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Evaluation of Jacob Grimm Article

  • The only section of the article which is properly cited is the section on legal scholarship, and the notes on the spelling of his and his brother's names
  • The article sounds as if it was mostly written by one person
  • The article uses elevated and biased language such as "brilliant critical genius" in some places, and extremely basic somewhat informal language in other places "he did not play a big part, but did make some speeches"
  • Other phrases which do not seem to fit Wikipedia's tone:
    • "The only fact that can be adduced in support of the assertion that Grimm wished to deprive Rask of his claims to priority is that he does not expressly mention Rask's results in his second edition."
    • "He believed that good would triumph in the Parliament, and pushed for human rights legislation just as he wished for a unified Germany."
    • "His political career did not bloom into anything great"
    • "He talked passionately on this subject, which showed his fierce German nationalism."
    • "However, Jacob had little taste for text editing, and, as he himself confessed, working on a critical text gave him little pleasure." (if he said so, there should be a quote cited)
    • "In 1812 they published the two ancient fragments of the Hildebrandslied and the Weißenbrunner Gebet, Jacob having discovered what till then had never been suspected — namely the alliteration in these poems" (no need to build suspense)
    • "Yet even in this essay Grimm showed that Minnesang and Meistergesang were really one form of poetry, of which they merely represented different stages of development, and also announced his important discovery of the invariable division of the Lied into three strophic parts."
    • "Every law, every letter, every syllable of inflection in the different languages was illustrated by an almost exhaustive mass of material, and it has served as a model for all succeeding investigators."
    • "Grimm's scientific character combined breadth and unity. He was as far removed from the narrowness of the specialist who has no ideas or sympathies beyond just one author or corner of science as he was from the shallow dabbler who feverishly attempts to master the details of a half-dozen unrelated pursuits." The overall tone often trespasses into breathless enthusiasm, which would be more appropriate for a biography than an encyclopedia entry

Potential article topics

  • Matthäus Aurogallus
    • Hermann Wendorf (1953), "Aurogallus, Matthäus", Neue Deutsche Biographie (in German), vol. 1, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, pp. 457–457; (full text online)
    • Aurogallus (Matthaeus). In: Johann Heinrich ZedlerGrosses vollständiges Universal-Lexicon Aller Wissenschafften und Künste. Band 2, Leipzig 1732, Spalte 2225.
    • Aurogallus, Matthäus. In: Johann Gottlob Wilhelm Dunkel: Historisch-Critische Nachrichten von verstorbenen Gelehrten und deren Schriften. 1. Band, 2. Teil, Cörner, Cöthen 1753 (in Latin)
    • Boyle, Marjorie O’Rourke. Christening Pagan Mysteries: Erasmus in Pursuit of Wisdom. University of Toronto Press, 2016.
    • Meer, Tineke ter. Apophthegmatum libri I - V: Ordinis 4t. 4. BRILL, 2010.
    • Beutel, Albrecht, and Michael Beyer. Lutherjahrbuch 77. Jahrgang 2010: Organ der internationalen Lutherforschung. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2010.
  • Ofelia Zepeda
    • have only found her work, not any biographies
  • Jacob Grimm
    • already has an extensive article, but it needs a lot of work (see above)