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Please note: My comments on your final article are kind of buried in the text. I've put them after what I assume is the end of your article. J.R. Council (talk) 18:51, 2 December 2016 (UTC)

Please note: I put the sandbox banner back on top. Put your new edits below it. Only Ben signed his contribution, so I can only give him credit. Whoever else contributed, be sure you are logged into Wikipedia and sign with the 4 tildes to get credit. J.R. Council (talk) 19:27, 4 October 2016 (UTC)


One problem with this article is that there is hardly any information on Henri Delacroix. His works are listed but there is no information on his contributions to psychology.  The talk page is short and not completed. I could only find one more reference regarding information on him.


Pratt, C. C. "Review Of Psychologie De L'art: Essai Sur L'activité Artistique." Psychological Bulletin 24.11 (1927): 652-654. PsycARTICLES. Web. 27 Sept. 2016.



Do we need to give descriptions or a brief summary of his works or just leave it in list format?

  • You can summarize most of his work as a list. Can go into more detail on major works in the text. J.R. Council (talk) 19:27, 4 October 2016 (UTC)

What should we do if we can’t find anymore references?

  • If he was the most famous and prolific French psychologist of his time, you can find more.Try translating the French Wikipeia article on him. J.R. Council (talk) 19:27, 4 October 2016 (UTC)

  • The biggest issue right away is just the obvious lack of information about his personal life. There is a good selection of published works on him.
  1. Pizarosso, N. (2015). Henri Delacroix’s Psychology of Religion in Context: Between Secular Religious Sciences, William James’ psychology and Marcel Mauss’ sociology. International Psychology, (5). Retrieved September 22, 2016, from file:///C:/Users/Ben Pioske/Downloads/DelacroixPizarosso.pdf.
  2. Fruteau, F., & Pizarosso, N. (2004). Hacia una psicología de las formas simbólicas. Revista De Historia De La Psicología, 25(4), 2004th ser., 129-140. Retrieved September 22, 2016, from https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/revista?codigo=1177
  • Where would you recommend best for finding articles because there just isn't much information on Henri other then the first 2015 article I referenced?
  • If you start with what you've already listed, you can just branch out from the reference lists on those papers. Use Google Scholar, check the French Wikipedia article. This may be challenging, but the information is out there. You just need to be creative and resourceful J.R. Council (talk) 19:27, 4 October 2016 (UTC)
  • If pictures of his work are able to be found online how would the citing on go? Could you site the work and have it be good as far as wikipedia is concerned or because it is a website(library?) would it be invalid?
  • Look at my Blackboard Wikipedia Resources for an item titled: Illustrating Wikipeida. Check Wikimedia Commons. Anything there can be used. J.R. Council (talk) 19:27, 4 October 2016 (UTC)

I realize I accidentally posted the assignment in haste to the talk page on September 22nd I am putting it in the sandbox now so it's smoother. My apologies.

Benjamin.pioske (talk) 17:02, 4 October 2016 (UTC)

To do list:

  • More references (google scholar/French wikipedia)
  • Picture (Wikimedia commons)
  • See outline for more specific things regarding content (outline)


  1. More informative intro (No title) - See if there is anything we can add to this section.
  2. Early life- What was his home life like? Any events of note in his childhood? Married? Kids?
  3. Career-Need to state what he is famous for. What his contributions mean for psychology and etc...
  4. Late life/Death- See if we can find anything of note we can find
  5. Works (Most polished part on wikipedia) could go into depth on them what they mean and etc...
  6. References ↓


Fruteau, F., & Pizarosso, N. (2004). Hacia una psicología de las formas simbólicas. Revista De Historia De La Psicología, 25(4), 2004th ser., 129-140. Retrieved September 22, 2016, from https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/revista?codigo=1177

Pizarosso, N. (2015). Henri Delacroix’s Psychology of Religion in Context: Between Secular Religious Sciences, William James’ psychology and Marcel Mauss’ sociology. International Psychology, (5). Retrieved September 22, 2016, from file:///C:/Users/Ben Pioske/Downloads/DelacroixPizarosso.pdf.

Pratt, C. C. "Review Of Psychologie De L'art: Essai Sur L'activité Artistique." Psychological Bulletin 24.11 (1927): 652-654. PsycARTICLES. Web. 27 Sept. 2016.


