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The Origin of The Term


The term "Dek-Siw" is a new Thai word originally formed from two words; The word "Dek" is a Thai word "เด็ก" that is written phonetically into an English letter so it is readable for English users, which is defined as "a child". On the other hand, the word "Siw" is derived from the English word "Fossil" which is shortened to "sil", but when it is being spoken in a Thai accent, it is pronounced as "siw" instead. As for the context, the two-formed words are used as one to describe a student who graduated high school but has not yet entered university. The reason for this act might vary:

  • Some of them might want to spend more time studying or revising the topics for the O-NET (Ordinary National Educational Test), GAT (General Aptitude Test), PAT (Professional Aptitude Test), and any other required tests that universities asked students to take for the scores; to achieve its requirement, either its a self-preparation or going to cram school.
  • Some may want to take a gap year to discover themselves or take a break, which can either be going on trips or work-and-travels.

And in some of the many cases, the students might already enter the freshmen year but might not be satisfied with the faculty or university of their choosing; this can lead them to transfer their grades or to just start their freshmen year again in different a faculty or university. Some students got expelled due to grades not meeting the qualification to continue, so they retake the required test to re-enter the university.

These are the cases why "Dek-Siw" are commonly used term to describe these students because as is said before; the word "Siw" comes from the word "fossil", which its meaning can be used as a simile to describe something in which went through time or getting old. This is why some people may question if what they are planning to do is worthwhile or just a pure waste of time.

Education in Thailand


Brief History on How the System Works


Education in Thailand is compulsory until grade 9th; it is divided into three levels: pre-primary, primary, and secondary where they are all free if the school is under the government or not special program. Pre-primary includes two years of kindergarten(3-4 years-old) and one year of pre-school studies (five-year-old). At the age of six is where primary education begins, which lasts for 6 years known as "Prathom". For secondary education (known as "Mattayom"), it is divided into two-section which is the lower secondary (7th grade to 9th grade) and higher secondary (10th grade to 12th grade); which the higher secondary and above is not compulsory and is divided into general and vocational tracks.

Problem In Thai Education System


When talking about the Thai Education System, it can't be denied that it's in serious trouble; because instead of concentrating in class, some of the students would rather go to cram schools where they teach things that are on the test. The number of subjects that the students have to take can be too much for a brain to take in a day; while the time might be limited. The numbers of students in a class are too excessive, which can bear up to 55 students per class. And the funding is put into more activities on the campus but not on the actual education of the students.

When going to school, it is expected that students would gain knowledge. However, it's very ideal for students to lose touch with the purpose of the school; so, students would either attend school to meet their friends, while some are just on the campus for attendance. For some students, they are fine as they can learn more at cram schools in which they have to pay more; while some students who don't have money and depend on class lessons to not able to get enough knowledge to take the test. And with limited time after school, it is safe to say for some students that it's not easy to discover oneself; especially when you have reached that level where you must decide since one of the purposes of going to school is to discover what you want in your future.

Advantage from "Siw"


By “Siw” it means that students get to take their time out to prepare themselves for the next round of the test to get better scores. Also, it helps students to take more time to rest meanwhile the preparation takes place. It gives a better chance when students prepare themselves properly without stress and proper rest time. No more going to school to study both the lessons from school or the lessons from extra classes (aka, cram school); just prepping and revising oneself. The reason why some students might need more time is that, for some subjects at some schools, they might not cover everything to the extent that they can not take the test; in some lessons, the content is shortened to finish the subject in time for the semester ends. This would require some of those students to take extra classes whilst attending school.

The statement above was said to be some of the flaws of Thai education itself. A lot of knowledge has to be consumed but in a short period, this is why taking extra classes is normalized for Thai students. And some even admit to rather be absent from school than not attending the cram school just because of the fear of not being able to attend their dream university.

The Preparation Phase For Dek Siw


Before anything else, students need to acknowledge as well about their university choices, as some universities only allow students who just graduated from high school. Therefore, students need to check their qualifications for each choices they make. Also, make sure that some of the test that you want take can be rescoring; they are some test like O-NET can not be retaken, that's means its either you can use other score as substitute for it or its final that you can not enter that university. So, its likely easier for you create the list of which university you want.

Dek Siw should take disciplinary seriously as well because it helps them to stay on track with what they have to do. However, they should not be harsh on themselves too; as by taking "Siw" means to take time off the grid to work on the needed part to re-enter the test. Planning should be essential because it helps students to stay on track with extracurricular programs, activities, and volunteers vary in location, length, cost, and deadline. These are major essence that the students on track for they one year time wasted. By planning allows the students to know their schedule to study or to take a break, and as well as how much money was spent; is it worth while to Siw.