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The Great War
Date22nd July 1760 - 26th July 1978 (218 years, 4 days)

Polynesian, English victory


Orange Free State Polynesian Imperial Soviet State
England English Empire
United Kingdom United Kingdom
(1964- )

Kingdom of Egypt Kingdom of Egypt
(1827 - 1861)

Russian Empire Russian Republic
(1760-1912) (1924-1936) (1963-)
Kingdom of Egypt Kingdom of Egypt
(1760 - 1823) (1878 - )

South Korea Korea (1896 - 1934)
Commanders and leaders

Orange Free State Lewis II Brindley (-1766)
Orange Free State Lewis III Brindley (1766-1802)
Orange Free State Simon II Lane (1802-1855)
Orange Free State Lewis IV Brindley (1855-1902)
Orange Free State Lewis VI Brindley (1902-1939)
Orange Free State Simon III Lane (1940-1967)
Orange Free State Lewis VII Brindley (1967-)
England Pyrion Flax VI the Terrible (-1861)
England Juan I Poundpie (1861-1915)
England Lunk Hardly (1915-1950)
United Kingdom Christopher Lovasz (1950-)
Kingdom of Egypt Tom III Angor (1826-1859)

Kingdom of Egypt Tom IV Angor (1860-)

Russian Empire Duncan Jones (-1784)
Russian Empire Duncan Jones Jr. (1784-1824)
Russian Empire Toby Lerone (1824-1848)
Russian Empire Lalnable Hector (1848-1868)
Russian Empire Swampy Bogbeard (1868-1896)
Russian Empire Peculiar Fumblemore (1896-1920)
Russian Empire Kim Richards (1920-1948)
Russian Empire Duncan Jones III (1948-)
Kingdom of Egypt Ben V the Great (-1796)
Kingdom of Egypt Ben VI Bedgar (1796-1823)
Kingdom of Egypt Tom IV Angor (1860-1903)
Kingdom of Egypt Sherlock I Hulmes (1903-1946)
Kingdom of Egypt Ben VII Bedgar (1946-)
South Korea Caff Cast (-1908)

South Korea Loben Trogdor (1908-1950)
Casualties and losses

Military Dead:
Over 1,400,000
Civilian Dead:

Over 35,000,000

Military Dead:
Over 2,500,000
Civilian Dead:

Over 56,000,000

The Great War (1760 - 1978) also known as The War to End All Wars, or the Two Hundred Years War was a conflict in which the Russian Republic, lead by President [|Duncan Jones], contested Polynesian land in Eastern Noquittera. The conflict was instigated by the alliance of the Russian Republic and the Kingdom of Egypt against the Polynesian Imperial Soviet State. The war, or series of wars, lasted for 218 years, and resulted in much of the modern borders that we know today.

The war saw the rise of the English Empire, which conquered the lands of Ethiopia and Korea, under the leadership of the infamous Emperor [|Lunk Hardly], though was overthrown in a revolution as the Empire reformed into the democratic United Kingdom. Egypt, during the course of the two hundred years, changed sides twice, siding with whoever suited their needs more - this action caused many to distrust the Egyptians in recent history.

It also caused the rapid modernisation of the world, as technology advanced faster than it ever had previously, with the culmination of the war resulting in the invention of nuclear weaponry, which contributed a major part in the number of civilian deaths in the mid 1900s[1]. The increase in technology also led to the Space Race, which saw several great powers competing to reach beyond the Milky Way.



The Fascist English Empire declared war on the Kingdom of Ethiopia in 1734, hoping to consolidate the lands in the west of Noquittera and hence bring all the followers of Cloud Chasing under one banner - something that had not happened since the religion's formation[2]. This war brought lots of tension and instability within the different sects of the religion - notably, the preacher [|Rythian] from the town of Malmo, Ethiopia is stated to have attempted to have stood, alone, in the path of a regiment of English infantry, begging the war to end, but was unsuccessful and spent the next ten years as a prisoner of war[3]. Ultimately, the English annexed the regions of Berriban and Wondawam from the Ethiopians in 1795, and the region of Muscastar being granted to the Republic of Korea, after the Egyptians peacefully occupied it for over a decade.

In the east, the Russian Republic and the Kingdom of Egypt finally signed the Treaty of Kessel in 1736, after the razing of Asgard, in which hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed or lost their homes. The treaty enacted a demilitarised zone around the region were Asgard once should, but in secret, it also outlined plans to form an alliance against Polynesia[4]. This alliance was formed due to pressure from Russia who claimed that Polynesia was developing weapons and new technology and wasn't sharing them with the rest of the world[5].

