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User:Captainyusuf/United States Marine Corps Counterintelligence

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United States Marine Corps Counterintelligence

United States Marine Corps Counterintelligence is the component of the Marine Corps responsible for conducting Counterintelligence and Human Intelligence (CI/HUMINT) operations. [1]


MCWP 2-6 U.S. Marine Corps Counterintelligence 05 SEP 2000

External links[edit]

MCWP 2-6 U.S. Marine Corps Counterintelligence 05 SEP 2000 http://www.iimef.marines.mil/Portals/1/documents/2nd-Intel/Recruiting/MCWP%202-6%20Counterintelligence.pdf

  1. ^ MCWP 2-6 Counterintelligence U.S. Marine Corps 05 SEP 2000