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User:Charles Matthews/Ethnological Society

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Table (1867)

Name Comment
William Adams[disambiguation needed]
Alexander Muirhead Aitken
Rutherford Alcock
W. A. Tyssen Amhurst
Sir William Armstrong
William Arthur[disambiguation needed]
W. H. Ashurst Might be William Henry Ashurst (solicitor) (1819–1879); William Henry Ashurst (radical) was his father (ODNB).
Henry Ashworth
Walter Bagehot
John Baker[disambiguation needed]
Samuel Baker
George Balfour
John Stothert Bartrum Surgeon at Bath.
L. J. Beale Lionel John Beale (1796-1871), surgeon.
John Beddoe
William Blackmore
Henry G. Bohn
John Bowring
Charles Holt Bracebridge Charles Holte Bracebridge (1799-1872) was a miscellaneous writer.[2] He and his wife Stella were friends of Florence Nightingale.
Thomas Braddle
John Briggs
Luke Burke
Richard Francis Burton
George Busk ODNB
Captain Cameron
Archibald Campbell
George Campbell[disambiguation needed]
William Camps
Frederick Stanley Carpenter
William Charlton William Henry Charlton of Hesleyside (1814-1880), miscellaneous writer.[3]
James Clark[disambiguation needed]
Hyde Clarke
William Aloysius Clavering
Sir William Clay, 1st Baronet
Thomas Edward Colebrooke
J. Sherrard Coleman
W. W. Collins
Lord Colonsay
George Ford Copeland
Tullie Cornthwaite
John Crawfurd
W. J. Crichton
T. F. Dillon Croker
Richard Cull
R. Cunliffe
Justice Cursetjee
G. Cutler
Naoroji Dadabhai
Joseph Barnard Davis
John Francis Davis
Earl De Grey and Ripon
Duke of Devonshire
John Dickenson, Jr.
John Dickinson
Cornelius Donovan
William Duckworth
Robert Dunn (surgeon) ODNB
J. W. Eastwood
William Erle
William Euing
John Evans (archaeologist)
W. Fairbairn
Frederick Royston Fairbank
F. W. Farrar
Richard Fort
R. N. Fowler
C. Fox
Augustus Lane Fox
Augustus Wollaston Franks
Thomas Fraser
Albert Fytche
Douglas Galton
Francis Galton
E. V. Gardner Edward V. Gardner, Professor of Chemistry (1872-?) at the Royal Polytechnic Institution.
Peter Gardner
John Peter Gassiot FRS
William Gillespie
Richard Thomas Gore
W. R. Greg
Henry Grey
George Grey
James Guthrie
Archibald Hamilton
Rowland Hamilton
John Harvey
Robert Henderson
Robert Hepburn
James Hepburn
James Heywood (philanthropist) FRS
Frederick Hindmarsh
Kirkman Daniel Hodgson
John Camden Hotten
H. H. Howorth
John Hunt
H. A. Husband
Thomas J. Hutchinson
Thomas Huxley
F. H. Janson
Maharajah of Johore
R. Hartley Kennedy
Richard King (traveller)
Samuel Laing
Andrew Lan
J. Langlands
Edward Lawford
Arthur Lennox
Malcolm Lewin
Horatio Love
John Lubbock
James McClelland ? John Mclellan
John Frederick McNair
John Gray Macfarlan
S. J. Mackie
Daniel Mackintosh
Andrew Maclure
W. F. Malcolm
Robert James Mann
Clements R. Markham
Matthew Marsh
George Maw
P. Benson Maxwell
Joseph Mayer
W. F. Mayers
John S. Mayson
Joseph Milligan
Viscount Milton
Alexander Mitchell
Robert Mortimer Montgomery
F. Mouat
J. Mair
Roderick Impey Murchison
John Murray
William Napier
William Donald Napier
Davyd Nash Presumably David (Dafyd) William Nash, barrister and author. Secretary of the ESL after Francis Galton.
J. Dyce Nicol
Charles Nicholson
Brinsley Nicholson
Laurence Oliphant
Sherard Osborn
Harry Parkes
Francisco E. Pereira
Gerald Raoul Perry
H. W. Petherick
Arthur Phayre
W. H. Pope
J. J. Postlethwaite
Thomas Prendergast
David S. Price
Alfred Pulford
A. Giles Puller
S. E. B. Bouverie Pusey Sidney Edward Bouverie Bouverie-Pusey (1839-1911). The son of Philip Pusey.[4] He was author of Permanence and evolution: an inquiry into the supposed mutability of animal types (1882),[5] "an amusing and dashing little work by an anti-Darwinian champion of some originality".[6]
G. Dalhousie Ramsay
John Ramsay
Charles Ratcliff
W. H. Read
Lestock Reid
Francis Richardson
C. Robert de Ruffières
A. Roberts
T. Valentine Robins
G. A. Robinson
George Rogers
Hyacinthe Rónay
H. C. Rowcroft
Edward Ryan
Alfred Sadler
David Salomons
John Scott
Thomas Scott
John Scouler
W. Wardrop Shaw
Earl of Sheffield
Henry Danby Seymour
Justin Shiel
John Shortt
Charles Lionel Showers
W. H. Simpson
Bath Charles Smart
John Smith
W. Parker Snow
William Somervell
William Spottiswoode FRS
George St. Clair
Spencer St. John
W. E. Stanbridge
William Frederick Cowell Stepney William Frederick Cowell Stepney (1820-1872), socialist. Eldest son of Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Cowell Stepney, Bart.[7]
N. H. Stevens
Alexander Patrick Stewart
Viscount Strangford
Richard Levinge Swift Richard Levinge Swift (1821-1872), English barrister and diplomat. He was Consul at Oporto before being appointed Consul to Barcelona in 1867.[8]In 1868 he was appointed Consul at Brest.[9]
Lord Talbot de Malahide
James Tanner
Richard Temple
John Tennant
John Thomson See [1].
John Thrupp ODNB
Edward Thurlow
John Thurnam
Samuel Timmins
T. Harington Tuke Thomas Harrington Tuke (1826-1888), doctor to the insane.[10] Tuke published several pamphlets.[11]
Edward Burnet Tylor
John Ussher
George Vaughan
Thomas Frances Wade
J. S. Walker
T. Walker
Alfred Russel Wallace
Edward Warner
J. Warren
Andrew Scott Waugh
Reginald Sackville West
James Whishaw James Whishaw (1808-1879) of Gray's Inn, legal writer.[12]
Henry Drummond Wolff
Samuel Wood
Robert Carr Woods Robert Carr Woods (1816–1875), known as Robin, the first editor of The Straits Times.[13]
Thomas Wright (antiquarian)