Polynesia, worried that peace between Russia and Egypt would draw attentions westward, sent envoys to Egypt, pleading that they were not as technologically advanced as Russia believed - stating that this was in fact propaganda from the Russians to cover up their own weapons projects. The messages from the envoys were noted by Ben V of Egypt, though he informed Polynesia that he must still follow the Treaty of Kessel to ensure his integrity.

Declaration of War


On 22nd of July 1760, the Russian Republic and the Kingdom of Egypt declared war on the Polynesian Imperial Soviet State. The Russian war plan was for their forces to attack the Polynesian capital of Rakakokonati from the north, while the Egyptians would attack from the south. The Russians were forced to trek through the Vast Northern Desert, which caused much of their army to not be as fresh by the time they reached the Polynesian border. In the south, the Egyptian army had been ordered to hold back from attacking the Polynesian troops that were stationed between them and the city[6] - they did however, make some ground, and take control of some of the land close to the Egyptian northern border.

Fighting would last for many years between the Russians and Polynesians, while the Egyptians continued to hold their forces back as much as they could without drawing the attention of Russia. Russia made little ground after their original attack on the northern Polynesian lands - they conquered much of the less populated land to the east, but Russian soldiers struggled to get through the narrow coastal passes due to bombardment from the Polynesian Imperial Navy.

Turning Point


In 1823, the death of King [|Ben VI of Egypt] caused the country to fall into an interregnum[7]. With no true leader, the regents of the country pulled their forces out of Polynesia, stating that the war had never been one for Egyptians to be a part of[8]. The following year, the President of Russia, [|Duncan Jones Jr], passed away at the end of his 10th term as president - to which the cause is generally attributed to stress[9]. The president had been a stalwart leader and beacon of democracy, and the newly elected president, [|Toby Lerone], had much to live up to. Critics say that it was the actions of Lerone that brought a downfall in Russian diplomacy.

In 1826, [|Tom III of Egypt] came into power, and called for a re-militarisation of the Asgard zone. Toby Lerone sent envoys to request that King Tom reconsider his actions, but the attempt failed and in 1827, King Tom finally honoured the agreement that had been made with Polynesia, and declared war on Russia. Russian soldiers were immediately signalled to withdraw from Polynesia and return to defend the southern border from the Egyptian army. Luckily for the Russians, many of their armoured divisions hand just finished redeploying with the new T-27 tanks, which were sent to defend the major city of Corellia in the south.

A decade of war between the nations ensued, and on March 24th 1837, President Toby Lerone sent an telegram to Emperor [|Pyrion Flax of England], requesting help against the armies to the west. A day later, Emperor Pyrion responded in what is known as The Reply of the English Longbowmen, which declared the Emperor's intention to conquer the city of Hoth from Russia - prompting a declaration of war. A excerpt of the letter can be read below:

Longbowmen to the Russian President!

O President, Russian devil and damned devil's kith and kin, secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight are you, that can't slay a hedgehog with your naked arse? The devil excretes, and your army eats. You will not, you son of a bitch, make allies of Cloud Chasing sons; we've no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, fuck your mother.[10]

At the start of the 1850's, Polynesian battleships began a blockade of the Russian City of Tatooine and the in the south the Battle for Corellia was in full force, with the city divided between Russia and Egypt. The city itself was mostly destroyed, with most of the civilians being killed in artillery attacks from both sides, but the strategic position of Corellia forced both sides to fight on for it. Finally, in January 1856, what remained Corellia was destroyed by Egyptian armour divisions.

In 1857, Emperor Pyrion Flax's forces broke through the defences of Hoth and captured it from Russia. This significantly weakened the Russian defence in the west, though President Lerone managed to secure a peace treaty with Egypt in 1861, as the newly crowned King [|Tom IV] was satisfied with the vengeance gained for the razing of Asgard[11]. By 1866, the Polynesian fleet captured the northern port city of Tatooine, and 2 years later, Russia signed a truce with Polynesia, so that they could focus their efforts on retaking Hoth[12]. This attempt was in vain however, as over the course of the 1870s, the amount of fighting in and around the city resulted in it facing the same fate as Corellia - the remnants of the city useless for both sides. Likewise, despite the truce, Polynesia razed Tatooine in 1880, blocking off all Russian access to the sea which helped to secure their dominance over the eastern seas.