Benjamin.pioske (talk) 20:58, 11 October 2016 (UTC)

All of us will continue to look for references.

Ben- will be in charge of 1 &2

Jake- will look into 3&4

and I will be in charge of 4 &5

kayla.a.smith 11:06, 14 October 2016 (UTC)

Dr. Council's comments on Assignment 5, above


First of all, you need to clarify for me who did what on this assignment. Ben and Kayla have signed in a couple of places, but it looks like you might have been working in a group. If Jake has contributed, he needs to sign or indicate in some other way. Otherwise I can't give him any credit.

  • Regarding the content of the assignment, your to-do list and outline are very basic and do not indicate a whole lot of deep thought. If you plan this out, it will go a lot better.
  • I do want to note that it looks like you found plenty of material for an article. J.R. Council (talk) 02:17, 2 November 2016 (UTC)

Assignment 6


Lead Section Benjamin Pioske:

Henri Delacroix (2 December 1873 – 3 December 1937, Paris) was a French psychologist, "one of the most famous and most prolific French psychologists working at the beginning of the twentieth century". A disciple of William James most of Delacroix's work centered on the psychology of religion. His career took him throughout numerous universities in France before becoming Dean at the university of Paris. He held this position until he died in 1937.

Benjamin.pioske (talk) 23:15, 24 October 2016 (UTC) So because I was the only one to generate a lead and I have no feedback from the group I am going to leave the lead as is. The quote was there before and I can't delete it per wikipedia's policy it is cited on the actual page. So that is taken care of. This is our lead for assignment 7 Benjamin.pioske (talk) 17:03, 6 November 2016 (UTC)

Dr. Council's comments on Assignment 6

  • Only Ben has done this assignment. Please note that this assignment was worth 25 points, total. Since neither Kayla nor Jake have given him anything to comment on, I will give him the 5 points for that piece.

Regarding Ben's lead, per se: This is a bit short, but functions well as a lead. Don't use the exact quote, especially if you don't cite a source. J.R. Council (talk) 02:15, 2 November 2016 (UTC)

Isn't wikipedia's policy not to delete information already on there? Because the quote is already there therefore I had to leave it. I could repurpose it i guess but I think it functions best as an intro.

  • A quote without a reference is not acceptable in any scholarly writing. You would just be a good editor if you take it out or remove the quotes and attribute the information to a proper source. J.R. Council (talk) 22:20, 9 November 2016 (UTC)

Secondly, I did my portion of the assignment why am I being penalized 80% of the grade for their failure to do it? Also my apologies for not starting a new section I couldn't figure out how to do so. Benjamin.pioske (talk) 15:03, 2 November 2016 (UTC)

Ben, I have not penalized you. You are getting the full 25 points for the assignment. FYI - Jake Pederson has withdrawn from the class. J.R. Council (talk) 22:20, 9 November 2016 (UTC)

Combined lead


Henri Delacroix (December 2nd, 1873 – December 3rd, 1937, Paris) was a French psychologist, "one of the most famous and most prolific French psychologists working at the beginning of the [the twentieth]".[1] As a disciple of William James most of Delacroix's work centered on the psychology of religion. His career took him throughout numerous universities in France before becoming Dean at the university of Paris. He died in Paris on December 3rd, 1937.

Early Life

Henri Delacroix was born in Paris on (December 2nd, 1873). At the age of six he lost his mother Marie Cecile when she was giving birth. At the age of eight Delacroix was orphaned losing his father. His father before his death was a professor at the Lycée Louis-Le-Grand. Upon his fathers death Henri went on to live with his fathers brother Gustav. Gustav was a priest. Until 1891 Delacroix was educated at the Lycee Henry IV. While he was there he was educated in philosophy by Henri Bergson). In 1899, Delacroix married his wife Jeanne Therese Monod. [2]

