Hello there my name its borja i like videogames japanese culture and actually i trying learn japanese (actually my mastery and knowledge its based for hiragana and katakana characters) i'm spanish and perhaps in certain moments dont understand english correcly
This user is a sockpuppet... literally.
cvg -2This user is an intermediate gamer .
cvg-4 This user is an expert gamer .
cvg-5 This user is a professional gamer .
Diff None This user watches recorded game-sessions.
This user believes that video games are not as dangerous as parental ignorance of the rating system.
This user loves video game easter eggs, and is a master at finding them.Like this, for example!
This user spends far too much time editing their user page.
WIFI This user is on vacation, but has Wifi
This user loves Wikipe-tan , the cutest personification of Wikipedia.
This user plays Doo M
| .
This user plays Pong .
This user plays the online game ROBLOX .
This user owns a neopet.
This user owns a Gelert Neopet .
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤This user ❤loves❤ userboxes . ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Userboxes Rock! This user is a userbox!
This userbox is correct.
This userbox is wrong.
We are exploring only in a point of this huge universe...
This userbox is bigger than a galaxy!!
Watch it guy, this userbox is gonna overload you and your computer, maybe even Wikipedia, and possibly the entire universe.
This is the biggest userbox ever in the story of the Wikipedia!!!
This user knows that this userbox is pointless!
This user knows that this userbox is pointless, but what the hell!
This user feels that all userboxes should be colorful and appealing.
ANAL 1 User here dont worry two much about their's bad grammars.
HTML -0This person does not understand HTML (or understands it with difficulties, or does not want to write HTML).
This userbox can be used to express a preference for various letters of the English alphabet . See the template for more details.
A a This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is A .
B b This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is B .
C c This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is C .
D d This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is D .
E e This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is E .
F f This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is F .
G g This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is G .
H h This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is H .
I i This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is I .
J j This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is J .
K k This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is K .
L l This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is L .
M m This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is M .
N n This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is N .
O o This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is O .
P p This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is P .
Q q This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is Q .
R r This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is R .
S s This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is S .
T t This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is T .
U u This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is U .
V v This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is V .
W w This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is W .
X x This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is X .
Y y This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is Y .
Z z This user's favorite letter in the English alphabet is Z .
D'oh! This user knows Lenny =White and Carl =Black .
This user loves to kill Kenny .
This user is a fish , or at least thinks so.
This user thinks koalas are AWESOME!!!!
This user loves the Golden Trio
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/brownsbrown
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/brownsvarious
This user's favorite colour is Red .
This user's favourite colour is red .
Red is one of this user's favourite colours.
R This user's favourite colour is red .
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/redsred
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/redsvarious
C This user's favorite color is Crimson .
This user's favourite colour is cranberry .
This user's favorite colour is Pink .
This user's favourite colour is pink .
This user's favourite colour is pink .
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/pinkspink
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/pinksvarious
Pink is one of this user's favourite colours.
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/peachespeach
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/peachesvarious
This user's favourite colour is orange .
This user's favourite colour is Orange .
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/orangesorange
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/orangesvarious
This user's favorite colour is Yellow .
This user's favourite colour is yellow .
This user's favourite colour is Yellow .
This user's favourite colour is Gold .
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/yellowsyellow
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/yellowsvarious
This user's favorite color is green.
This user's favorite color is green .
This user's favourite colour is Green .
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/greensgreen
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/greensvarious
Green is one of this user's favourite colours.
This user is very fond of the color green (but doesn't have just one favorite colour).
This user's favorite colour is Sky Blue .
This user's favorite colour is Dark Blue.
This user's favourite colour is blue .
This user's favourite colour is Blue .
This user likes the color teal .
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/cyanscyan
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/cyansvarious
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/bluesblue
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/bluesvarious
This user's favourite shade of blue is the unnamed shade of blue with a RGB of red 153, green 204 and blue 255, and a hex triplet of 99CCFF.
This user's favorite shade of blue is the unnamed shade of blue with a RGB of red 58, green 88 and blue 175, and a hex triplet of 3A58AF.
This User loves the blue skies smiling at the User. :)
This user's favourite colour is purple .
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/violetsviolet
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/violetsvarious
Bk This user's favourite colour is black .
Bk This user understands that black isn't a colour, but favours it nevertheless.
This user understands that black isn't a colour, but would favour it if it were one.
