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Ganglion Mother cells(GMCs) are cells involved in neurogenesis that divide only once to give rise to two neurons. They are responsible for transcriptor factor expression. While each GMC necessarily gives rise to 2 neurons, a neuroblast can asymmetrically divide multiple times.[1] GMCs are the progeny of Neuroblasts. Neuroblasts asymmetrically divide during embryogenesis to create GMCs.[2] GMCs are only present in certain species and only during the embryonic stage of life. Embryonic neurogenesis has been extensively studied in Drosophila melanogaster embryos.

Embryonic Development in Drosophila


During embryonic development of Drosophila a ventral mono layer of cells forms, known as the neurogenic region.[2] The region is bilaterally symmetrical. The equivalent regions of neuronal growth in other common animal models do not have this symmetrical property, which makes Drosophila preferable for neurogenic study. The neurogenic region is composed of neuroblasts that divide and migrate throughout embryonic development. A larva will contain about 100 neuroblasts per brain hemesphere. At a certain point, a neuroblast will undergo Asymmetric cell division giving rise to a Neuroblast and a Ganglion Mother cell. Research has been conducted to observe the movement of neuroblasts and GMCs in the neurogenic region during embryoinc developmen using molecular markers .[2]

GMCs and mammalian neurogenic research


Mammalian neurogenic research has influenced further studies. Although there is no exact equivalent of GMCs in mammalian neurogenesis, mammalian neural stem cells do produce transit amplifying progenitors that expand neural population .[1]

Transcription factor expression


A common method of studying Ganglion Mother cells during neural development is using molecular markers to track their movement in their respective neurogenic regions.



Studying neurogenesis in animal models such as Drosophila comes with many advantages and leads to a better understnading of relevant human neurogenic analogs such as neural stem cells. By obtaining a better understanding of how GMCs function and the role they play in neurogenesis it may be possible to better understand their analogs in mammals.


  1. ^ a b Doe, C. Q. et al (2008). Identification of Drosophila type II neuroblast lineages containing transit amplifying ganglion mother cells. PMC, PMC2804867.
  2. ^ a b c Doe, C. Q. (1992). Molecular markers for identified neuroblasts and ganglion mother cells in the Drosophila central nervous system. Development (Cambridge, England), 116(4), 855-863.