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Baudoin's playground[edit]

George Middleton was a man with big dreams, with his courage and admiration he was determined to fight for the equality for African Americans. He was a Revolutionary War veteran, a Prince Hall mason, but most of all a well known leader in his community. After the post Revolutionary period African Americans began to form their own little community in a town called the North Slop of Beacon Hill in Boston, Massachusetts, George Middleton being one of the first. Middleton was a commander of an all black company called the Bucks of America, which was one of the units out of only two. Middleton was one out of 5,000 African Americans to participate in the Revolutionary War. At the end of the war Governor John Hancock was so impressed with the courage and devotion that Middleton and his crusade had shown through the war that he presented them with a flag and invited him to his home in Beacon to celebrate, and that is where Middleton got the idea of moving there to form a place for the black community. After the war he bought a piece of land on Joy Street where he later built a home where he lived by himself but kept himself occupied by all of his occupations that he pertained. Middleton was a violinist, a horse breaker, and coachman. Middleton started to gain such recognition in his town for all of his accomplishments including his military experience and everything else that he attributed to his city that he started being looked up to be the rest of the upper black class that he lived in. He was all about fighting for what he believed in and he never gave up on that, he knew that it would take him many stepping stones to get there but he was determined to fight for the equality of his people; with that Middleton organized the African Benevolent Society in 1796. The African Benevolent Society provided finical relief and job placement for it’s members mostly consisting of widows and orphans in the community. Middleton did not stop there, in 1808 he published an anti-slavery statement along with his colleague Prince Hall stating, “freedom is desirable, if not, would men sacrifice their time, their property and finally their lives in the purist of this?” With this powerful statement parallels between American Revolution and the desires for black people grew. Middleton was recognized for his admiration and his desire to make things better and was appointed Grand Master of the African Lodge in 1809. Unfortunately Middleton never lived to see the day that he dreamed about because he died in 1816, but he will never be forgotten because for he is a man that fought for change, dreamt for change, and never gave up on that for change.

See also[edit]


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