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According to the Wikipedia it states, “The motherhood penalty is a term coined by sociologists who argue that in the workplace, working mothers encounter systematic disadvantages in pay, perceived competence, and benefits relative to childless women.” This is a huge topic around the world with many myths and facts. Women may suffer a per-child wage penalty, Which cause a pay gap between non-mothers and mothers. This cause a gap pay between women and men. According to the page mothers may also suffer worse job-site. The Wiki states that there is a study that also showed that prospective employers were less likely to call back mothers for interviews than non-mothers. There is an economic theories largely focus on comparing differences between the skills, traits, and behaviors of the workers themselves to explain the gender wage gap. The Wiki shows what may be the cause for this about mothers and non-mothers wage but it states evidence suggests that educational and training differences between them do not entirely explain the penalty for motherhood. I don't really understand the cause but this is what the Wiki suggest to the readers. While I keep reading the page it gives many theories on this situation and no fax. This is a problem because you can suggest theories when we live a life base of facts. Theory just cause problems because people will believe or state thieros as facts. But as I continue human capital theory, having children diminishes the wages of mothers because it impedes the development of human capital. This was confusing to understand. Mothers may also sacrifice their pay for jobs that are compatible with motherhood. Mothers may be willing to accept lower pay in return for desirable features, such as flexible work schedules, access to paid leave, and part-time work hours. The problem I have with this statement is that they are not being forced to take this but rather choice is so I don't see how working mothers encounter systematic disadvantages in pay if they are choosing it. The Wiki states, “A study done by Rebecca Glauber, shows that mothers do not get compensated for lower wages with benefits such as flexible time schedules and paid leave” but does not provide a link so I cannot take this as a fact but rather than a he said she said scenario. Right after the page states “Glauber found that mothers face a larger wage penalty when they work in female-dominated jobs” and again no link provided. The work-effort theory overlaps with the human capital theory, but focus on the productivity of the workers. This states that the wage penalty faced by mothers may be due to actual productivity differences between mothers and non-mothers. Which means they get paid according to how hard they work which seems to normal. Sociological theories explore the cultural and societal constructs that lead to perceived differences between men and women as an explanation for the gender wage gap. I did not understand Status characteristics theory and have to ask you about that. I wish this page had links to their theories but it doesn't so it is difficult to take any off the statements as real evidence.