This user's favourite colour is black .
This user's favourite colour is grey .
This user's favourite colour is grey .
This user loves the Silver Trio
This user gets a funny taste in their mouth when they see the color gray .
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/graysgray
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/graysvarious
W This user's favourite colour is white .
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/whiteswhite
User:Strdst grl/ubx/colours/witesvarious
This user's favorite color is plaid .
This user dreams in color.
This user dreams in black and white.
User:RadicalOne/UBX Design/FavoriteWavelengthVariableColor460
The color code for this user's favorite color is {{{1}}}.
The color code for this user's favorite color is {{{1}}}.
This user likes all of the colors.
This user is strangely attracted to and is obsessed with pastel colors
This user's favorite color is ultraviolet .
This user does not like colors.
no pink This user can't stand the colour pink on most things.
User:Backtothemacman32/color*insert color here*
User:Wex Viator/Templates/User Like ShinyThis user }
User:Wex Viator/Templates/User Know ShinyThis user }
This user's favorite colors are orange, blue, pink and purple.
User:Parcly Taxel/The Dressblue
This user uses a PC.
DAMN! This user's computer is CRAPPY!
This user really likes old computers.
This user is an Angel .
This user is confused.
This user is a flirt .
:( This user wishes there were more userboxes on Wikipedia.
This user is alive!
day Today is Sunday .
Today is Sunday, March 23, 2025 Current time is 22:47 UTC refresh
This user was born in the Year of the Rat . 鼠
アニメ raw This user can watch anime in its original form without subs or dubs .
Animax This user usually watches anime on Animax .
FujiTV This user usually watches anime on FujiTV .
NHK This user usually watches anime on any of NHK ' s channels.
TVAsahi/ This user usually watches anime on TV Asahi .
TV Tokyo This user usually watches anime on TV Tokyo .
WOWOW This user usually watches anime on WOWOW .
まんが ライフ This user usually reads manga from Manga Life .
まんが タイム This user usually reads manga from Manga Time .
虚 This user is a soul-seeking Hollow .
This user is a mighty Espada .
This user is a fan of the Bleach franchise.
This user believes they can Fly .
This user was a Cardcaptor , but got their butt kicked by Yue during the Final Judgment.
デス ノート This user has a Death Note and writes in it constantly.
デス ノート This user has a Death Note but is too scared to write in it.
デス ノート This user had recited all of the rules of Death Note usage, thus they can be asked if someone is confused when using Death Note.
デス ノート This user prefers to keep their notes in their watch.
デス ノート This user would never use a note. However, this user does enjoy either candy, or toys.
User:Eternal dragon/Userboxes/ElfenLiedvector(number)
This user is not a half pint or a midget!
青龍 This user is a warrior of Seiryū .
玄武 This user is a warrior of Genbu .
白虎 This user is a warrior of Byakko .
銀 This user loves Parfait.
Gundam Pilot This user could've been a Gundam Pilot if they knew what courses to take.
This charcoal feather works toward his 巣立ちの日
This charcoal feather works toward her 巣立ちの日
This user is a 灰羽 .
このユーザーは、灰羽 です。
この利用者は、灰羽 です。
D This user loves Initial D and wishes they could overtake using the gutter run.
犬夜叉 This user is not afraid to use his Tessaiga .
This user is a GOTT ES-Member.
{{Wikipedia:WikiProject Anime and manga/Userbox/User Kiddy Grade}
マリア様がみてる Maria watches over this user.
BLUES This person favours Blues.EXE as his/her NetNavi
FORTE This person favours Forte.EXE as his/her NetNavi
SRCH This person favours SearchMan.EXE as his/her NetNavi
ROLL This person favours Roll.EXE as his/her NetNavi
ELEC This person favours ElecMan.EXE as his/her NetNavi
This user thinks the copyright system infringes their hu ma n r ig hts !
This editor is a Novice Editor and is entitled to display this Service Badge .
This user has been on Wikipedia for 0 days .
This user has been on Wikipedia for 0 days .
User:Scoops/Bx/WSincetime immemorial
This user has been on wikipedia for more than 5 months! 5+
This user has been on wikipedia for more than 10 months 10+
This user has been on Wikipedia for 2 years. 2Y
This user just started turning GREEN ....
20 This user is 20 years old.
♂ This contributor to Wikipedia is male .
Name This user's name is Borja .