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Jorunal entry 10


In class we did another draft of our wild seed which was annoying because we keep on doing it but after that we went over draft for our essay but did a lesson on citing and quotes

Journal entry 9


Today in class we met up with groups and did a draft to our section after we worked on our thesis

journal entry 8


today in class we split up to groups and did different types of assignments. I was in the reception group reading reviews about the wild seed after we reviewed the drafts and went over our proposal.

journal entry 7


the class today shared our summaries for research assignment 5. Each assignment had different themes one of them is eugenic which mean creating a race. We then talked about what to do for the research proposal i have a good idea what we are doing and feel confident about it

Eugenic Summary

  • Eugenic is the main concern of Butler's work Wild Seed
  • Butler work also show the problem between eugenic utilitarianism and christian human rights
  • The book also engages with the Greek myth if Prometheus and christian genesis
  • Doro represents as a social Darwinist and Anyanwu represents christian moral
  • Doro ideas is similar to Davenport about mental abilities
  • Anyanwu is Eve and Doro is Adam
  • Doro and Anyanwu is a matriarchy and patriarchy
  • Doro is promethemus because he is trapped between life and death
  • Dor is also a victim of evolution

journal entry 6


In class we went over the MLA citing style over again. Discussed research assignment 3 but before that we talked about waves of feminist but a new major theme we talked is Cyborgs

research assignment 4 Duchamp

  • Duchamp said when using the word influenced it does not recognize the big picture
  • She states by creating new diverse characters it can represent more than what we see in the white male views standard in this world
  • She wanted to write a book that didn’t sound too serious but wanted a political attitude
  • If she looked at feminist science fiction and the feminist literary fiction she realize that science fiction had a less direct approach to social and personal life
  • Writing science fiction was like magic because i wrote things unconsciously
  • Wild seed is an example of how to write a political fiction but also keep it alive with images
  • Doro and Anyanwu value generation but both have different views
  • If Butler treated the problem between Doro and Anyanwu different psychologically
  • Duchamp states that women’s identities is explained by their significant other and men’s life is explained by their achievements
  • Feminist believed gender oppression made all women equal but with anger of women of color feminist believed it would separate women
  • Doro is identified not a monster but to European writers he is a man and Anyanwu is not Doro’s lover but is defined as a woman
  • In the 70s an oppressed woman is depicted as someone who escaped their oppressors.

“I believe that Wild Seed works as a model for how to write overtly political fiction for three reasons. First and most obviously, because the story is science fiction, the social and political oppression depicted.” This is true because slavery is political issue and in the book people like Isaac could read minds “ Buder signals the reader that the novel's conflict is not merely between individuals, but is between two opposed views of the world” throughout the book Anyanwu always how Doro treated people because she thought people were special while Doro thought they were special to his needs.

Research assigment 4 R.Holden

  • R.Holden believes WIld Seed encourage her to read more of Butler’s book
  • Butler choices of female characters makes the reader notice the difference of women in this world
  • The book not only affected her doctoral research but also her belief as a feminist
  • R.Holden states she didn’t wanna force feminism into students heads nor could she speak for all women but to teach them it she use an fantasy literature
  • Butler felt she was a feminist when she thought it was important to have equal rights for black women
  • Haraway shows Octavia Butler as a teller of high tech world
  • Butler makes characters who have difficult statues
  • Butler engages technologies that threatens characters’ happiness

“was not interested in becoming an apolitical, opinion-free, and thus supposedly value-free instructor or scholar who simply followed past models of research and writing for academic feminism. At the same time, I did not want to turn students off from developing critical and social awareness by stuffing "Feminism" with a capital "F" down their throats” I like this quote because the writer wasn't trying to make students’ mind.

“It also meant posing those uncomfortable questions about sex, race, class, and politics, and encouraging students to discuss and analyze their discomfort. As a scholar, it meant using an academically acceptable topic-that of utopian literature” this quote is good because from my experience it made feminism easier to read and not put to side due to every part of a book being interesting.
== journal entry 5 ==

In class we talked about how should we cite the artcles in MLA one thing we made a major note is underlining where the literature come from when we are writing and when we are using the computor we put the words in italic style.

