User:Boanuge/The Bible-smith Project
※ The Bible-smith Project : "The Gospel for Everyone"
The Bible-smith Project 성경대장장이 프로젝트 | |
"The Gospel for everyone", making it universally accessible and useful Mission based on Acts 20:24 | |
Mission statement | "The Bible-smith Project" is the project that works on any kind of Bible related applications and information for more effective and efficient Evangelism with the vision "The Gospel for Everyone", making it universally accessible and useful. "성경대장장이 프로젝트"는 "모든 사람에게 복음을"이라는 비전으로 보다 정확하고 효율적인 복음전파를 위해 성경과 관련된 모든 종류의 프로그램들과 정보들을 작업하여 누구나 접근 가능하고 활용할 수 있도록 만드는 프로젝트 입니다. |
Owner | The Holy Spirit |
Established | June 21, 1997 |
Status | Active |
"The Bible-smith Project". is the project that works on any kind of Bible related applications and information for more effective and efficient Evangelism with the vision "The Gospel for Everyone", making it universally accessible and useful.
From the project, more than 20,000 Gospel related contents and more than 200 android/iOS applications - including Bibles in more than 70 different languages - have been developed and/or shared to the world since 1997.
About Bible
[edit]The Bible - is the work of Holy Spirit through His people. - acknowledges Holy Spirit being the original author and He is still living. - acknowledges that you have Holy Spirit within you. The Holy Spirit is the original author of all Bibles.
About Gospel
[edit]All texts/contents in the Scripture testify about Jesus Christ either directly or indirectly [John 5:39]. Testifications/witnesses provided in scripture about Jesus Christ are facts/truth. Only through faith in Jesus Christ and by grace a person have salvation; and that not of yourselves: it is given by God not by works [Ephesians 2:8].
[edit]External links
- "영어 성경 : The Holy Bible in Basic English, Published by Cambridge University, Translated by Prof. S. H. Hooke, University of London, BBE is composed of a total of 1,000 words since 1949".
- "한글 성경 : The Holy Bible in Korean, New Standard Translation Version, Spoken in Korean Peninsula in Far East Asia, Since 2001".
- "다국어 성경 : Holy Bible in Many Languages".
- "만화 성경 (Bible cartoon) : Preaching the good new of the kingdom of God".
- "만화 성경 (Bible cartoon) : 천국복음의 선포 1부~4부".
- "복음 묵상 (Gospel meditation for 365 days) : My Utmost for His Highest".
- "복음 묵상 (Gospel meditation for 365 days) : 오스왈드 챔버스의 주님은 나의 최고봉".
- "Wonderful Stoty in Bible (The Old Testament)".
- "Wonderful Stoty in Bible (The New Testament)".
- "원더풀 성경이야기 (구약)".
- "원더풀 성경이야기 (신약)".
- "Web-page : The Bible-smith Project".
- "Facebook-page : The Bible-smith Project".
- "Wikipedia-page : 성경대장장이프로젝트".
- "Youtube-page : The Bible-smith Project".
- "Youtube-page : 성경대장장이프로젝트".
- "Donation for The Bible-smith Project".
- "성경대장장이프로젝트 후원".
- "✞ Find purpose & be fulfilled @ Billy Graham Evangelistic Association".
- "✞ Find Jesus Christ (삶의 진정한 목적과 의미를 찾아보세요) @ 1Billion.Org".
[edit]- Prayer > Search > Compile > Polish > Share the Gospel about Jesus Christ
[Hebrews 7:27] Who has no need to make offerings for sins every day; because he did this once and for ever when he made an offering of himself.
See also
[edit]Bible apps
[edit]This project supports any kind of computer related Bible works for more effective and efficient Evangelism.
ps. Please walk together with this project by prayer.
+ We are conscious that all things are working together for good to those who have love for God in His purpose. [Romans 8:28]
+ My life is to complete the task the Lord has given me to testify to the Gospel of the grace of God, so that I may finish my race with joy. [Acts 20:24]
+ He who overcomes, and keeps my works to the end, to him I will give rule over the nations. [Revelation 2:26]
WWHSS (What Would Holy Spirit Say)
[edit]The AI to generate Holy Bible based answer - The knowledge of good and evil should be solely based on the Word of God.
선악과 AI : WWHSS (성령님이라면 뭐라고하실까)
인공지능을 통해 성경 기반의 답변을 생성 - 선과 악에 대한 지식은 오직 하나님의 말씀에만 기초해야 합니다.