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This is my sandbox. I wonder if you can have more than one? I sometimes would want to be working on several articles at the same time to build them up until they are ready.



I am at a training session run by the University of Edinburgh.

Citations eg the BBC thinks pansexuality is real.[1]

Moving on to my ongoing project:

Developing a UK ver$ of this USA article here

The Bisexual pride flag, created by bisexual activist Michael Page.

Bisexuality in the United Kingdom addresses the history of bisexual people in the United Kingdom.

1850 to 1950


The word "bisexual" was first used in its modern sense of being sexually attracted to both women and men by the American neurologist Charles Gilbert Chaddock, in his 1892 translation of Kraft-Ebing's Psychopathia Sexualis. Prior to this, "bisexual" was usually used to mean hermaphroditic. Under any label, openly bisexual people are difficult to identify for an era where understanding of sexuality was different than today or where evidence is limited: for example both William Shakespeare and Oscar Wilde have been argued to be bisexual.

PARA: Bisexuality, the Wolfenden Report and the input of Kinsey to the committee, was this the 1940s or 1950s? 1957 IMO. Check. Cite.

.........Bisexuality was given some visibility and research evidence in the USA research of Alfred Kinsey (who was himself bisexual) and his colleagues in the late 1940s and early 1950s; they found that 28% of women and 46% of men had responded erotically to or were sexually active with both women and men.[2]

.........Their research also found that 11.6% of white males (ages 20–35) had about equal heterosexual and homosexual experience/response throughout their adult lives, and that 7% of single females (ages 20–35) and 4% of previously married females (ages 20–35) had about equal heterosexual and homosexual experience/response for this period of their lives.[3][4] As a result of this research, the earlier meanings of the word "bisexual" were largely displaced by the modern meaning of being attracted to both women and men.[5] However, Kinsey himself disliked the use of the term bisexual to describe individuals who engage in sexual activity with both males and females, preferring to use "bisexual" in its original, biological sense as hermaphroditic, and saying, "Until it is demonstrated [that] taste in a sexual relation is dependent upon the individual containing within his [sic] anatomy both male and female structures, or male and female physiological capacities, it is unfortunate to call such individuals bisexual" (Kinsey et al., 1948, p. 657).[6]

1960 to present




- 1967 Act and previous attempts - 1969 Stonewall riot and start of Pride

.........LGBT political activism became more prominent in this decade. In 1966 bisexual activist Robert A. Martin (aka Donny the Punk) founded the Student Homophile League at Columbia University and New York University.

.........The Stonewall Rebellion, considered the beginning of the modern LGBT rights movement, occurred at the Stonewall bar in 1969. Bar patrons, including bisexuals, stood up to the police during a raid.[7] In commemoration of this, the next year the first LGBT pride march was held. Bisexual activist Brenda Howard is known as the "Mother of Pride" for her work in coordinating this march. Howard also originated the idea for a week-long series of events around Pride Day which became the genesis of the annual LGBT Pride celebrations that are now held around the world every June.[8][9] Additionally, Howard along with bisexual activist Robert A. Martin (aka Donny the Punk) and L. Craig Schoonmaker are credited with popularizing the word "Pride" to describe these festivities.[10] As bisexual activist Tom Limoncelli put it, "The next time someone asks you why LGBT Pride marches exist or why [LGBT] Pride Month is June tell them 'A bisexual woman named Brenda Howard thought it should be.'"



- David Bowie. - 1976 Tom Robinson writes Glad To Be Gay and in 1978 as part of the Rising Free EP it makes number 18 in the UK charts, though the Top 40 show broadcasts a different track from the record instead. Two decades later the song would acquire an extra verse about Tom's experience of biphobia in the gay community.

.........Bisexuals became more prominent in the media in the 1970s. In 1972 bisexual activist Don Fass founded the National Bisexual Liberation group in New York City, which issued The Bisexual Expression, most likely the earliest bisexual newsletter.[7]

