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How to be racist for a healthier life and mind.

1.wake up in the morning, blame ur bad mood on black people since they are black and black symbolises bad things. Remind urself that ur white ,ur perfect, u symbolise peace like a white dove not misery like a black cat. After all this is a very logical and not supersticious way of thinking.

2.Now you can go on with your day and blame everything bad that happens on black people and their existence so you dont spiral into self hate. Cuz instead of confronting problems and spiraling into self reflection and beeing responsible of your actions it easier to live in a self made delusion. After all whats wrong about lying to yourself? If it makes you feel better right?. Also you dont have to introspect and go thro all that annoying stuff .

3.Buy a shirt from red bubble with a redpilled wojak that says "all lives matter" and a soyboy wojak crying and saying "thats racist" and proudly wear this extremely fashionable T-shirt.

4.At lunchbreak (because you like attention a)