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                                            Tourism in KOSOVO

Republic of Kosovo is situated in the middle of south-eastern Europe. It serves and it is a very important link in the connection between middle and south Europe, Adriatic Sea and Black Sea. In short words it has a very important position. In Order to come to visit Kosovo, you will need a valid passport and there is not required a visa. Euro is used as official currency in Kosovo There are many different reasons that make the Kosovo one of the best places to be visited in Balkan countries. For example there are some unique places that really encourage the tourist to visit some of the beauties of Kosovo in its different cities, where some of them were created by the nature and the others by the human hand.

Eventhough there are many different obstacles for the tourists that think Kosovo in not an safe zone because of the reasons that happened in the late history, their opinion can be made different only with one visit of their in this country; because it is protected by European Union Rule of Law and Order Mission EULEX (European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo), and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) KFOR (Kosovo Force) and Kosovo Police Department.

Historical Values Natyral Beauties Festivals
Albanian League of Prizren Mirusha Waterfall Doku Fest
Prizren's Castle Brezovica Ngom Fest
Public Bath (Hamam) Prevalle Beer Fest
Holly Bridge Rugove

Historical Values


Albanian League of Prizren


One of the most visited places in Kosovo is Albanian League of Prizren, which retread a lot of tourists. Albanian League of Prizren happened in 10 June 1878, this was the most important event in Albanian history and it was hold in Prizren. There were a lot of Albanians which were together for one reason, which was saving Albanian territory. History of it, sight seen, Lumbardhi river and Museum inside League of Prizren, make it one of the most visited places of Kosovo.

Lidhja e Prizrenit


Prizren's Castle


One of the most important symbols that encourage the tourists to visit the Kosovo is the Castle that is found in ancient city of Kosovo, Prizren. It is known that this object takes the majority of the tourist in itself, or simply we can say that, if any tourist is nearby Prizren it is impossible not to go and visit the Castle. The history of the Castle is very interesting and it was used for different reasons in different period of times. The castle contains the old history of the city. The positioning of the castle makes the object be in a highest level of historical and touristic value. There were discovered traces of life, mobile material of middle-age period (Cent. 11-15) and mobile material of the Ottomoan period.The results of the research shows that between 11-15th centuries there were people living in the castle. In the castle are public baths (hammam), mosque and other things that are built for army purposes. The Prizren’s castle worked its primary job until 1912. As it is, the Castle is one of the most interesting research points promoting tourism as well as cultural-historic values in Kosovo.

Kalaja e Prizrenit

Public Bath (Hamam)


This is one of the oldest monuments which is called Gazi Mehmet Pasha’s Hamam, and it is located in the center of Prizren city. It was built from 1563 until 1574.The hammam served as a public bath until the 1927-1944 and became an intergrated part of social and cultural life. The hammam was a cultural monument until 1954. Nowadays it is not used like a public bath but there happen different artistic exposits. Gazi Mehmet Pasha's Hamam is open to everybody, so you can go and visit it every day of the week except Friday from 12 to 13 because of religion obligations. The ancient building architecture and with a rich history, it is visited from a lot of people.

Holly Bridge


This bridge is unique because of the fact of how it was formed. It is found in White Drin Canyon, in the south west of Kosovo. This Holly bridge is frequently visited from the tourists. It is unique because it was built in one of the most interesting canyons in Kosovo, that was creating when the White Drini river opened a gizzard between two rocks. The height of the bridge is 70 meters and the distance from the bridge to the river is 30 meters. The bridge exist since WWII and the name of bridge was given as Holly bridge because of the human sacrifice that was done there.