.........Bisexuals were also important contributors to the larger LGBT rights movement. In 1972, Bill Beasley, a bisexual activist in the civil rights movement as well as the LGBT movement, was the core organizer of the first Los Angeles Gay Pride March. He was also active with the Gay Liberation Front.[7] In 1975, activist Carol Queen came out as bisexual and organized GAYouth in Eugene, Ore.[7] In 1977 Alan Rockway, a psychologist and bisexual activist, co-authored America's first successful gay rights ordinance put to public vote, in Dade County, Florida. Anita Bryant campaigned against the ordinance, and Rockway began a boycott of Florida orange juice, which she advertised, in response. The San Francisco Bisexual Center also helped sponsor a press conference with lesbian activists Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon, and pediatrician Dr. Benjamin Spock, in opposition to Bryant. Bisexual activist Alexei Guren founded the Gay Teen Task Force in Miami, Fla., in response to Bryant's campaign. The Florida Citrus Commission canceled her contract as a direct response to this pressure.[7] Also in 1977, Dr. Marvin Colter founded ARETE, a support and social group for bisexuals in Visalia, Calif., which marched in Los Angeles Gay Pride and had a newsletter.[7] In 1979 A. Billy S. Jones, a bisexual founding member of the National Coalition of Black Lesbians and Gays, helped organize the first black gay delegation to meet with President Jimmy Carter's White House staff. Jones was also a core organizer of the 1979 March On Washington for Gay and Lesbian Rights, and “Third world conference: When will the ignorance end?,” the first national conference for gay and lesbian people of color.[7]

.........The bisexual movement had its own successes as well. Most notably, in 1972 a Quaker group, the Committee of Friends on Bisexuality, issued the “Ithaca Statement on Bisexuality” supporting bisexuals.[11] The Statement, which may have been "the first public declaration of the bisexual movement" and "was certainly the first statement on bisexuality issued by an American religious assembly," appeared in the Quaker Friends Journal and The Advocate in 1972.[12][13][14]

.........In 1976 Harriet Levi and Maggi Rubenstein founded the San Francisco Bisexual Center.[7] It was the longest surviving bisexual community center, offering counseling and support services to Bay Area bisexuals, as well as publishing a newsletter, The Bi Monthly, from 1976 to 1984.[7] In 1978, bisexual activist Dr. Fritz Klein introduced the Klein Sexual Orientation Grid in his book The bisexual option: A concept of one-hundred percent intimacy, in which he examined the incidence and nature of bisexuality, the attitudes of bisexual persons, and the rewards of bisexuality.[7] Bisexual activism also began to spread beyond the coasts, as from 1978 until 1979, several Midwestern bisexual groups were created, such as One To Five (founded by Scott Bartell and Gary Lingen for Minneapolis/St.Paul, Minn), BI Women Welcome in Minneapolis, The BI Married Men's Group in the Detroit suburbs, and BI Ways in Chicago.[7]



London Bi Group. Edinburgh Bi Group.

BiCon / The Politics of Bisexuality.

The London LG Centre Ban and the Switchboard volunteer ban.


.........n the 1980s AIDS began to affect the LGBT community, and bisexual people took an important role in combating it. In 1981 bisexual activists David Lourea and Cynthia Slater presented safer-sex education in bathhouses and BDSM clubs in San Francisco. Also in 1981, bisexual activist Alexei Guren, on the founding board of the Health Crisis Network (now CareResource) in Miami, Fla., began outreach and advocacy for Latino married men who have sex with men.[7] In 1984, bisexual activist David Lourea finally persuaded the San Francisco Department of Public Health to recognize bisexual men in their official AIDS statistics (the weekly “New AIDS cases and mortality statistics” report), after two years of campaigning. Health departments throughout the United States began to recognize bisexual men because of this, whereas before they had mostly only recognized gay men.[7] Bisexual activists also fought for the recognition of women in the AIDS epidemic. From 1984 until 1986, bisexual activist Veneita Porter, of the Prostitute’s Union of Massachusetts and COYOTE (Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics), advocated for women, transgender people, and injection drug users with AIDS.[7] In 1985, HIV-Positive bisexual activist Cynthia Slater organized the first Women’s HIV/AIDS Information Switchboard.[7] This sort of activism was particularly important for bisexuals as they were often blamed for spreading AIDS to their heterosexual partners. For example, in 1987, Newsweek portrayed bisexual men as “the ultimate pariahs” of the AIDS epidemic, and bisexual activist and person with AIDS Alan Rockway of BiPOL was quoted speaking against the stereotype.[7] An October 1989 Cosmopolitan magazine article that stereotyped bisexual men as dishonest spreaders of AIDS led to a letter-writing campaign by the New York Area Bisexual Network (NYABN). Cosmopolitan has printed no articles defaming bisexuals since the campaign.[7]

