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Stereoselective synthesis, CLW


Revision of previously encountered selective reactions



  • As an example of chemoselectivity (selectivity between different functional groups), consider reduction of carbonyl compounds with metal hydrides
  • NaBH4 is very mild and reduces ketones in the presence of esters
  • LiAlH4 reduces both ketones and esters
  • In a keto-ester: (i) protect the ketone with ethylene glycol and H+, (ii) reduce the ester with LiAlH4, then (iii) deprotect with H+/H2O
  • It's preferable to avoid protecting groups wherever possible


  • As an example of regioselectivity (selectivity between parts of the same functional group), consider addition of carbon nucleophiles to enones
  • Hard nucleophiles like MeLi undergo direct addition (1,2-addition) to the carbonyl carbon, forming an alcohol
  • Soft nucleophiles like Me2CuLi undergo conjugate addition (1,4-addition, Michael reaction) to the β carbon, forming ketone


  • As an example of stereoselectivity (control over stereochemistry), consider epoxidation of a chiral cyclic allylic alcohol with mCPBA
  • Option 1: Don't protect the OH group
    • the OH group forms a hydrogen bond to mCPBA – chelation control
    • mCPBA delivers an oxygen atom to the top (hydroxy) face of the unprotected allylic alcohol
  • Option 2: Protect the OH group with Ac2O/py to get a chiral allylic acetate
    • mCPBA delivers an oxygen atom to the bottom (unblocked) face of the allylic acetate

Selective reductions with boron and aluminium reagents




Selective reduction of esters to aldehydes

  • Diisobutylaluminium hydride (DIBALH) is less flammable and easier to use than LiAlH4
  • It selectively reduces esters to aldehydes, if the reaction is conducted at −70 °C
  • An ester oxygen coordinates to Al, then hydride migrates from Al to C
  • The tetrahedral intermediate is stable at low temperature, and can be worked up with H+/H2O to the aldehyde
  • Yields well over 90% when done properly

Reduction of nitriles to aldehydes

  • Same conditions as above, proceeds via the imine which is then hydrolysed


  • Used in Et2O or THF solution or as the Me2S complex

Reduction of amides to amines


Reduction of acids to alcohols


Asymmetric (CBS) reduction



  • Stereoselective reduction of cyclohexanones with the bulky reagent L-selectride, Li[HB(sBu)3]
  • Small nucleophiles like LiAlH4 prefer axial attack (OH group ends up equatorial rather than axial – the thermodynamic product)
  • Bulky nucleophiles likes Li[HB(sBu)3] prefer equatorial attack to avoid steric clash with 1,3-hydrogens (OH group ends up axial – the kinetic product)



Pericyclic rearrangements


To be added
