User:BunnysBot/CW Errors
Target | use | example |
this list | {{CW|##}} |
{{CW|50}} → CW Error #50
the CheckWiki report | {{Checkwiki|##}} |
{{Checkwiki|50}} → -bin/checkwiki.cgi?project=enwiki&view=only&id=50 CW Error #50]
# | Priority | Cosmetic | Error | Description |
03 (dump) |
High | No | Reference list missing / disambiguation page with disallowed <ref> | The article contains one or more <ref> tags, but is missing a {{Reflist}} or <references /> tag. Or a disambiguation page contains a disallowed <ref> tag, see WP:DABREF.
06 | Low | No | DEFAULTSORT with special characters | Don't use special lettering in DEFAULTSORT |
07 (dump) |
Mid | No | Headlines all start with three "=" | First headline starts with "=== XY ===". It should be "== XY ==" header. This causes organisational and accessibility problems. |
36 | Low | No | Redirect with incorrect syntax | Redirect will not work |
37 | Low | No | DEFAULTSORT missing for titles with special letters | Don't use special lettering for sorting. DEFAULTSORT should be set without the special lettering. |
44 | Low | No | Headlines with bold | A headline is all or partially bold. This should rarely be used and may or not be bold depending on the browser used. |
45 | Low | No | Interwiki duplication | Duplicate entry. Now that interwiki links have been moved to wikidata, this error is possibly due to wikilinks that ought to be rendered that omits the leading : in [[:pt:Jorge de Mascarenhas]] . Should often be converted to internal redlinks per WP:BUILD/WP:REDLINK.
48 (dump) |
Low | No | Title linked in text | A wikilink of the article's title was found. This creates an unnecessary circular wikilink per MOS:OVERLINK/WP:SELFREDIRECT and inappropriately bolds the linked word. |
51 | Mid | No | Interwiki before last headline | With interwikis no long used, this usually means a syntax problem with a interlanguage link, ie [[de:foo]] instead of [[:de:foo]]
53 | Mid | No | Interwiki before last category | With interwikis no long used, this usually means a syntax problem with a interlanguage link, ie [[de:foo]] instead of [[:de:foo]]
54 (dump) |
Low | No | Break in list | WP:LISTGAP |
57 | Low | No | Headlines end with a colon | Remove the : |
61 | Low | No | Reference before punctuation | <ref> comes after not before various punctuation marks (.,?:;!);
62 | High | No | URL without http:// | A URL was found that contained no http://. Example: [ Wikipedia] |
63 | Low | No | <small> in a <ref> , <sub> or <sup>
<ref> and <sub> tags already create smaller text. Adding a <small> would cause the text to be smaller than 85%. This goes against accessibility guidelines.
66 | Low | No | Image description with full <small>
Image description text is already smaller. Adding a <small> would cause the text to be smaller than 85%. This goes against accessibility guidelines.
84 | Off | No | Section without content | |
86 | High | No | External link with two brackets | Found an external links surround by double brackets. Example: [[ Wikipedia]]
89 | Low | No | DEFAULTSORT with no space after the comma | The script found a DEFAULTSORT without a space after the comma {{DEFAULTSORT:DuBois,Lewis}}. The causes the article to be sorted as the first DuBois article. |
93 | Mid | No | External link with double http:// | The script found an external link that had double http:// . An example would be [http:// http://]
101 (dump) |
Low | No | Ordinal number found inside <sup> tags | Ordinal numbers should be in regular text, not inside <sup> tags See MOS:ORDINAL. |