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User:Ben Spinozoan/Wronskian&Independence

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  • In the language of first-order logic, the set of functions is linearly independent, over the interval in , iff:
, where .
Expressed in disjunctive normal form (DNF) the above definition reads:
where is shorthand for the statement occurring immediately before the iff (note that negation of gives the correct statement for linear dependence).
  • The text of our theorem "If the Wronskian is non-zero at some point in an interval, then the functions are linearly independent on the interval", now translates as
or, in DNF,
where is the value of the Wronskian at the point .
  • The following statement summarizes the situation when Cramer's rule is applied to the linear system associated with the Wronskian:
  • In first-order logic, the statement , entails the statement . Consequently, statement (2) entails statement (1), and the theorem is proved.