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Probability is just a guide. Probability does not tell us exactly what will happen. Have you ever heard someone say what the chances of that happening to me?.... the chances of something happening to you are the same as a person you have never met and have nothing in common with. The reason that probability isn't 100% accurite is that their are unknown areas that have to be taken into account, these are known as (variables)



Toss a coin 100 times, how many heads will come up? Probability says that we have half a chance so we expect 50 heads, but when you actually try it out you might get 48 heads , or 55 heads.....or anything really, but in most cases it is around 50.

Ever wondered if you could pick the winning numbers of the lottery? your chances of winning by picking random numbers such as 10..8..34..13..19 are just as probable as picking sequential numbers 1..2..3..4..5. People have their own theories about how to pick the so called "winning numbers", some using just birthdays of family members, the only trouble with this is that there are only 31 days in the longest month, so from number 32 to 50 will not be used reducing your chances of winning.