.........The bisexual movement enjoyed some important firsts during the 1980s. The Boston Bisexual Women's Network, the oldest existing bisexual women's group, was founded in 1983 and began publishing their bi-monthly newsletter, BI Women. It is the longest-existing bisexual newsletter in the US.[7] Also in 1983, BiPOL, the first and oldest bisexual political organization, was founded in San Francisco by bisexual activists Autumn Courtney, Lani Ka'ahumanu, Arlene Krantz, David Lourea, Bill Mack, Alan Rockway, and Maggi Rubenstein.[7] In 1984, BiPOL sponsored the first bisexual rights rally, outside the Democratic National Convention in San Francisco. The rally featured nine speakers from civil rights groups allied with the bisexual movement.[7] Also in 1984, the First East Coast Conference on Bisexuality (which was also the first regional bisexual conference in the US) was held at the Storrs School of Social Work at the University of Connecticut, with about 150 people participating.[7] Participants in the conference then founded the East Coast Bisexual Network in 1985, which later was renamed the Bisexual Resource Center (BRC) in 1993. In 1987, the East Coast Bisexual Network established the first Bisexual History Archives with bisexual activist Robyn Ochs’ initial collection; archivist Clare Morton hosted researchers.[7] Also in 1987, the Bay Area Bisexual Network, the oldest and largest bisexual group in the San Francisco Bay Area, was founded by Lani Ka'ahumanu, Ann Justi and Maggi Rubenstein.[15]

Newsletters: BiMonthly and perhaps just about BiFrost

Groups: Manchester, Norwich

Section 28

.........Bisexual people also continued to be active in the larger LGBT movement. In 1986 BiPOL's Autumn Courtney was elected co-chair of San Francisco's Lesbian Gay Freedom Day Pride Parade Committee; she was the first openly bisexual person to hold this sort of position in the United States.[7] In 1987 a group of 75 bisexuals marched in the 1987 March On Washington For Gay and Lesbian Rights, which was the first nationwide bisexual gathering. The article "The Bisexual Movement: Are We Visible Yet?", by Lani Ka'ahumanu, appeared in the official Civil Disobedience Handbook for the March. It was the first article about bisexuals and the emerging bisexual movement to be published in a national lesbian or gay publication. [16] The North American Bisexual Network, the first national bisexual organization, was first thought of at this gathering, though not founded until three years later (see below.) NABN would later change its name to BiNet USA.[7]



BiFrost and BCN magazine

.........The oldest national bisexuality organization in the United States, BiNet USA, was founded in 1990. It was originally called the North American Multicultural Bisexual Network (NAMBN), and had its first meeting at the first National Bisexual Conference in America.[17][17][18] This first conference was held in San Francisco, and sponsored by BiPOL. Bisexual health was one of eight workshop tracks at the conference, and the “NAMES Project” quilt was displayed with bisexual quilt pieces. Over 450 people attended from 20 states and 5 countries, and the mayor of San Francisco sent a proclamation "commending the bisexual rights community for its leadership in the cause of social justice," and declaring June 23, 1990 Bisexual Pride Day.[7] The conference also inspired attendees from Dallas to create the first bisexual group in Texas, called BiNet Dallas.[7]

.........The bisexual movement also became more accepted as part of established institutions. In 1990, Susan Carlton offered the first academic course on bisexuality in America at UC Berkeley, and in 1991, psychologists Sari Dworkin and Ron Fox became the founding co-chairs of the Task Force on Bisexual Issues of Division 44, the gay and lesbian group in the American Psychological Association.[7] In 1997, bisexual activist and psychologist Pat Ashbrook pioneered a national model for LGBT support groups within the Veterans Administration hospital system.[7]