Natural Beauties



Mirusha Waterfall


Mirusha waterfall is known like one of the best natural beauties of Kosovo, that encourage tourist around the entire world. The waterfall is found in Gremnik Mountains, right on the way to Gjakova city. The distance from the city per time is approximately one hour. It is the chain of the waterfalls with the purest and coldest water in Kosovo. It is 10 km canyon and is covered with 13 river lakes and 12 beautiful waterfalls. The best, most visited, and the biggest waterfall is between the sixth and seventh lake, which is 22 meters high. There are also caves and beautiful landscapes found around the waterfall that simply make it complete and present a special touristic attraction. Although the temperature of the water is quite cold, during the summer while temperatures are high, swimming on the waterfall would be incredibly pleasant.

Mirusha's Waterfall



Kosovo has many places where tourists could gain interest to. One of them is also: Brezovica. Brezovica is one of the most famous and frequented ski resorts in Kosovo. It is located in the northwest part of Sar Mountains. It has around 5 ski and chair lifts connected with 16 km of ski slopes, they are super-fast and very safe. It is located between 900 and 2500 m above the sea level. Brezovica is just about 60 km away from centres such as: Prishtine and Shkup. Brezovicas beautiful nature is just as famous and good as many other European Tourist Centers. Brezovica has a combination of valley and alpine climate which makes a perfect picturesque region to help the development of tourism. There are hotels you can rent for specific days, and you can enjoy its beauty just like you were born there. If you go to Brezovica and live for some days, your mind will be cleared and your stress will get away. In Brezovica there are cases when people can experience all types of the four seasons. That tells that Brezovica is an ideal center for sports and tourisms during the whole year no-matter what season is.




Prevalle is another frequented holiday resort from many tourists. It is located 28 km away from Prizren. It is an attractive place and is located close to Brezovica. Its highness above the sea level is amazing, and when you go there it is impossible to breath normally. Its air is so good that if you live there for a specific of time it can cure a lot of diseases. The most important thing you need to do when you go to Prevalle is to climb in the mountains till you reach the snow parts (in summer). It is a great adventure and a special feeling especially for the tourists. Once you climb the mountain you can see a great picture from up there and then it comes the most funniest part, that to go back down which is of course much easier than climbing. There are also a lot of hotels where you can rent them for a weak or more and live in this area just as if that was yours. Prevalle is definitely one of the greates places that Kosovo has and also one of the most famous part that tourists visit.

Prevalla Mountains
Prizren Prevalla's Mountain



Rugova is located in Alpet mountain and in the middle of Hajla, Shtedim, Lumbardh, and Kopranik mountains. It is also connected with Peja river. Rugova is a great picturesque place surrounded by high mountains. The cimate is continental with cold and snowy winter seasons and calm summers. The spring comes late in Rugove, the summer is kindly warm; however, the temperature during the day changes a lot, and sunny hours do not last that long. There are more precipitations during the autumn and winter. The average temperatures during the spring are 4-7C, while the highness of the snow reaches This yearly organized festival has 5 different cinemas where 2 of them are normal cinemas and three of them are open air cinemas. In these 5 different cinemas, movies are screened twice a day and for 10 days are shown above 150 films. 30-50 cm to 2m. In the region of Rugove you can find different rare birds and other animals. The air in Rugove region is special and the beauty of this place is hard to be described by words, thus it is a great place that is frequented a lot by tourists.

Rugova Mountains


The Place Visitors Foreign Visitors
Brezovica 6457 8532
Mirusha Waterfall 6224 7654
Rugova 6090 6030
Holly Bridge 5987 5007
Albanian League of Prizren 5765 4865
Public Bath ( Hamam) 55678 4508
Prevalla 5546 4326
Ngom Fest 5435 4231
Doku Fest 5423 3902
Prizren's Castle 5342 3545

Notes and References

  1. https://www.rks-gov.net/sq-al/qytetaret/ambientidhenatyra/pages/turizmi.aspx
  2. http://www.viewkosova.com/municipalities/gjakova/places-to-visit/holy-bridge.html
  3. http://www.viewkosova.com/municipalities/klina/places-to-visit/mirusha-waterfalls.html
  4. http://prizren360.com/en/what-to-visit/monuments/05-prizrens-castle
  5. http://www.brezovicaresort.com/