Changing Sides


In 1878, King Tom IV of Egypt, in a speech to the citizens of Tau'Ri, stated that all the lives lost in the wars against Russia, were a fault of Polynesia, and, in an effort to get revenge for these losses, declared war on the Polynesians later in the week. With the support of the populous, and significant advances in military technology since the war with Russia, Egypt quickly gained much ground from Polynesia, capturing many of the towns to the south of Rakakokonati. The war was a stalemate for many years, but, in the mid 1890's, the King had an audience with President [|Caff Cast] of Korea, and persuaded him to help fight against the Polynesian threat to the north[13]. In 1896, Korea declared war, and sent a token force to Polynesia to attempt to surround Rakakokonati. The war progressed slowly still, with Korea's forces proving little more than a distraction for the more advanced Polynesian military, however, in 1904, the 41st Paratrooper Division of Egypt landed a few miles north of Rakakokonati, and in a nighttime assault on the city, nearly captured some major assets that could have been the tipping point for Egypt. The attack failed, and in a report from Egyptian military command the failure happened because "the troops were a few too many klicks away from the city, which gave the enemy long enough to respond"[14].

Meanwhile, in the west, Russian forces were struggling against England's army, which had garrisoned itself in a series of forts just west of the ruins of Hoth - though the fighting stretched all the way to the northern coastline, and down to Colombo's borders. Seeing that the war effort was going nowhere, and to ensure that popular support was not lost, President [|Fumblemore] negotiated peace with the English in 1912, who were suffering from some economic problems caused, in part, by maintaining the army on the Russian front[15]. Over the next decade, the both the English and Russians bolstered their economy and increased military production with newly created tanks and jet fighters. Russia, under the new leadership of President [|Richards], looked eastwards once again, and, after a negotiation with King [|Sherlock I], attacked Polynesia in 1923[16]. In the south, England declared war on Korea in early 1924, which had the bulk of its army fighting in Polynesia, allowing English forces to capture the city of Muscastar in June of the same year. The English war machine would not stop at Muscastar however, and their famed Armour Divisions rolled eastwards and captured New Zizitop in 1927.

1927 also saw the start of Rakakokonati's worst 3 years in the history of the city: In September 1927, Egyptian soldiers pushed across the river for the first time in the war, and captured and burned many significant buildings - including the Great Tiki Hut. This was a great loss for Polynesia, and millions of civilians died in the efforts to recapture the city, which eventually happened as Polynesian reinforcements arrived in April 1928[17]. However, several Russian Armour Divisions arrived in the north of the city in early 1929 led by Tank Commander [|Zoey Proasheck]. The divisions were seemingly undetected by radar and surrounded the defence of the city, eventually forcing the defenders the surrender the city to Russia. Over the next year, several attempts were made by Polynesia to recapture the city - now but a shadow of its former self, but were unsuccessful.

England's forces arrived in Journey in November 1932, finding the city mostly defenceless. This was the tipping point for Korea and the nation capitulated to the English, who annexed all Korean land with the exception of the Korean capital, Whitesnake. This, however, signalled a returned downfall in English economic stability, with Emperor Lunk declaring the country to be in recession in 1934, though the Emperor managed to negotiated a pact of non-aggression with Egypt, known as the Tudor-Ramesses Pact, allowing for the empire to rebuild. In the east, now kicked from the mainland, Polynesia signed a peace treaty with Russia in 1936[18], and began to focus its efforts internally, including the founding of a new settlement, Rakahakarewa, in one of its northern islands. The war now was only between Polynesia and Egypt.

Atomic Age


After countless years of fighting, scientists of both sides looked to new approaches of achieving victory. Projects of nuclear weaponry began in all the great powers at the time - the Polynesian Karihi Project, the Egyptian N-Bomb and the Russian RDS Project had made significant grounds in development in the 1940s and 50s, with the English Nuclear Operation, nicknamed Project Longbow came into being later in the 1950s[19][20]. The nuclear ambitions of these nations was of course met with criticism from peaceful societies within the countries, though the governments continued in spite of protests. The Singapore Crisis lasted 2 short years from 1944-1946, when the Polynesian Navy attempted to take control of the city to prevent the deposits of uranium there falling into Egyptian hands. The blockade was met by the EAF (Egyptian Air Force), which drove away Polynesia.

In the west, the August Revolution rose against the English Empire in 1950, led by democratic revolutionary [|Christopher Lovasz]. The revolution did not last long as Lovasz garnered support from former Ethiopian and Korean citizens who looked for a fairer representation, as well as those who were disappointed in Emperor Hardly's handling of the recession. The revolutionaries installed Lovasz as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, which gave both Ethiopia and Korea a degree of devolution within the English parliament. 6 years into his rule, Lovasz presented the Korean Republic with an ultimatum - join the United Kingdom or be invaded[21]. The Korean government was stubborn and refused to join, and in September 1956, English tanks entered the city of Whitesnake and the government surrendered.

