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User:Bengl/Rho factoring

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This is pretty easy.

Every description i've found online for this is horrible, they make it sound sooooo complicated but really it's very easy.

Here is the simplified rho factoring algorithm.

Input: a number to be factored, a polynomial , and a starting number Output: a factor (or two) of

The squence of 's is such that mod and the sequence of 's is such that mod . Calculate these as you need them. For each and pair, if divides , then HOLY CRAP you've got a factor. If not, then try . If there actually is one of those other than 1, then, being a greatest common divisor, it's clearly a factor (divisor) of . Otherwise, move on to the next pair of and .

That's all.

Try it a few times and youll see that this is really simple.