The famous Lynnhaven Oyster, once requested by European royalty and demanded by the finest restaurants, is making a revival in the Lynnhaven River in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Lynnhaven Oysters have been a favorite for decades among locals and oyster connoisseurs for their naturally salty flavor and meatiness. The estuary once flourished with Lynnhaven Oysters (type of Eastern Oyster, c. Virginica), but years of over-harvesting, development and disease obliterated much of the population. With the help of environmental groups like Lynnhaven River Now, as well as local volunteers, the Lynnhaven River is being restored and again allows for oyster and shellfish harvesting. As more and more oysters are successfully harvested in the restored Lynnhaven River, the greater the success will be for the estuary as one oyster filters 50 gallons of water per day.
Local restaurants in Virginia Beach, Virginia and fine eateries in major cities throughout the United States offer the delectable Lynnhaven Oyster, and local oyster farmers like Lynnhaven Oyster Company sell to individuals and restaurants alike.