The Polynesian Space Program began in the early 1950s, and was met with great support from the populous. In response, Egypt started the construction of its own spaceship in 1957, and King Ben VII announced publicly that he would beat the Polynesians into space - thus signalling the start of the Space Race. The following year, Polynesian scientists were eager to test the achievements of the Kahiri Project, and of August 5th 1958, the government approved the launched of the K-1 missile at Tau'Ri. The results were devastating, with millions of Egyptian civilians killed by the blast and ensuing nuclear fallout[22]. Governments around the world were stunned by the attack, as it was the first time a nuclear weapon had been used against a populated area - it signalled for Egypt to commit more resources to its nuclear weapons project as King Ben wished to exact revenge for his people[23].

The war between Egypt and Polynesia continued on in the Southern Ocean and West Polynesian Sea. The larger Polynesian navy had the upper hand, and pressed the advantage in 1962 when it attacked the Egyptian city of Anubis - The blockade cut off Egyptian trade from entering or leaving the city. In a plea to help stop the Polynesian threat, King Ben requested support from Russia, and on February 6th 1963, the Russians re-entered the war and set about making plans to invade the Polynesian islands[24]. In response to this, Polynesia called upon its English allies to help defend - On April 25th 1964, President Lovasz attacked Egypt, seemingly breaking the Tudor-Ramesses Pact - though historians have pointed out that due to the Revolution and dethroning of the Emperor, the pact was no longer valid. The English Air Force made several attacks on Anubis, opening up many weak points in the city's defences for the English armour to capture the city by September 1964.

After advancing its army onto the new Egyptian front, the United Kingdom prepared an attack on Tau'Ri. Project Longbow had made groundbreaking progress, thanks to the lead scientist on the project, [|Martyn Littlewood], and on January 16th 1970, the English launched their nuclear weapon, codenamed InTheLittleBomb, on the Egyptian capital. Still recovering from the effects of the Polynesian nuclear strike, the defences of the city were now crippled, and after a raid of over a thousand English bombers, the city fell to the United Kingdom and was subsequently looted by English forces.

The war looked dire for the Russian-Egyptian alliance, though in 1971, Russia sent many divisions of Spetsnaz to the Polynesian islands, who raided hundreds of cultural sites, angering the population[25]. These squadrons of Spetsnaz were not capable of achieving anything other than small raids without the proper naval support that they needed - which wasn't an option for Russia as the razing of their port towns by Polynesia early in the war made the Russian navy far too inferior - and, with a large amount of soldiers abroad, the United Kingdom used this opportunity to attack the Russia heartlands in the mid-1970s.

While there was still some Russian defence along their border with the United Kingdom, it was not enough to push back the English tanks, nor defeat their air force, and on 24th July 1978, Russia surrendered to the United Kingdom, with Egypt following suit just two days later.



Peace was formally signed in the Treaty of Ur, as the leaders of each of the great powers attended, these were King Lewis VII of Polynesia, Prime Minister Christopher Lovasz of the United Kingdom, President Duncan Jones III of Russia and King Ben VII of Egypt. The treaty saw the division of Egypt into North Egypt and South Egypt, with the North remaining communist and the south, under the protection of the United Kingdom, became democratic. The English-Russian border was redrawn, and the Russians were granted Egyptian land south of where Corellia once stood. The city of Rakakokonati also remained Russian, as Lewis VII conceded that his people preferred the islands, though part of the treaty involved Russia helping to rebuild the Polynesian tourist resorts that had been destroyed in the latter stages of the war.

With no more competition from other powers, Polynesia successfully launched its Alpha Centauri Space Shuttle on October 22nd 1978, formally winning the Space Race.

Other Events during the war


During the journey through the Vast Northern Desert in the 1760's, Russian forces encountered the Polynesian archaeologist, [|Sjindiana Joans], forcing him into slavery for a time in order to complete the great landmark known as The Pillar of the North - this prompted a film named after the archaeologist in later years.

The International Games were hosted in Woolworth in 1872, which involved most of the nations of the world, excluding Russia, who at the time were at war with England. The Games featured the famous [|Sam Strippin], who deadlifted 600kg, winning the gold medal for England. Other notable performances were boxing champion [|Hannah Rutherford] of Egypt, and the legendary Vatican synchronised swimming trio know as [|Hat Films].

The Hubble Space Telescope was constructed in 1872 and launched from the Turpin Space Centre in Rakakokonati. The Space Centre was partially destroyed during the attack on the city, but Russian scientists made an effort to maintain the project until the end of the war, when Polynesian astronomers were allowed to resume research there.

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