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Margaret Heavey was a highly respected professor held in great affection by generations of her students. Apart from being a professor, she is also known to be a prolific publisher. Her academic output was small but impressive, and mainly comprised some readily appreciated translations of Latin and Greek into Irish of College text-books (Rynne, 1980), such as Greek Grammar for Schools, Greek Prose Composition, Latin Prose Composition. Also, she published an Irish-language commentary on book II of Caesar's Gallic War (1940). In addition to these textbooks, she is also the publisher of the following books: Bun-Chúrsa Ceapadóireachta Gréigise (1941), Graiméra Gréigise, 2 vols (1942), Prós-cheapadóireacht laidne. i. Bradley's Arnold (1947) (NUI, 2018).

Besides, Professor Heavey was a first-class scholar not only in Latin and Greek but also in Irish. [1]She provided Irish translations of standard classical textbooks such as her translations of Sonnenschein’s “Greek Grammar”, North and Hilliard’s Greek Prose Composition”, and Bradley’s “Arnold”. As [2] the Irish Times illustrated that “In her lifetime, she must have written thousands of letters, and each one had some unique individual and personal touch”. Margaret Heavey’s essential feature of her character can be found in her letter. [3]Her extraordinary generosity was reflected also in her establishment of “The Athenry Prizes”, which was a foundation for the encouragement of classical studies in University College, Galway. The Prizes is also known as “Duaiseanna Ath na Riogh ins na Classaici”/”The Athenry Prizes in the Classics”.She also referred to them as “Praemia Athenriensia – Studiis Fovendis Classicis”.Professor Heavey instituted these Prizes “ ina gcomhartha buiochais uaim do mhuintir mo cheantair dhuchais a thug tus an leinn chlasaicigh dhom fado, fado, agus go mor mhor don Alma Mater Galveiensis seo againne a d’fhailtigh romham isteach im oige and a bhronn orm a bheith istigh im sheanaois.[4]

[5]Beyond academic life, Margaret Heavey authored a number of religious pamphlets. She published “A little book of plenary indulgences” in 1939 and “Indulgenced prayers and devotions in honur of Jesus crucified” in 1941.[6]

  1. ^ "Margaret Heavey Memorial Lectures". NUI Galway. NUI Galway. Retrieved 19 November 2018.
  2. ^ Heavey, Margaret. "Professor Margaret Heavey: An Appreciation (1980)". ProQuest. The Irish Times (1921-Current File). Retrieved 19 November 2018.
  3. ^ Gerry, A. "An tOllamh Mairéad Ní Éimhigh-Professor Margaret Heavey". Our Irish Heritage. Our Irish Heritage. Retrieved 20 November 2018.
  4. ^ Rynne, E. "Professor Margaret Heavey". Athenry Parish Heritage Archieve. Athenry Parish Heritage. Retrieved 19 November 2018.
  5. ^ Reilly, N. "Path Breaking Women of NUI Galway: 1912-1922 and beyond". NUI Galway. NUI Galway. Retrieved 22 November 2018.
  6. ^ "National Library of Ireland Catalogue". National Library of Ireland. National Library of Ireland Catalogue. Retrieved 19 November 2018.