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Soft Matter II, PB




Particle flux


Concentration gradients cause fluxes


Diffusion from a point source


RMS displacements


Microscopic dynamics of single particles


Brownian motion

  • Brownian motion
  • A single diffusing particle can be modelled by a 3D random walk model

Comparison of random walk with bulk diffusion

  • Particles flow from higher to lower concentrations only because of probabilities
  • Distance travelled depends on √t rather than just t because of this stochastic nature
  • Particles ultimately move in the direction that has fewer collisions

Microscopic expressions for the diffusion constant, D


Friction in fluids


Effect of shape on friction coefficients


Einstein-Smoluchowski equation


Diffusion constants


Characteristic time for diffusion


Diffusion on macroscopic scales is very slow


Dynamic light scattering


Formation of a speckle pattern






Intensity autocorrelation function

  • The IACF is quite complicated
  • It compares scattered light or X-ray intensity at time t with that at time t + τ
  • If τ is short enough, the two intensities will be correlated (i.e. similar)
  • The normalised IACF is

Analysis of DLS data to determine diffusion constant


Rotational diffusion


Optical tweezers


How optical traps work


Applications: evidence for reptation


Nano-building blocks
