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David P. Chassin


Grid Integration Systems and Mobility, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University, Menlo Park, California (USA).

David Chassin is a chief scientist and group manager in the Grid Integration Systems and Mobility (GISMo) group at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, which is operated by Stanford University. He leads research and development activities in renewable energy and grid integration systems. Before joining SLAC, he was a staff scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) where he worked since 1992. He led the development of building energy modeling, control and diagnostic systems, including Softdesk Energy and DOE's Whole Building Diagnostician. He designed the Olympic Peninsula and Northeast Columbus retail real-time pricing systems. He managed the development of GridLAB-D™, an open source smart grid simulation built by PNNL for the US Department of Energy. He was a member of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council's (WECC) Market Integration Committee and the North American Electricity Reliability Council (NERC) Load Forecasting Work Group. He contributes to the NERC Load Modeling Task Force development of the composite load model data for North American utilities and reliability coordinators. His current research is focused on the control and dispatch of fast-acting demand response, retail real-time demand dispatch using prices, and transactive control theory. He has been awarded 21 US patents in building energy system diagnostics, grid-friendly appliance controls and transactive control systems and has published over 100 articles, papers and technical reports.

Career Highlights

  • Principal Investigator, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory: OpenFIDO, HiPAS GridLAB-D, Advanced Load Modeling (2018-present), and Transactive Energy Services System (2019-present).
  • Manager, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory: Control of Complex Systems Initiative (2013-2014)
  • System Architect, PNNL: AEP gridSMART RTPda Real-time Retail Double Auction Market (2010-2013)
  • Member, Western Electric Coordinating Council: Load Modeling Task Force (2008-2018)
  • Manager, PNNL: Power Systems Engineering Team (2008-2012)
  • System Architect, PNNL: Olympic Peninsula Real-time Retail Double Auction Market (2005-2007)
  • Principal Investigator, PNNL: PDSS (2003-2007) and GridLAB-D (2007-2013)
  • Inventor, PNNL: Transactive Control (2002-2004)
  • Inventor, PNNL: Grid Friendly Appliance Controller (2002)
  • Inventor, PNNL: Rooftop Package Unit Diagnostician (2001)
  • Inventor, PNNL: Whole Building Energy Diagnostician (1999)
  • Manager, PNNL: Building Sciences Group (1996-1999)
  • System Architect, PNNL: Softdesk Energy (1992-1995)
  • Inventor, Image Systems Technology: CAD Overlay (1988-1992)

Employment History

  • Group Manager, Grid Integration Systems and Mobility, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA 94025 (Staff Scientist 2016-2019, Chief Scientist 2019-present, Group Manager 2020-present)
  • Precourt Energy Scholar, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 (2016-2017)
  • Research Associate, Institute for Integrated Energy Systems, University of Victoria Victoria, BC CANADA (2013-2016)
  • Staff Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA 99352 (Research Scientist 1992-1995, Technical Group Manager 1996-1999, Staff Scientist 2000-2016, Team Leader 2005-2008, Initiative Manager 2013-2014)
  • Vice-President, Image Systems Technology, Troy, NY 12180 (1988-1992)
  • Instructor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY 12180 (1988-1992)
  • Research Assistant, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY 12180 (1985-1987)





See Google Scholar, Web of Science, Orcid, ResearchGate

Patents: See US Patent and Trademark Office

Professional Organizations

  • IEEE (M'2003, SM'2005): Power Engineering Society, Computer Society, Control Society


  • Language fluency: English, French
  • Erdős number: 4
    1. Erdős, Paul; Shapiro, Harold S.; Shields, A.L. "Large and small subspaces of Hilbert space," Mich. Math. J. 12, 169-178 (1965).
    2. Blondel, Vincent D.; Rupp, Rudolf; Shapiro, Harold S. "On zero and one points of analytic functions," Complex Variables, Theory Appl. 28, No.2, 189-192 (1995).
    3. Stoustrup, Jakob; Blondel, Vincent D. "Fault Tolerant Control: A Simultaneous Stabilization Result," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 49, No. 2, 305-310 (2004).
    4. Chassin, David P.; Stoustrup, Jakob; Agathoklis, Panajotis; Djilali, Nedjib. "A new thermostat for real-time price demand response: Cost, comfort and energy impacts of discrete-time control without deadband," Applied Energy, Volume 155, (2015).