Govan, S. Y. “Homage to Tradition: Octavia Butler Renovates the Historical Novel,”

  • Butler have became the voice of SF
  • Butler is aware of the social perceptions
  • According to Govan Wild Seed is about lonesome and power
  • When Doro kills it brings him satisfaction
  • Anyanwu is based on a real life heroine
  • Anyanwu represent the African Ethos because she likes to protect people
  • In Dana Rufus limits friendship but demands sexual attention from Alice
  • Rufus forces Alice share beds
  • both Wild Seed and Dana protagonist are control by men.


  • In both Wild Seed and Kindred power is the main theme of Butler novels
  • Doro is not telepathy he reproduce people because he enjoys having them around
  • Anyanwu is a healer and shape shift
  • Doro and Anyanwu aren't a like but are good companions to each other
  • Without Anyanwu, Doro is lonely because his life is long
  • Anyanwu is the first character to make Doro realize love

Salvaggio, R. Octavia Butler and the Science-Fiction Heroine,

  • SF is a male dominate genre who creates male characters females are not much involve
  • Butler a female have changed the genre by adding female perspective
  • Butler uses these characters to confronts the factor of social issues sex, and race.
  • Each of Butler's novels is set around a society that is telepaths one example is Anyanwu who goes through a horror of slavery and Mary who is abused by her father
  • Marriage is an issue in wild seed and mind of my mind because both characters are forced to marry and have an problem with it
  • The ability to survive is what made the map of Anyanwu
  • It hard not to think Doro lives out of love. When Anyanwu wanted to die he came to understand the aspect if life
  • Anyanwu is believe to be determine her goal is freedom but it hard to get to her goal
  • Most of Butler novels are about survival about a black women

Salvaggio, Ruth. "Octavia Butler and the Black Science-Fiction Heroine." Black American Literature Forum 18.2 (1984): 78. Web.

research assignment 2



  • Wild Seed thematic core explores the question of what it means to be human through Doro who sense of brotherhood in humans race has changed and Anyanwu
  • The theme of what it means to be human has fascinated sf writers
  • Doro reason for existence is to dedicate to breeding with people who have a gift Anyanwu is forced to join the gene so she can pass on her healing powers
  • Trying to control Anyanwu Doro changes his plans to her standards so she can breed Butler uses of history provides a texture of realism

“Doro existence is obsessively dedicated to breeding a line of people” “Doro a 4,000 yr old mutant whose sense of brotherhood in human has changed” this quote is important because it the reason why Doro makes his actions


  • The struggle of the characters in wild seed are gender roles and race issue
  • Doro comes out as a hero in this book than mind of my mind
  • Doro power threatens Anyanwu because if she never leaves with him he will hurt them
  • Anyanwu migrates to California after she changes to Emma in mind of my mind
  • Butler’s book is a combination of real history and folklore it relates to Chinua Achebe things fall apart
  • The relationship of Doro and Anyanwu is preview of how each mortal may feel about each other in the mortal world

“Doro and ANyanwu Dramatizes a fundamental conflict between the affinity a solitary immortal male and female might feel for one another in a world of mortals” I chose this quote because their gender plays a big role in the book


  • Bishop believes Butler gets the SF but does not get the clue of theme plot and background
  • Wild seed is a weird love story it introduce human problems between duty and desire
  • The accomplishment of wild seed is it made us believe in humanity of two near immortals

