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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Education, Discovery and Sharing: A Wiki Project

Why Am I Doing This?

I've always enjoyed learning and collecting information such that it's easy to retrieve again when I need it. This seems to be a way I can do this and at the same time, share some of what I learn with others. I suspect it may be a while before I'm ready to do much more than augment topics that others have already begun, but now seems as good a time as any to give it a go.

Using Wikipedia[edit]

Wikipedia:User pages

Wikipedia:User page design center

When designing a good color selector can be found at Color Selector

Further Research[edit]

Theory of relativity

United Kingdom[edit]

RDS:UK Reference Page

Life On The Farm[edit]

RDS:Oak Moon Farm Page

Pagan Beliefs[edit]

RDS:Pagan Studies Page


Marco Polo (TV series)


RDS:Health Page