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Functional Macromolecules and Nanoscience, Ian Manners FRS

Introduction to Polymeric Materials


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  • Association theory (1861) proposed small-molecule monomers were held together by an unknown force, forming so-called "colloids" (which now has a different meaning)
  • Superseded by Hermann Staudinger's macromolecular hypothesis (1930) that polymers are simply very large molecules held together by conventional covalent bonds
  • Wallace Carothers' classic review: Carothers, Wallace H. (1931). "Polymerization". Chem. Rev. 8: 353–426. doi:10.1021/cr60031a001.

Classification of Synthetic Routes to Polymers


Chain-growth vs. step-growth


Chain-growth polymerisation


Step-growth polymerization


Carothers equation


Synthetic Control of Polymer Architectures


Living polymerisations


Living anionic polymerisation

  • Living anionic polymerization
  • Practical issues:
    • Need extremely low levels of reactive impurities (eg. O2, CO2, H2O) since the anion concentration is very low
      • Need to carefully purify solvents and reagents
    • MMA polymerisation requires an organocaesium initiatior (CsR) and low temperatures (−75 °C)
      • The large counterion and low temp. prevent nucleophilic attack at C=O

Living ring-opening polymerisation

  • Ring-opening polymerization
  • Usually driven by enthalpy
    • relief of ring strain
    • negative enthalpic term must outweigh negative entropic term
      • the entropy of the starting materials (many small cyclic monomer molecules) is usually greater than that of the product (one long polymer chain)



Living radical polymerisation

  • Living free-radical polymerization
  • Circumvents the major problem with radical polymerisation: chain termination and transfer leading to poor molecular weight control
  • Key principle: lower concentration of radical-ends on growing polymer chains by reversibly trapping them as dormant species
  • The cost is slower reactions that require higher temperatures


  • Nitroxide Mediated Radical Polymerization
  • Georges, 1993
  • Initiator R–Z is in equilibrium with reactive radical R and stable radical Z
  • R reacts with monomers M to form a propagating radical-capped polymer chain, R–Mn
  • R–Mn is also in equilibrium with a dormant, Z-capped form R–Mn–Z, i.e. reversible chain termination
  • Z is a nitroxide such as TEMPO
  • Bimolecular termination (radical combination and disproportionation of pairs of chains) is suppressed
  • Polymerisations are quite slow (1-3 days) and require heat (125–140 °C) but...
  • Mol. wt. is ok (5500-11000), PDI's (1.15-1.21) nowhere near as good as anionic polymerisation, but functional group tolerance is nice
  • PDI increases at high conversions (> 80%) because less monomer is present, so RZ formation is suppressed


  • Atom-transfer radical-polymerization (ATRP)
  • Matyjaszewski, Sawamoto, 1995
  • Also reversible termination, but this time with transition metal complexes that reversible accept halogen atoms X
    • Complex is often a copper(I) halide complex (LCuCl or LCuBr), also L3RuCl2, L2FeCl2, etc.
  • Temperatures of 60–120 °C required, unwanted colouring from metal complex can occur


  • Reversible addition−fragmentation chain-transfer polymerization (RAFT)
  • Rizzardo, 1998
  • Reversible termination again, this time with a dithioester ZCS2R
    • The radical-capped growing polymer chain P adds to the neutral, closed-shell dithioester ZCS2R to give a sulfur-stabilised carbon radical ZC(SR)(SP)
    • The R group can depart as a reactive radical R, leaving a dithioester-capped polymer chain ZCS2P
    • Two different polymer chains can be linked by the dithioester radical, ZC(SPm)(SPn)
  • The majority of the actively propagating polymer chains are trapped in dormant states
    • This limits chain termination
  • Functional group tolerant (styrenes, acrylates, acrylamides, many other vinyl monomers)
  • PMMA and PAA can be made well using RAFT

Living chain-growth polycondensations

  • Even in ideal cases, you get PDI = 2
  • Most polycondensations are step-growth not chain-growth processes
  • But protein and nucleic acid biosyntheses give perfectly monodisperse polymers
    • They can be thought of as living chain-growth polymerisations (LCGP)
  • Synthetic examples of LCGP now exist
    • The Manners and Allcock cationic route to polyphosphazenes
    • Yokozawa's anionic routes to polyethers and polyamides
    • Yokozawa and McCullough's π-conjugated polymers by GRIM