.........Bisexual literature became more prominent in the 1990s. In 1991, the Bay Area Bisexual Network began publishing the first national bisexual quarterly magazine, Anything That Moves: Beyond The Myths Of Bisexuality, founded by Karla Rossi, who was the managing editor of the editorial collective until 1993.[7][15] 1991 also saw the publication of one of the seminal books in the history of the modern bisexual rights movement, Bi Any Other Name: Bisexual People Speak Out, an anthology edited by Loraine Hutchins and Lani Ka'ahumanu. After this anthology was forced to compete (and lost) in the Lambda Literary Awards under the category Lesbian Anthology, and in 2005, Directed by Desire: Collected Poems[19] a posthumous collection of the bisexual Jamaican American writer June Jordan's work had to compete (and won) in the category "Lesbian Poetry",[20] BiNet USA led the bisexual community in a multi-year campaign eventually resulting in the addition of a Bisexual category, starting with the 2006 Awards. In 1995, Harvard Shakespeare professor Marjorie Garber made the academic case for bisexuality with her book Vice Versa: Bisexuality and the Eroticism of Everyday Life, in which she argued that most people would be bisexual if not for "repression, religion, repugnance, denial, laziness, shyness, lack of opportunity, premature specialization, a failure of imagination, or a life already full to the brim with erotic experiences, albeit with only one person, or only one gender."[21] In 1997, bisexual activist Dr. Fritz Klein founded the Journal of Bisexuality, the first academic, quarterly journal on bisexuality.[7] However, other media proved more mixed in terms of representing bisexuals. In 1990, a film with a relationship between two bisexual women, called Henry and June, became the first film to receive the NC-17 rating from the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA).[22] But in 1993, bisexual activist Sheela Lambert wrote, produced, and hosted the first television series by and for bisexuals, called Bisexual Network. It aired for 13 weeks on NYC Public Access Cable.[7]

.........Regional organizations in the bisexual movement also began to have more impact. In 1992 the Bisexual Connection (Minnesota) sponsored the First Annual Midwest Regional Bisexual Conference, called "BECAUSE (Bisexual Empowerment Conference: A Uniting, Supportive Experience)."[7] That year Minnesota changed its State Civil Rights Law to grant the most comprehensive civil rights protections for bisexual, lesbian, gay, and transgender people in the country. Minnesota's bisexual community had united with lesbian, gay, and transgender groups to lobby for this statute.[7] Also in 1992, the South Florida Bisexual Network (founded in 1989) and the Florida International University's Stonewall Students Union co-sponsored the First Annual Southeast Regional Bisexual Conference. Thirty-five people from at least four southeastern states attended.[7] In 1993 the First Annual Northwest Regional Conference was sponsored by BiNet USA, the Seattle Bisexual Women's Network, and the Seattle Bisexual Men's Union. It was held in Seattle, and fifty-five people representing Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Montana, and British Columbia attended.[7]

.........An important event in the LGBT rights movement in this decade was the 1993 March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation. As a result of lobbying by BiPOL (San Francisco), openly bisexual people held key leadership roles in local and regional organizing for the March, and for the first time bisexuals were included in the title of the March. Also, openly bisexual activist and author Lani Ka'ahumanu spoke at the rally, and over 1,000 people marched with the bisexual group. Coinciding with the March, BiNet USA, the Bisexual Resource Center (BRC), and the Washington, DC-based Alliance of Multicultural Bisexuals (AMBi) sponsored the Second National Conference Celebrating Bisexuality in Washington, DC. Over than 600 people attended from the US and Europe, making it at the time the largest Bisexual Conference ever held.[7]

.........Several important surveys concerning bisexuality were conducted around this time. In 1993, Ron Fox authored the first large scale research study on bisexual identity, and established and maintained a comprehensive bibliography on bi research.[7] Also in 1993, The Janus Report on Sexual Behavior showed that 5 percent of men and 3 percent of women considered themselves bisexual.[23] In 1995 BiNet USA Bisexual Youth Initiative, Fayetteville, N.C., developed and mailed a national survey to LGBT youth programs. The survey was published and sent back to agencies, offering assistance to improve services to bisexual youth.[7]

.........The Bisexual Pride flag was designed by Michael Page (it was unveiled on Dec 5th, 1998 [24]), and in 1999, the first Celebrate Bisexuality Day was organized by Michael Page, Gigi Raven Wilbur, and Wendy Curry. It is now observed every September 23.[7]



