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User:Bill K18

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Participation, and how it reflects what Bill is learning


Reflection on his first entry After the third week in the Integrated Media course Bill was responsible for his first participation entry. It was essentially to document how he was getting along with what was being taught and how he was progressing with his own learning. The parameters set for this entry were quite open ended but with an emphasis on the creative side. As such, students in his class were suggesting all sorts of entry possibilities ranging from poems to interpretive dance numbers. While the brief set for participation entries was flexible, it needed to accurately document what Bill has accomplished so far.

So Bill set out and took the most creative path he could think of. It was one he had thought of before yet never had to chance to explore. He decided to create his first entry in the form of a comic book strip which would reflect the trials and tribulations he encountered in completing the AV02 video task. The style of the strip was dictated heavily by his ability with the program Adobe Photoshop. He had done some research on the internet to understand how to create a comic book effect on photos he shot himself. The research he performed took nearly a whole day in which time he compared different methods from a range of websites. Using this new found knowledge he set about editing a photo to see what kind of effect he could generate and whether or not it would be satisfactory for his idea.

First attempt at creating a comic book style image

The picture on the right shows his first attempt. While it wasn't exactly what he was after, he knew he was on the right path. This was encouraging and he proceeded to experiment some more. Each time, he would slightly alter some aspect of the filters and blending techniques to see what the outcome would be. If it was on the right path, he would write it down on a piece of paper, these notes would allow him to track his progress and understand how he has gotten to where he is at.