“the story itself is eerily fascinating and well wrought it begins in 1960 in what today is nigeria” I chose this quote because the book have realistic events going on

chapter 11 to epilogue


Doro heard news about a man who kept to himself since his wife died, the old man lived on a plantation with slaves. When the man got Doro’s attention he notice it was the same feeling he had when he felt Anyanwu. As years pass Doro had villages all over the new world, he thought of Anyanwu between them years, he thought of the breeding success he had made with her but also thought of killing her for running away from him. When found Anyanwu he was undecided to kill her, but they talked about the people that were in her plantation and noted while meeting these people she took up a male form and discussed the new breeding ability she could as a male and animal. After the talk Doro felt Anyanwu was in competition with him because of the community she building but it wasn’t she was doing it because people needed her. Just like the contralive man he was he took over plantation, he brought Joseph who try to rape a 11 yr old girl and killed Stephan. Anyanwu and Doro became close they made love, Anyanwu was no longer resentful to Doro he obeyed him and did whatever she was told but after Doro killed Anyanwu wanted to leave Doro, it was the first time in the book Doro will ever cry or feel sadness. Anyanwu couldn't everything Doro also she stopped Doro from killing the people who served him but couldn't stop the killing but she did promise to the treatment of people who were like susan and thomas. Soon Anyanwu moved to somewhere and changed her name to Emma.

journal entry 4


I learned what a Wikipedia a article is suppose to have one is a lead themes background and receptions

Orson Scott card on Butler's craft in wild seed

  • The book handles exposition because it drops occasional terms and explaining them only later
  • she doesn't mislead us by putting little characters in the lead of the sentence
  • He believes Octavia lets reader build it own picture
  • A SF writer can state more information than he needs
  • Sf writers use a lot of metaphors that can really mean something about a character but you have to use metaphors when things are fully explained in the beginning of the story
  • using only similes and analogies should be available to character so it can be an illusion to the story's milieu
  • it important that you reveal information at the early stage of the reading because you promise the reader an interesting story.

wild seed chapter 7-10


Doro went back to Wheatley to see his daughter due to him feeling something was wrong with her. When arrived Doro talked to Isaac they discussed a new wild seed name the Sloans, the couple were afraid of Anyanwu “blackness” and powers. Both men continued to talk they talked about the growing racial tension and the tension between wild seeds. When Doro met up with his daughter Nweke, she talked about the killing the indians committed in her town she also told him that they tore off her nails. The scene made her feel what the slaves felt when they get whipped. Nweke soon went into transition, Doro thought it was gonna be a special one. Unlike other chapters Anyanwu grew hate for Doro due to his evil ways she will give him looks and say rude things about him but Doro never approach her about it. One of example of her attitude is when Nweke fell unconscious during transitions he had to make a trip Anyanwu felt offended and called him names. Thomas was a man Doro end up killing after Anyanwu healed, although he treated her wrong calling her racial slurs before the healing Anyanwu wanted to help after he was healed Thomas wanted to show love to her but it was to once Doro got to him. When Nweke transition was done she hurt Anwanyu making it hard to heal herself but Anwanyu felt it was important to heal him but nothing seem to work out so he died. In the end Isaac and Nweke had a funeral, Anyanwu decided to run away to be with dolphins she was afraid might catch her but she didn’t care.

journal entry 3


todays class we talked about how should we disscussed more about pharapharsing and quotting not only we dissuced about topic sentence the defination of a topic sentence is a sentence that summarize a paragraph

wild seed chapter 5-6


On the way to America the ship Anyanwu on had slaves, not many slaves. Most of the slaves had different reasons why they were slaves but all left somebody important behind in their land. The slaves was treated with kindness none of them were whip or chain, they wanted to go home, but they never complain about it to Doro since they feared him. When the ship encountered a storm Isaac a new character used his ability to control the ship from getting wrecked during the powerful winds, all the crewmen was happy for Isaac’s actions. Isaac was soon sent to Anyanwu’s room with one of Doro’s son Lale sach who she had to kill because she was afraid of him coming back to kill her, this accident happen because Lale tried to control her thoughts so she struck at him, he is the first member to die during the voyage. Anyanwu grew an impression of the fishes, when on the dinner table eating fish Anyanwu got a idea to be a fish since her body reads things, Doro or Isaac didn’t like the idea because the sea is dangerous with sharks but Doro stop with his worrying and let her do it. Anyanwu swam with dolphins and met a dolphin who seem to have liked her, they danced, and touched each other. When Anyanwu arrive to America she discover a new type of people which were indians they were knowing as savages because of conflicts Doro had with them, she also is trying to adapt herself with the new American culture she does not like some of the clothes or the fact they use milk in some of their food. Due to Anyanwu’s culture marrying a husband’s son was a bad thing, when Doro force her to marry Isaac by threaten her she made a big deal out of it, the reason why he demand that action so she won't feel lonely.

