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Literature Review




Voting is one of the most imparative rights that we have as citizens of the United States. Voting is a way for our voices to be heard and is also an our duty as americans.Over the course of history voting rights have been extended in the United States so that every citizen was represented equally. In the united states voting is voluntary. However In many other countries who practice voting it is compulsory for a cizten to vote. For example in Brazil a country that has compulsory voting system which forces it's citzens to vote in elections or participate. Futhermore if that citzen refuses to vote he or she is fined or is enforced to do community service also refusing to pay the fine or complete community service could result in imprisonment. On the contrary in the United States we have rights in our consitution that protects us from such laws.Voting rights was always given to white males but as for women and colored people it was a hard earned right. When it comes to election the voting turnouts varies alot on who voted and who didn't. Ever since the suffrage movement of 1920 women have utimately been practicing their right to vote. According to Linda Lowen a journalist did an article on Who's more likey to vote Men or Women? Based on the results she gives, ever since the 1980's the number of adult women who voted equalled or exceed the number of adult men who voted. Voting turnouts are influenced by many factors such as gender, income, education, partianship, religion, race and so forth.



As I stated in my previous paragraph "Voting turnouts are influenced by many factors". I would like to examine in my literature review some of these factors and utimately attribute them to my research proposal which is the voting turnout of Somali Americans. Generally I wish to see what factors undoubtly influence whether a Somali American votes or not. Since I am apart of the greater Somali community this research is of great interest to me. As far as research done by other scholars on the topic of Somali American voting turnout there isn't much information I could use in my literature review. However I will use simialr topics and articles based on voting turnouts and hopefully attribute my sources into my research.I will look to see in my research of Somali Americans any simalarities or differences in voting turnout compared with the greater community. One of the man factors I want to focus on in this reveiw is to see what role relgion has on voter turnout ratio.