Protein and nucleic acid biosynthesis

  • Natural protein biosynthesis and DNA biosynthesis
  • The ribosome controls peptide synthesis via mRNA and tRNA
  • Natural structural and functional materials (proteins) are far more sophisticated than current synthetic materials
    • Intramolecular hydrogen bonding in polypeptides gives rise to alpha-helices
    • Intermolecular hydrogen bonding gives rise to beta-sheets
    • Immensely complex and functional tertiary structures occur spontaneously
  • Can harness nature's ability with recombinant DNA technology
    • Clone and modify genes that encode proteins to make protein structures of your choice
    • Get plasmids or viruses to insert your tailored DNA blueprint into a bacterial cell
    • Bacteria multiply, offspring contain the blueprints too, your protein gets made in large quantities
    • Good route to certain types of protein and other controlled structures in useful quantities
    • Much work still required


  • Room temperature condensation route to polyphosphazenes
    • An example of living cationic polymerization
    • Cl3P=N–SiMe3 monomer is initiated with PCl5
    • PCl5 abstracts chloride and somehow causes Me3SiCl to be eliminated
    • [Cl3P=N=PCl3]+ cation is the reactive intermediate
    • further Cl3P=N–SiMe3 monomers add to the cation, eliminating Me3SiCl each time
    • generates the (–N=PCl2–)n polymer

Polyethers and polyamides


π-Conjugated polymers

  • Yokozawa, McCullough: π-conjugated polymers by Grignard metathesis (GRIM)
    • Basically nickel-catalysed coupling of aryl dibromides with RMgX or RLi
    • Chain-transfer polycondensation to poly(3-hexylthiophene) by this route
    • Proceeds via R–NiL2–Br and R2NiL2 species
    • Reductive elimination allows thiophene monomers to insert between polythiophene chain and nickel catalyst end-group
    • Oxidative insertion into a thiophene-bromine bond puts the catalytic nickel centre at the end of the chain again

Polymers in nanotechnology


Block copolymers in nanotechnology

  • Vary the relative lengths of the blocks in a block copolymer to get different morphologies (different phases in the phase diagram)
  • Can get self-assembly into lamellar, cylindrical, spherical and gyroid phases, depending on the volume fraction of each block
    • Triblock copolymers have even more possible phases, which are even more complex!
  • Applications in semiconductor device patterning, beyond the minimum size limits of photolithography
  • Block copolymers self-assemble into different morphologies in different solvents, but more difficult to predict than solid state
    • Appplications based on micellar shapes and properties
      • Nanolines (cylinders)
      • Controlled drug delivery
      • Catalysis

Metal-containing polymers in nanotechnology


Nitric oxide sensor


Air/oxygen pressure sensor

  • Polymer side-chain contains a phosphorescent ruthenium complex
  • The phosphorescence is quenched by triplet dioxygen in air
  • Gives a visual indication (also measurable) of relative air pressure by phosphorescent light intensity
    • Higher air pressure, less phosphorescence


  • Polyferrocenylsilanes (PFSs) are polymers with alternating ferrocene and SiR2 backbone units
    • Like PDMS with ferrocene in place of oxygen
  • Heat strained cyclic monomers (silicon-bridged ferrocenophanes) to 130 °C and they undergo ring-opening polymerisation
  • Easily form high molecular weight polymers, although chain-growth mechanism leads to PDI = 2.3 (broad m.w. distribution)

Monomer synthesis


Polymer forms

  • PFSs can be amorphous, glassy, semicrystalline or liquid crystalline
  • Can be soluble in polar or non-polar organic solvents, sometimes even water: I. Manners, Science (2001) 294 1664–1666
  • Can crosslink PFSs with spirocyclic ferrocenophanes (e.g. Fc2Si) to get PFS gels
  • Lightly-crosslinked PFS gels in a highly polar solvent + electrolyte solution swell when neutral Fe(II) is oxidised to cationic Fe(III)
    • Non-polar PFS becomes polar upon oxidation
    • Osmotic pressure causes solvent to flow into oxidised PFS
    • When monodisperse microspheres are embedded in the PFS gel, it acts as photonic crystals
    • The PFS oxidation state determines the separation of the spheres, i.e. their Bragg diffraction d-spacing
    • This tunable lattice spacing leads to tunable colour when d is on the order of visible light wavelengths (500-700 nm)

PFS block copolymers

  • Block copolymers of PFS and PI (polyisoprene) adopt unusual structures in hexane solvent
    • Assembles into cylindrical micelles in hexane
    • PDMS is quite etch resistance (due to Si content) whereas PI isn't
    • Etching away PI corona with O2 plasma yields 8 nm cylinders
    • With PDMS, mostly untouched by etching, left with 30 nm cylinders

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