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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello, my name is Corey. I live in the United States and have four siblings. Im a writer, an actor, a director, a historian, a doctor(unofficial) and have over forty websites i have helped to moderate or administrate, mostly through Proboards.com. I am an adept computer user, i love helping people, i love challenges and i love a good debate. Im extremely open mided and totally open to anything from a serious chat, a personal question, or just idle talk.

Feel free to ask me anything at anytime- i am here for your convenience, entertainment, asisstance and general well being. I am knowledgable on many topics, mostly random and out there, but my "wisdom" runs deep, as my grandma says, even though i am only twenty years old. I would hate to think that someone thought i was selling myself or making myself out to be the best at anything- i am not truly the best at anything.

Rather, i have my fingers dipped in the jugs of hundreds of topics and subjects, and you never know what random tidbit of information i have holed up inside my brain. I joined Wikipedia because i love to be involved, and i love to work and volunteer for the result of happiness.

Also, i hate Lima beans and i love Lasagna.

Literally- i will be your slave for lasagna. :)

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."