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User:BostonUrbEx/Extreme Transit Day Tripping

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Looking for a quick one-day trip with no hotel required, no car required, and no gasoline fill ups required? Let's push that to the limit, while being environmentally friendly, wallet friendly, and supporting bus and rail transit as the primary transit mode of the future. Here's a list of possibilities based on weekday transit schedules.

~ More to come. Much... much... so much more. ~

Destination Origin* Travel Time** Mode Outbound Start Outbound Arrival Visit Time*** Return Start Return Arrival Travel Cost***
Burlington, VT Boston, MA 3.5 hours Bus 6:30 AM 10:00 AM 9.0 hours 8:00 PM 11:30 PM $
New York, NY Boston, MA 3.5 hours Acela 5:10 AM 8:45 AM 9.5 hours 7:00 PM 10:40 PM $
New York, NY Boston, MA 3.5 hours Acela 6:05 AM 9:40 AM 8.5 hours 7:00 PM 10:40 PM $
New York, NY Boston, MA 4 hours Train 6:15 AM 10:20 AM 8.5 hours 7:45 PM 12:10 PM $
(!) New York, NY Boston, MA 4 hours Train 6:15 AM 10:20 AM 15.5 hours 2:40 AM 8:00 AM $
(!!) Washington, DC Boston, MA 6.5 hours Acela / Train 5:10 AM 11:50 AM 9.5 hours 10:00 PM 8:00 AM $
(!!!) Washington, DC Boston, MA 9.5 hours Train 9:30 PM 7:00 AM 14.5 hours 10:00 PM 8:00 AM $

(*) All origins are based from South Station, Boston, MA.

(**) All travel times are based on one-way travel only, and may be approximate.

(***) Visit times are based off the time between the scheduled arrival and the scheduled return start, minus 30-60 minutes for delays and/or pre-boarding buffer time.

(****) No travel costs have been calculated at this time, but will the total (outbound plus return) costs. Travel costs will not include local travel to get to any destinations you chose, but only costs for getting to and from the general destination.

(!) Personally recommended. Went to Coney Island, Times Square, and relaxed in Battery Park at midnight, taking in the Statue of Liberty and the skyline. Although you arrive back the next morning, sleeping on the train that night was easy and convenient due to a longer travel time, which also made the longer stay convenient.

(!!) Essentially the same as (!), as in you're sleeping on the way back, arriving home the next morning.

(!!!) Experts only. Your life, limbs, and first born son may be put at risk. You sleep on a train whilst en route to your day trip, and sleep on the return.