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User:Charlotte Jernigan

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Charlotte Jernigan, AP–NAMA Certified Radical Remission Instructor Registered Ayurveda Practitioner

Charlotte is certified to lead workshops in “Radical Remission” the whole health and peak-immunity focused curriculum of Dr, Kelly Turner, PhD. She has practiced for more than 20 years as an herbalist, nutritionist and Registered Ayurveda Practitioner (North American Ayurveda Medical Association.) She completed her Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and was Lead Instructor for Ayurveda Cuisine and Nutrition at the Natural Epicurean. She teaches and does private whole health and life-choices consultations with Radical Remission, nutrition, Ayurveda and Jyotish.

Charlotte is an advanced-circle member with her Jyotish teacher, the renowned Hart de Fouw, including study of Vedic astrology, hand marking analysis, Sanskrit and Vedic architecture which are sister sciences of Ayurveda.

Charlotte, has a BA in Botany from the University of Texas at Austin with post graduate studies focused in whole food nutrition and alternative medicine. She has been a registered practitioner with NAMA (North American Ayurveda Medical Association) since the organization’s inception. She completed her post-graduate education in Ayurveda, Sanskrit, Hand-Marking-Analysis, Jyotish, Yoga and Pranayama at the Ayurvedic Institute of New Mexico, Mount Madonna Center of California and India. This education includes practicums and clinical observation with Dr. Vasant Lad and others since 1991. She completed intensive clinical studies in India with Dr. Lad (Pune), Dr. Sunil Joshi (Nagpur) and the professors of Benares Hindu University (Rishikesh.) She has been teaching and doing consultations since 1998.

Jyotish & Hasta Samudrika (Vedic Astrology and Vedic Hand Marking Analysis): Beginning in 1994, her principal teacher has been Hart deFouw, an authentic and renowned teacher. From 2008-2012, she completed advanced studies with Mr. DeFouw for inner-circle students. She studied Medical Astrology with Dr. K. S. Charak, Chief Surgeon, Indira Gandhi Hospital, Delhi, India. She has been doing readings since 1998.

Sanskrit: In addition to the above specialty subjects she has many hours of Sanskrit study, the original-text language for many of the above specialties. 13:58, 18 December 2019 (UTC)Charlotte Jernigan (talk) Charlotte Jernigan, AP-NAMA Whole Health, Whole Life