User:Brother Rando
Brother Rando is a student of Prophecy and one of Jehovah's Witnesses. His interests are directed towards how the time of the end would come about. His Goal is to educate the public that Jehovah Witnesses accepted the Sacrifice in Christ, whose Blood was shed for many as a ransom and exercise faith in "Jesus Christ" for salvation. (Romans 10:9)
The earth’s population today is going through a physical, spiritual or emotional tribulation that has been prophesied concerning a time of distress as the earth is about to enter into a cleansing period of removing wickedness by means of God’s Kingdom. (Daniel 12:1) Brother Rando’s discussions are of keen interest to many who await for God's Kingdom. He asserts that his discussions are just that, and not Prophecies, nor does he make the claim to be inspired. His authority is the Bible. He proclaims the year 2034 to be of very high interest to all. Like a GPS, that gives Insight to location, 2034 allows us to gauge where we are in the stream of time according to God’s Will.
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Brother Rando (talk) 13:35, 8 August 2017 (UTC)