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The KGB's Logo

The Knights of Glory and Beer is the name of an online gaming guild that has been in existence since June of 1997. Founded by High King JetStar, The KGB has become a diligently organized institution in the gaming community. The KGB consists of their own federal government which is responsible for the system on which each of their factions runs throughout the many games they have a presence in.

More can be learned about the Knights of Glory and Beer at [1]

KGB Factions


As is the nature of a persistent online-gaming guild, the KGB has expanded on to many games over its past nine years, below previous factions and future plans may be seen.

Previous Factions

Game Status Size Pwnt? Timespan High Chancellor
UO Closed? ?? Yes The Jurrasic - Cretaceous Periods ?
Everquest ??? ??? Yes ??? ?
DAoC Closed ??? Yes ??? Raekwon?
Dark Age of Camelot Open ??? Yes ??? ?
Shadowbane Closed 50-1000? Most Definitely 2003?-??? Binbs, Holrom, Represent ?
Shadowbane Open ??? Yes ???-Present
Star Wars Galaxies Closed 50-100 members Yes 2002-2004? Jedule, HoTron?
Star Wars Galaxies Open 20 members? Yes 2004? ?
Planetside Open? ??? Yes ??? Jetstar?
Lineage 2 Closed ??? Yes ??? Haraa
World of Warcraft Closed 50-100 members Yes 2004-2006 Raekwon
World of Warcraft Open 20 members? Yes 2006 ?
EVE Online Affiliated 79 Yes 2005-2006 Hyd/Derid
Ultima Online Open ? Yes 2006 ?

KGB Shadowbane

The KGB-Shadowbane Logo




Planned Factions














The KGB tends to play as "the good side" when possible. In open-pvp games such as UO, this simply means being anti-PK. In faction v. faction games such as World of Warcraft this means the Alliance, since for most of the Warcraft series the Orcs were antagonized.

See also


{{MMORPG Guild List}}