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Circuit of Asmara

(Circuito Asmara)

The Circuito Asmara was started in 1938. Photo of the 1950 car race, in the "III Circuito Asmara"

Circuit of Asmara (in Italian called Circuito Asmara and in English sometimes "Asmara Circuit") was a car race done in the main streets of Asmara, when was a colony of the Kingdom of Italy. The Circuito was created in 1938 Italian Eritrea and was later done -with many interruptions- until 1972.



(The Italians in Asmara) organised an automobile club and started running competitions, one of the first of which was the 26 Kms Nefasit to Asmara Hillclimb for the "Coppa del Governatore dell’Eritrea" on 23 May 1937. I am sure that there was more competition but the next major event was held on Christmas Day 1938 which attracted two Alfa Romeos from Italy as well as lots of locals. There were two races for cars up to, and over, 1.5 litres. The former was won by a 4CS Maserati, whilst Romano’s Alfa Romeo 8C2300 Monza won the main event. There were no fewer than fourteen 6C1750 Alfa entered in the race for larger capacity cars so it is not surprising that an Alfa Romeo agency was opened in Asmara. Simon Moore

The Italian government after WWI gave importance to sport activities in the Italian colonies. One of the most followed were those related to car races. Indeed in Italian Libya was created the famous "Gran Premio di Tripoli", one of the most important in the world during the late 1930s, but even minor car races were done in the other Italian colonies, like the one in Asmara.

So, in Italian Asmara (capital of Eritrea), was done in 1938 the "Primo Circuito di Asmara"[1]. It was won by an "Alfa Romeo 8C 2300 Monza" driven by Emilio Romano[2] on the Christmas race called Coppa di Natale[3]. Before there has been a race for smaller cars with less the 1500cc, that was won by a 4CS Maserati and was called Coppa Governatore. In the main race there were 14 Alfa Romeo 1750[4] and was enthusiastically followed by many thousands of Italians and Eritreans[5]

The "Primo Circuito di Asmara" was made of two car races, the first being the most important:

  • "Coppa di Natale": 1. Emilio Romano (Alfa Romeo 2.8L) (108,810 km - 67,613 mi); Antonio D'Agata (Maserati 2.6L)
  • "Coppa del Governatore": 1. Ferdinando Gay (Maserati 1100) in 51’26"2 (72,540 km - 45,075 mi), at 84,891 km/h - 52,750 mph; 2. Cristoforo Bigi (Fiat 508) in 53’22"4

The race was done on the streets of Italian Asmara, with the start in front of the Asmara Opera: it was long nearly 2865 meters on each side of the "Viale Milano" and "Viale Roma" (now called "Sematat avenue") and lasted 40 laps (in Italian called "Giri") for a total of 108 kms[6]

Other years


The second "Circuito Asmara" was to be done on December 1939, but the beginning of WWII blocked it. Only in 1948 was done the second and was won by Salvatore Ettori on Maserati, even if was done with reduced participation of cars[7].

After the end of the war the circuit was done in 1950, 1951 and 1952, but was only for local people. The fifth done in 1952 was followed by huge crowds[8]. Later it was done with some interruptions until the last that was done in 1972 (when was called "Gran Premio Automobilistico Expo'72"[9]) with the presence of emperor Haile Selassie[10]

With the start of the war of independence of Eritrea from Ethiopia all the car races were stopped.


  1. ^ Photo of the 1938 "start", in front of the Asmara Opera House
  2. ^ www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=15&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjl5qKQ3JDLAhWCFh4KHRGDD8I4ChAWCC8wBA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgautamsen.com%2FThe%2520Maharajas%2520%26%2520Their%2520Magnificient%2520Motor%2520Cars.pdf&usg=AFQjCNF-FE4-zmDHCE6zjgEk41ugimMnMQ the Jewels
  3. ^ Alfa Romeo in Asmara (in French)
  4. ^ Photo of one of the Alfa Romeo 1750
  5. ^ Simon Moore on the "1936 Alfa 8C"
  6. ^ The 1952 Circuito di Asmara, with a map
  7. ^ De Carli: Asmara circuits
  8. ^ Photos of the 1952 Asmara Circuit
  9. ^ Award personally given by Ethiopia emperor
  10. ^ http://www.ilchichingiolo.it/cassetto10-3.htm Chichingiolo: Asmara corse (in Italian)]



See also


Category:Italian Eritrea