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User:BunnysBot/CW Errors

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this list {{CW|##}} {{CW|50}}CW Error #50
the CheckWiki report {{Checkwiki|##}} {{Checkwiki|50}} → -bin/checkwiki.cgi?project=enwiki&view=only&id=50 CW Error #50]
# Priority Cosmetic Error Description
High No Reference list missing / disambiguation page with disallowed <ref> The article contains one or more <ref> tags, but is missing a {{Reflist}} or <references /> tag. Or a disambiguation page contains a disallowed <ref> tag, see WP:DABREF.
06 Low No DEFAULTSORT with special characters Don't use special lettering in DEFAULTSORT
Mid No Headlines all start with three "=" First headline starts with "=== XY ===". It should be "== XY ==" header. This causes organisational and accessibility problems.
36 Low No Redirect with incorrect syntax Redirect will not work
37 Low No DEFAULTSORT missing for titles with special letters Don't use special lettering for sorting. DEFAULTSORT should be set without the special lettering.
44 Low No Headlines with bold A headline is all or partially bold. This should rarely be used and may or not be bold depending on the browser used.
45 Low No Interwiki duplication Duplicate entry. Now that interwiki links have been moved to wikidata, this error is possibly due to wikilinks that ought to be rendered that omits the leading : in [[:pt:Jorge de Mascarenhas]]. Should often be converted to internal redlinks per WP:BUILD/WP:REDLINK.
Low No Title linked in text A wikilink of the article's title was found. This creates an unnecessary circular wikilink per MOS:OVERLINK/WP:SELFREDIRECT and inappropriately bolds the linked word.
51 Mid No Interwiki before last headline With interwikis no long used, this usually means a syntax problem with a interlanguage link, ie [[de:foo]] instead of [[:de:foo]]
53 Mid No Interwiki before last category With interwikis no long used, this usually means a syntax problem with a interlanguage link, ie [[de:foo]] instead of [[:de:foo]]
Low No Break in list WP:LISTGAP
57 Low No Headlines end with a colon Remove the :
61 Low No Reference before punctuation <ref> comes after not before various punctuation marks (.,?:;!); see WP:REFPUNC
62 High No URL without http:// A URL was found that contained no http://. Example: [wiki.riteme.site Wikipedia]
63 Low No <small> in a <ref>, <sub> or <sup> <ref> and <sub> tags already create smaller text. Adding a <small> would cause the text to be smaller than 85%. This goes against accessibility guidelines.
66 Low No Image description with full <small> Image description text is already smaller. Adding a <small> would cause the text to be smaller than 85%. This goes against accessibility guidelines.
84 Off No Section without content
86 High No External link with two brackets Found an external links surround by double brackets.
Example: [[http://www.wikipedia.org Wikipedia]]
89 Low No DEFAULTSORT with no space after the comma The script found a DEFAULTSORT without a space after the comma {{DEFAULTSORT:DuBois,Lewis}}. The causes the article to be sorted as the first DuBois article.
93 Mid No External link with double http:// The script found an external link that had double http://. An example would be [http://http://www.google.com]
Low No Ordinal number found inside <sup> tags Ordinal numbers should be in regular text, not inside <sup> tags See MOS:ORDINAL.