journal entry 2


What I learn in class is that quoting is hard than how it seems. I also learned the three different meathods of writing one is quoting, pharaphase, and summarizing. We also talked about what should be in a summary and how should we do it.

wild seed chapter 1-4


In the wild seed chapter 1 we met two characters one name Anyanwu and Doro these characters both are special people with powerful abilities. In the beginning of the book we met Doro who was traveling from different part of the Niger river. He went south and saw Anyanwu, from there he kept stalking her Anyanwu was aware of him but kept her calmness and move on with her day it not until Doro introduce himself. When introduce Doro spoke a different language from Anyanwu but he was able to communicate still, they talked about people from different clans and their true identity. As we kept reading Doro was in a different body and Anyanwu could change to different things. Later we find out Doro wanted people outcast to join him in the New World and believes Anyanwu needs to be apart of it but it takes long for her to be convince. In chapter 2 Anyanwu is convinced she learns that Doro really does kills to keep his youthful and it by swapping bodies, getting deep in the book Doro and Anyanwu gets close, Doro goal was to make her submissive and you can see that is happening Doro showed her what he is capable of. Reading chapter 3 you come to learn that Doro is into the slave business you read about how he know white and their goal is to learn about God, in some parts of the reading the whites refer to some of the villagers as monstrous, godless animals or blacks Doro doesn't seem to care. In the slave business Doro is a well respected man nobody touches or talks back because they know what he's capable of.

research assingment 1


Dr Butler is knowing to be a great writer a person who contribute to the development of her writing at an early age was her mother who use to bring magazines for her to read. At a young age Butler suffer from shyness because she wouldn’t socialize with other children and also suffer from dyslexia which made school work difficult and believed she was socially hopeless. Being shy and having dyslexia was a problem her height made her a target to bully so most of the time she stood at the library reading and writing. Spending in the library grew her interest for science fiction magazines. The mom again contribute to her learning by buying a type where she wrote a story that maybe better than the “Devil Girl from Mars” but during those times at her age her aunt told her she can’t write because shes black. After graduating she took writing classes and one of her writings impress the teachers. What impress me about Butler is her determination, being dyslexic and being told she can’t be a writer because she black never stopped her from what she wanted to do, her actions shows if she can do it you can do it. Another thing that impress me about octavia is her making a career and making out of what she loves to do these days not everyone gets a chance to do what they love because it won’t cover certain expenses. Wikipedia contributors. "Octavia E. Butler." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 13 Sep. 2015. Web. 28 Sep. 2015.

journal entry 1


what I have learned is how to cite authors work. I also learned how to use a computer a little bit better. I also learned my professor is helpful but fast at what she do.

citation practice


Octavia Butler was shy as a child [1] [2]0[3]


  1. ^ Butler, Octavia E "positive obsession" bloodchild and other stories New York seven stories, 2005
  2. ^ Butler, O.E. "Birth Of A Writer." Essence (Essence) 20.1 (1989): 74. Academic Search Complete. Web. 21 Sept. 2015.
  3. ^ John Clute. "Butler, Octavia E". The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction edited by John Clute, David Langford, Peter Nicholls and Graham Sleight. London: Gollancz, updated 16 September 2015. Web. Accessed 21 September 2015. <http://www.sf-encyclopedia.com/entry/butler_octavia>