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User:Campbemp/Domestication of Cannabis

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The domestication of Cannabis can be traced historically, genetically, and through human guided trends. In this article I will discuss how cannabis has been pushed through its stages in history due to natural and artificial means. By natural I am referring to the changes which occur to the growing process of the cannabis plant such as how it grows, and how the changes in its growth affect its physical and chemical structure. By artificial I am referring to the changes man has influenced on cannabis. By this I mean how and what we have done to influence these changes, such as, how we have changed the growing environment of cannabis to benefit our current trends and economy. Tracking and breaking down theses changes involves exploring the following categories.

Global Domestication [Global Cannabis Timeline]


Description of Wild Species


Center of Origin


Genetic Processes






Outdoor (Present)




Future Directions


Indoor (Present)




Future Directions


Technological Advances


Social Acceptance




