- Retired Registered Nurse, with a love of
- hospice and a leaning towards holistic healing
- coupled with both traditional & modern medicine
- Love of the world at large, encompassing all
- peoples over the ages
- At one time had a strong interest/desire to
- couple my nursing degree with anthropological/
- anthropological major for a career in either
- forensics or medical anthropology
- It took age for me to realize that I could
- be a "Professional" student with no Phd, as the
- Earth is my University....
- I also have a Masters Degree in humor based on
- life experiences, good, bad, etc.
- Also love to read, gamble a bit, walk, and
- play on my computer.......
- I have the pleasure to have the time and energy
- of taking care of my aging parents, father has
- ALS which is a challenge
- I am also a dedicated, loyal American citizen,
- and feel I am very blessed to have been born
- here.......
- I don't claim any culture as my own, as my
- family is very mixed..... I love to learn and
- respect others values
- I am also a believer in God, but I love
- teachers, mentors, study and must confess that
- Deepok Chopra, D'lai Llama, and Buddhists are
- among my favorites.... I haved dabbled in
- Judaism (love their history), dated Sikhs back
- in the '80s, have several female Muslim friends
- and believe we all (most) are heading in the
- same direction, albeit different paths...
- I love life-all of it, anywhere outdoors, the
- universe and it's mysteries, all animals-horses
- at top, am a people person,and believe that we
- are all connected............
- --Caroleenie1 (talk) 08:19, 2 July 2011 (UTC)caroleenie1--Caroleenie1 (talk) 08:19, 2 July 2011 (UTC)