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Feminist pornography refers to a genre of film developed by and/or for women. It was created for the purposes of encouraging women and their self-beliefs of freedom through sexuality equality and pleasure [1] . Pornography first emerged during around the 1970’s to the mid-1900th century [2] ; [3]. During the third wave of feminist movements also around the mid 1900th century; women were open to seeking freedom and rights of sexual equality through entering the adult entertainment workforce [2] . The second wave feminists unlike the third had a solidified belief in their own definitions of right and wrong causing many struggles between these two radically different feminist views [4] . Consequentially pornography still currently exists but through denoting negative connotations towards women in pornographic film production [4] .

Women in the industry


Recent study, “Why Become a Pornography Actress” analysis’ female actresses and their reasons for choosing the occupation; two of which, being the top reasons, were money and sex [5]. This field of work gave women a convenient opportunity to earn their own money and still have the extra down time [5]. Others used it as a way of exploring their own sexually as means of enjoyment and pleasure (p 170-171). Despite social stereotypes of on-screen adult actresses, these women merely see it as opportunity to better their own quality of life [6]. But despite all this, women in this study also express their concerns that come with their choices; many of which may be unprofessionalism of their business agents or producers in the industries or the general stigma attached to the job when in public [7].

Rise of Feminist Pornography


Feminist pornography is less likely to be filmed due to the high supply and demand of the audience, which a majority of the viewers tend to be male [8]. The scope of the adult entertainment industry relies on the majority of their viewers therefore sculpting the needs from female actresses to be young and overtly sexualized [9]. The increase in this mainstream mass produced media puts both actresses and producers of feminist pornography at a disadvantage [10]. But with the rise of on-screen appropriations such as items like a strap-on used by and for the pleasure of females during sexual intercourse has granted more agency for women within the industry [11]. Annie Sprinkle is an example of a woman that chooses to partake in many forms of feminist pornography in order to counter-appropriate patriarchal mainstream pornography (p 869). In films with Sprinkle, the public is shown scenes of her having orgasms instead of her male on-screen partners [12].







  1. ^ Hall 2010, pp. 255.
  2. ^ a b Hall 2010, pp. 256.
  3. ^ Ciclitira 2004, pp. 282.
  4. ^ a b Hall 2010, pp. 257.
  5. ^ a b Griffith et al. 2012, pp. 170.
  6. ^ Griffith et al. 2012, pp. 178.
  7. ^ Griffith et al. 2012, pp. 179.
  8. ^ Ciclitira 2004, pp. 297.
  9. ^ Corsianos 2007, pp. 867.
  10. ^ Ciclitira 2004, pp. 295–297.
  11. ^ Corsianos 2007, pp. 873.
  12. ^ Corsianos 2007, pp. 869.
  13. ^ Corsianos, M. (2007). Mainstream Pornography and “Women”: Questioning Sexual Agency. Critical Sociology, 33. Retrieved from http://simplelink.library.utoronto.ca/url.cfm/357313
  14. ^ Ciclitira, K. (2004). Pornography, Women and Feminism: Between Pleasure and Politics. Sexualities, 7. Retrieved from http://journals1.scholarsportal.info.myaccess.library.utoronto.ca/details-sfx.xqy?uri=/13634607/v07i0003/281_pwafbpap.xml
  15. ^ Griffith, D. J., Adams, T. L., Hart, L. C., & Mitchell, S. (2012). Why Become a Pornography Actress?. International Journal of Sexual Health, 24. Retrieved from http://journals2.scholarsportal.info.myaccess.library.utoronto.ca/tmp/15913196862266455175.pdf
  16. ^ Hall, R. C. (2010). Third Wave Feminism and the Defense of “Choice”. Symposium, 8. Retrieved from http://journals2.scholarsportal.info.myaccess.library.utoronto.ca/details-sfx.xqy?uri=/15375927/v08i0001/255_tfatdo.xml