed. In 1973, the Apostolate for the aging (later known as Parish Outreach) ministry is formed. In 1973, the Marriage Program and Handicapped Program are started. In 1995,1997,and 1999, the Parish pilgrimages to the Holy Land (Jerusalem). In 1996, SACRED HEART BECOMES A STEWARDSHIP PARISH. In 1998-2000, the New ministries — Caring Hands, Consolation Ministry, Marriage Preparation, and Baptism Preparation take on a new look. In 1999, Reorganization takes place – the Rectory becomes Convent, the house on Old Mill Road becomes rectory, the old convent becomes the Parish Center. One Sister of St. Joseph, one Sister of Mercy, and two Sisters of St. Dominic are installed as Pastoral Associates.

Opening of the Old Church

On June 15th, 1952, Father Jeremiah Reilly appointed pastor by Bishop Thomas P. Molloy - assigned to start a parish in North Merrick. Fr. Reilly named the parish Sacred Heart under whose patronage he had been ordained a priest. In December of 1952 Title was taken to “710 Merrick Avenue”. Bulldozers began clearing the land. On March 3, 1953, Father Reilly moves into first rectory. March 6, 1953 First Mass celebrated in rectory dining room. In 1953, the Religious Education program started. In April of 1953, the First sick call was made. On June 12, 1953, First Mass celebrated in the “church under construction” for the feast of the Sacred Heart. In July of 1953, the First baptism was performed. In August of 1953, the First marriage was celebrated. On November 29, 1953 Sacred Heart Church dedicated by Bishop Thomas P. Molloy. In April, 1954, the Adult choir sings at the first Easter Mass. On June 12, 1954, the First celebration of First Communion. In October of 1954, Investiture of first altar servers. On June 7, 1955, the First celebration of Confirmation. In July of 1958, Property transferred from diocese of Brooklyn to newly created diocese of Rockville Centre.

In 1966, Father Daniel Martin is appointed pastor. In 1969, Father Alfred Casola is appointed pastor. In 1971, the New Weekly Bulletin is started. In 1972, the Church Logo is created by a parishioner.In 1973,the Investitures of the First Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion. In 1973, the Monthly Bulletin called “The Messenger” is debuted. In 1976, the New Rite of Reconciliation is introduced. In , the PARISH SILVER JUBILEE CELEBRATION happens with the theme STEWARDSHIP-SERVICE-SACRIFICE. In 1979, Father Harold Langley is appointed pastor.

In 1983, the Bell Tower is dedicated in a large ceremony during Mass. In 1992, Father Thomas Gallagher is appointed Administrator. In 1993, Father Thomas Gallagher appointed pastor. In 1998, the Sisters of St. Joseph honor Sacred Heart Parish. In 2000, Sacred Heart Parish joins the UNIVERSAL CHURCH in CELEBRATING THE JUBILEE YEAR. In 2002, SACRED HEART CELEBRATES 50th JUBILEE with the theme:“ We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe”. In 2003, Sacred Heart becomes a one-priest parish. In early summer of 2008 they started to tear down the Old Church to make room for parking for the New Church. In late November The windows and insides were gone, and by late December of 2008 The actual structure was falling apart. In Early February of 2009 the last Pieces were pulled down.

Opening of the School

In September of 1957, Sacred Heart School opens in the former “Grove and Grill” for 7th and 8th graders. In April of 1961, Classes moved to the new school. On June 10, 1961, Dedication of the new school. On June 19, 1961, Sacred Heart School graduates the first class. In 1978, the Parish production of “Sound of Music” is produced. In 1980, the Parish production of “South Pacific” is produced. In 1998, Sacred Heart youth join World Youth Day in Denver, Colorado. In 2000, Sacred Heart youth join World Youth Day in Rome, Italy. On June 18, 2008, When it was Awards Day in School, Mrs. Regina Platt (The Social Studies teacher) was giving away awards for the Grade 5 NY State Test, and Dylan Sandas was awarded the Highest Grade in the Nation. It was the first time that had ever happened in the 51 year History of the school. In Late 2008 Fr. Joe DeAngelo, the Chaplin of the Garden City Fire Department, became the Pastoral Victor. In Late 2009-January 2010 The Old Spare Church and Auditorium in the School was turned into the new Gym.

Opening of the New Church

The New Church idea was brought fourth in 1998 during a meeting with Current Pastor Father Gallagher. In 2001, the Plans for a new church and Golden Jubilee of Sacred Heart begin progress. And Ground Breaking of the New Church began on May 30th, 2008. The ceremony ended with them placing a Wooden Cross in the ground. On November 20th, 2008, any Parishoners who wanted to,could put a stone that they could decorate into a trash bin, and that trash bin was lowered into the foundation and can be seen and represented by a gold plate in the Main Lobby of the Church. Included with a excerpt from the Book of Psalms. In early to Mid December of 2008 the first steel was erected. And on February 8, 2009 all steel was erected. And in Mid April of 2009 the walls began to rise on the steel frame. and on May 13, 2009 the Windows were put in. On June 14, 2009 the Bell Tower Arrived and was installed. In Late June 2009 the Tan color paint was added. In August of 2009, all outside was complete, and electricity and pluming was started. In early September all wood finishing was complete. And on September 28, 2009, the Pews were installed. And on October 3, 2009 the Church opened in a grand ceremony. The School's 50th Anniversary Mass was celebrated in the New Church on October 24, 2009. It was the Church's first ever celebration.

Some artifacts that were brought over from the Old Church was, The Stain-glass windows depicting the Stations of the Cross. The man who put them in the Old Church in 1952, put them back in, in 2009. The Pulpit and the Gospel reading pews that were brought over and re-died to get a better wood finish. The Old Tabernacle which is situated in the Middle of the Altar. Outside the old Bell Tower which was refurbished for a extensive 2 year period. And they were also given a Old Cross which was taken from a Old Church in Brooklyn, dated from about 1957. And also outside is the Old Jesus statue and below that is the old Cobblestone from the Old Church that read "1953". The altar table was brought over. The Priest Chair and Altar-Server Benches were brought over as well as eight white curly-cue supporters with a red Heart on them, because they used to support the roof of the Old Church.

There are Two New Stain-Glass Windows. One of them is above the Altar. and the other on is in the Front of the Church. The One behind the altar table is colored in all different colors and shows Jesus holding a Bible in one hand and Preaching with the other. The other Stain-Glass window show a white dove (a Symbol of Peace) and next to it are two badges with numbers. One is the Firemen and One is the Police Men of New York City that died in the attacks on the World Trade Center. And it faces West, because the Trade Center Attacks happened in the West. Also there are two dates below this and they read "9/11/01" (WTC, Pentagon, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania attacks). And "4/18/08" (When the Pope went to Ground Zero in his visit of the City). Along with an excerpt from the Pope's Speech. and in between the Sept. 11th Attacks date and the Pope's visit date is a Steel Cross with a cloth wrapped around it.