From IBC6 to IBC10

BiReCon and engagement between academics, activists and community

Section 28, Civil Partnerships

.........Bisexual people had notable accomplishments in the LGBT rights movement at this time. In 2001, the American Psychological Association (APA)’s “Guidelines on psychotherapy with lesbian, gay and bisexual clients” stated “homosexuality and bisexuality are not a mental illness"; bisexual activist Ron Fox served on the task force that produced the guidelines.[7] In 2002, Pete Chvany, Luigi Ferrer, James Green, Loraine Hutchins and Monica McLemore presented at the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Health Summit, held in Boulder, Colorado, marking the first time bisexual people, transgender people, and intersex people were recognized as co-equal partners on the national level rather than gay and lesbian “allies” or tokens.[7] Also in 2002, bisexual activist Robyn Ochs delivered the first bi-focused keynote during the National Association of Lesbian and Gay Addiction Professionals.[7] In 2003, the Union for Reform Judaism retroactively applied its pro-rights policy on gays and lesbians to the bisexual and transgender communities, issuing a resolution titled, "SUPPORT FOR THE INCLUSION AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TRANSGENDER AND BISEXUAL COMMUNITIES." [25] In 2005, bisexual scholars and activists mobilized with The Task Force, GLAAD and BiNet USA to meet with New York Times science section editor and researcher Brian Dodge to respond to misinformation the paper had published on a study about bisexual men.[7] The study, entitled Sexual Arousal Patterns of Bisexual Men, by the controversial researcher J. Michael Bailey, allegedly "proved" that bisexual men did not exist. With little critical examination, various media celebrities and outlets jumped on the band-wagon[26] and claimed to have "solved" the "problem of bisexuality" by declaring it to be non-existent, at least in men. Further studies, including improved follow-up research lead by Michael Bailey, proved this to be false.[27] Also in 2005, the Queens Chapter of PFLAG announced the creation of the "Brenda Howard Memorial Award".[28] This was the first time a major American LGBT organization named an award after an openly bisexual person. On October 11, 2009 in Washington, D.C., the National Equality March was held, calling for equal protection for bisexual, lesbian, gay, and transgender people in all matters governed by civil law in all states and districts. There was a specific bisexual, pansexual and queer-identified contingent that was organized as a part of the March.[29] Several bisexual groups came together and marched, including BiNet USA, New York Area Bisexual Network, DC Bi Women and BiMA DC.[30] There were also four out bisexual speakers at the National Equality March rally: Michael Huffington, Lady Gaga, Chloe Noble, and Penelope Williams. In October 2009, LGBT activist Amy Andre[31] was appointed as executive director of the San Francisco Pride Celebration Committee, making her San Francisco Pride's first openly bisexual woman of color executive director.[32][33]

.........Significant reports about bisexuals were also released in this decade. In 2002, a survey in the United States by National Center for Health Statistics found that 1.8 percent of men ages 18–44 considered themselves bisexual, 2.3 percent homosexual, and 3.9 percent as "something else". The same study found that 2.8 percent of women ages 18–44 considered themselves bisexual, 1.3 percent homosexual, and 3.8 percent as "something else".[23] A 2007 report said that 14.4% of young US women identified themselves as bisexual/lesbian, with 5.6% of the men identifying as gay or bisexual.[34] Also in 2007, an article in the 'Health' section of The New York Times stated that "1.5 percent of American women and 1.7 percent of American men identify themselves [as] bisexual."[35]

.........Out MPs Simon Hughes, perhaps Mark Oaten.



The 2010 Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition Government published an Action Plan for LGBT issues in 2011 (cite BiMedia/LGF) which proposed work addressing homophobia and transphobia but not biphobia. This inspired Bi Community News magazine editor Jen Yockney to propose the Bisexuality Report, published a year later in February 2012 and bringing together evidence about bisexual life experience in a form designed to be accessible to public policy makers. In turn this led to the first civil service engagement with bi organisations in the UK.

2013 saw the first government recognition of Bi Visibility Day in the UK with Women and Equalities Minister Jo Swinson MP issuing a statement on September 23 that year that, "..." (cite sept23)

Parliament gained another out bisexual MP, Daniel K, the first out Conservative member of parliament. cite BiMedia.

2013/14 saw the progress of same-sex marriage legislation for England and Wales and for Scotland. Bi Community News, BiUK, Bisexual Index and BiPhoria all put forward submissions to the public consultation for England and Wales, while Bi Community News was the only bisexual organisation to submit evidence to the bill for Scotland.

A resurgence of local bi meetup and social / support groups in Edinburgh, Southampton and Nottingham.

Notable UK bisexuals


Jen Yockney has been the editor of the Bi Community News since 2000, convenor of BiPhoria (the UK's longest-running bisexual community group) since 1997 and runs the international web hub for Bi Visibility Day, BiVisibilityDay.com. She wrote Getting Bi In A Gay / Straight World and edited Both Directions.

Marcus Morgan is head of bi visibility raising and campaigning group Bisexual Index.

Meg John Barker is head of research and academia organsation BiUK which created the BiReCon conferences held every two years since 2008.