Career and Late life

Delacroix's career was dedicated to studying the psychology of religion. Henri Delacroix was educated at the Lycée Henri-IV and the Sorbonne, gaining his agrégation in philosophy in 1894. After two years at the University of Berlin and the University of Heidelberg, he became a professor at the Lycée de Pau[3],He later became a professor and subsequently dean of the Faculty of Letters at the Sorbonne. Upon becoming a faculty member at the University of Paris he would go on to publish ten different works exploring the nuances of psychology and religion. His main protege was Ignance Meyerson. In addition to being a full time faculty member at the university of Paris Delacroix would become the vice president of the newly founded Institute of History of Religions in 1929. He would hold both positions until his death in 1937. [4]

Benjamin.pioske (talk) 18:01, 19 November 2016 (UTC)

Dr. Council's comments on your article


I am assuming that your article reads from the Combined Lead heading to the lines above. I understand that it has been difficult to find material, but you've done a good job with what you've got. I think this just about ready to go. I have some specific comments below. I am sending the link to Ian, who can comment further.

  1. The lead is longer than any other section, which seems unbalanced. I suggest you move material I've italicized to main article. Take off italics when you do, of course.
  2. Add dates of birth and death in parentheses after his name in first sentence.
  3. Don't refer to him as Henri. Use last name.

J.R. Council (talk) 18:49, 2 December 2016 (UTC)

I added parentheses to the first section of his early life if that is what you meant? Otherwise the first sentence of the article already has the birth and death dates. I have taken off the Henri and italicized section. Glad you feel its ready to go. I will wait for Ian's instructions before moving it to the main space. Thank you! Benjamin.pioske (talk) 00:01, 3 December 2016 (UTC)

Last update for this section. If Kayla wants to add some bulk to the career and late life section she can. I emailed her w/o a response last weekend regarding it. There is a works section already on wikipedia I found it unnecessary to move it over if its already there and good. Other then that I think this about where we are going to be at. Just not much information on him.

Benjamin.pioske (talk) 22:03, 23 November 2016 (UTC)

Sorry for doing this so late didn't see the announcement until today.

Benjamin.pioske (talk) 18:32, 8 November 2016 (UTC)

Nice job! A little late is okay. Just a couple of minor edits and you're ready to to proceed to Assignment 8 and develop the main text of the article.

  1. Put name and dates in bold, first line.
  2. Add reference citations to back up the information. The direct quote especially needs a source and page numbers.

J.R. Council (talk) 03:11, 11 November 2016 (UTC)

I cannot figure out how to cite the same source twice so my apologies for having the same reference multiple times. Benjamin.pioske (talk) 17:00, 19 November 2016 (UTC)

Also I had to alter the lead section quite a bit in order to make the text already on wikipedia stay there. There would be no way to incorporate more text in without greatly disturbing the previous text. Benjamin.pioske (talk) 17:08, 19 November 2016 (UTC)

Like I said at the end of the last assignment this about where we are going to have to end. If Kayla wants to add in some information/edit she can. There is just a lack of information on the guy which is unfortunate he is an interesting guy. Most of the information is from one source which makes me nervous. While it isn't exponentially better it is an improvement from the previous information on the article. With the works section this will look more complete. I will look for Dr. Council's comment to see about any other changes need to be before publishing. Also I still have no clue how to only make it cite a source once. So if in your comments Dr. Council if you could help with that that would be appreciated.

Benjamin.pioske (talk) 19:26, 1 December 2016 (UTC)

  1. ^ Brigitte Nerlich & David D. Clarke, Language, action, and context: the early history of pragmatics in Europe and America, 1780-1930, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1996, p.258
  2. ^ Pizarosso, N. (2015, March 27). Henri Delacroix’s Psychology of Religion in Context: Between Secular Religious Sciences, William James’ psychology and Marcel Mauss’ sociology. Henri Delacroix’s Psychology of Religion in Context: Between Secular Religious Sciences, William James’ Psychology and Marcel Mauss’ Sociology. Retrieved December 8, 2016.
  3. ^ Henrika Kuklick & Elizabeth Long, eds., Knowledge and society, studies in the sociology of culture past and present, JAI Press, 1985, p.59
  4. ^ Pizarosso, N. (2015, March 27). Henri Delacroix’s Psychology of Religion in Context: Between Secular Religious Sciences, William James’ psychology and Marcel Mauss’ sociology. Henri Delacroix’s Psychology of Religion in Context: Between Secular Religious Sciences, William James’ Psychology and Marcel Mauss’ Sociology. Retrieved December 8, 2016.