  1. ^ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/stories-49768360/discussing-pansexuality-and-non-binary-gender-identity. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  2. ^ Baumgardner, Jennifer (2008) [2008]. Look Both Ways: Bisexual Politics. New York, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux; Reprint edition. p. 48. ISBN 978-0374531089.
  3. ^ Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, Table 142, p. 499
  4. ^ Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, Table 147, p. 651
  5. ^ ">> social sciences >> Bisexuality". glbtq. Retrieved 2012-11-06.
  6. ^ Kinsey,, A. C.; Pomeroy, W. B.; Martin, C. E. (1948). Sexual behavior in the human male. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: extra punctuation (link)
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq Cite error: The named reference binetusa was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  8. ^ "Channel 13/WNET Out! 2007: Women In the Movement". WNET.
  9. ^ "The Gay Pride Issue". Queerty. Jun 18, 2007 last=Belonsky. {{cite web}}: |first= missing |last= (help); Check date values in: |date= (help); Missing pipe in: |date= (help)
  10. ^ Dynes, Wayne R. Pride (trope), Homolexis
  11. ^ Name * (2012-02-10). "BiMedia | Bisexual News & Opinion from". BiMedia.org. Retrieved 2013-11-01.
  12. ^ Donaldson, Stephen (1995). "The Bisexual Movement's Beginnings in the 70s: A Personal Retrospective". In Tucker, Naomi (ed.). Bisexual Politics: Theories, Queries, & Visions. New York: Harrington Park Press. pp. 31–45. ISBN 1-56023-869-0.
  13. ^ Highleyman, Liz (2003-07-11). "PAST Out: What is the history of the bisexual movement?". LETTERS From CAMP Rehoboth. Vol. 13, no. 8. Archived from the original on 2008-05-31. Retrieved 2008-03-18.
  14. ^ Martin, Robert (1972-08-02). "Quakers 'come out' at conference". The Advocate (91): 8.
  15. ^ a b "Bisexual network celebrates 25 years". www.ebar.com. 2012. Retrieved January 7, 2013.
  16. ^ http://www.lanikaahumanu.com/OUT%20OUTRAGED.pdf
  17. ^ a b "All About BiNet USA including the Fine Print". BiNet USA. Retrieved 2012-11-06.
  18. ^ Summers, Claude J. (2009-10-20). "BiNet USA". glbtq: An Encyclopedia of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Culture. glbtq, Inc.
  19. ^ "Directed by Desire: Collected Poems". Copper Canyon Press. Retrieved 2011-10-16.
  20. ^ "2005 Lambda Literary Awards Recipients". Lambda Literary Foundation. Retrieved 2011-10-16.
  21. ^ Garber, Marjorie B. (2000). Bisexuality and the Eroticism of Everyday Life. New York: Routledge. p. 249. ISBN 0-415-92661-0.
  22. ^ ">> arts >> Bisexuality in Film". glbtq. 2004-12-28. Retrieved 2012-11-06.
  23. ^ a b "Frequently Asked Sexuality Questions to the Kinsey Institute". The Kinsey Institute. Retrieved 16 February 2007.
  24. ^ "Counseling and Wellness Services - Safezone Symbols". Wright.edu. 1998-12-05. Retrieved 2014-01-15.
  25. ^ "Support for the Inclusion and Acceptance of the Transgender and Bisexual Communities".
  26. ^ "New York Times Suggests Bisexuals Are 'Lying'". Fair.org. Retrieved 2012-11-06.
  27. ^ "Male Bisexuals, Ridiculed by Gays and Straights, Find Comfort in New Study - ABC News". Abcnews.go.com. 2011-08-25. Retrieved 2012-11-06.
  28. ^ "The PFLAG Queens Chapter Names New Award for Bisexual Activist Brenda Howard". Retrieved 2013-12-03.
  29. ^ "Bi/Pan March Contingent".
  30. ^ Maria, October 15, 2009. "My Experience at the National Equality March", Bi Social Network
  31. ^ "Amy Andre to head San Francisco Pride".
  32. ^ http://archive.oaklandlocal.com/article/sf-pride-40
  33. ^ Adrienne Williams, October 19, 2009. Interview with Amy Andre: New Bisexual Executive Director of SF Pride, BiSocial Network.
  34. ^ Leonard Sax. "Why Are So Many Girls Lesbian or Bisexual?". Sussex Directories. Retrieved 28 April 2011.
  35. ^ Carey, Benedict (July 5, 2005). "Straight, Gay or Lying? Bisexuality Revisited". The New York Times. Retrieved 24 February 2007.

Further reading


