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                       A New Life: Meeting an Angel

A New Life is a novel/biography based on a true story about a teenager's life. It shows the changes of ones personality,

thoughts, and confidence. 

Plot: A teenager named Aylin (Ilene)

has a rough summer before going to the 8th
grade. She explains that she was once happy
and she thought her friends loved her. 

Then when her best friend moves away, she

feels completely crushed, especially when
her other "friends" don't act like her 

friends anymore. At the end of the preface,

she says she loses faith but still has 

a little hope and waits for "the angel that I asked for" to come and save her.

   During the first few weeks of 8th grade,
she meets a boy (Jonathan/JQ) and he 

befriends her. Then after a few weeks she met him, she began to feel happier.

She even left her old friends to go 

with him and his group. Then she starts

to meet new people that become her 

"real friends."

   She usually calls JQ "an angel" for 

saving her and feels indebt to him. He does man sweet things for her like giving

her stuff, hugging her, sharing his umbrella
with her on a rainy day, and always making
her laugh. She always mentions that she
could talk to JQ about anything and that
he became her best friend. 
   During winter break, Aylin has a dream
where it shows JQ telling her he loves her
for more than a friend. Even if it was just
a dream, Aylin becomes terrfied, wondering
if he really feels that way. 
   She soon realizes that she likes him for
more than a friend but keeps it to herself 

for a few months before telling her closest

friends: Janet and Jhoanna. 
  But mysteriously, one of JQ's friends 

finds out Aylin's secret and Aylin worries

JQ might have found out. She doesn't want
JQ to know because she fears that if he 

found out, he would never want to be friends with her again, and she loves her friendship

with him more than her crush on him. 
  Aylin almost reveals her secret to JQ but
doesn't and realizes that he doesn't know. 

She then goes to his friend and questions why he didn't tell him. His friend tells her that he doesn't want to tell him because

he wants her to tell JQ because it would 

"be more meaningful."

  After a few months, it is the last day 

of school and Aylin reveals her secret to

JQ. He isn't that suprised and says, 

"I think I've always known."

  He explains that he just likes her 

as a close friend and tells her that her fear of losing him "would never happen."

  She leaves him and everyone else
and moves away. She then drops into 

depression because she is far away from the people she loved alot.

  She hasn't spoken to JQ for a
while and starts to believe that
he doesn't love or care about her
anymore. But she was wrong as she
finds out through a friend that he
kept on asking if "Aylin was okay.." 
  In the epilogue, she has learned 

to live on but visits her old middle

school where she finally sees JQ in
a long time. She runs to him and hugs
him and concludes with "Because of the
first angel...I was able to live a new 

life," hence the title of the book.


  Aylin- a teenage girl who was 

depressed in the beginning but because

of her new friend, JQ, she was brought
out of depression. She develops a big
crush on JQ and eventually reveals it
to him. Because he didn't return the
feelings for her, she became depressed 

again but eventually moved on with her life. In the epilogue, she reunites with

JQ. It is unknown if she still likes him
but evidence says that she still may when
she confesses to her friend that "I don't
think I'll like anyone else in a long 

time..." She is close friends with Janet,

Jhoanna, and JQ, and even calls him 

"my angel."

  Jonathan/ JQ- a teenage boy who 

befriends Aylin in the beginning of 8th grade. He is a sweet, gentle person with

a humorous personality but is often soft
with Aylin when it is just the two of 

them. He only thinks of Aylin as a close

friend and cares about her alot. He was
mainly the purpose of the book. In the
epilogue, he reunites with Aylin and 

says he missed her alot. He is clueless whether he knows if Aylin still harbors

a crush on him. 
  Janet- Aylin's best friend. 

Aylin often goes to Janet to talk to about JQ. Janet often replies with

"I don't know." She is also friends 

with JQ and Jhoanna.

  Jhoanna- Aylin's other best 

friend and Jason's girlfriend. Aylin

tells Jhoanna her secret but thinks
that she told her boyfriend when he
knows the day after. Jhoanna became 

a big help with Aylin's problem and often tried to help her get out of

depression. At the end, Jhoanna 

asks Aylin if she likes anyone else,

which Aylin replies with 

"I don't think I'll like anyone

else in a long time..." Jhoanna
is long-time friends with JQ and 

often tells Aylin about JQ's childhood.

  Jason- JQ's friend and 

Jhoanna's boyfriend. He finds out

about Aylin's crush on JQ but 

doesn't tell him. He is often hard-headed and cold to others

but has a soft side showing 

that he didn't expose Aylin's secret and told her to tell him

herself so it would be "more meaningful."
He tells them that Jhoanna told him 

Aylin secret but Jhoanna denies it.

  Thang- a 7th grader who is 

the only boy flutist in the band.

He is often annoying but kind. 

Aylin refers to him as "little brother."

He finds out about Aylin liking JQ on the 

last day when he sees both of them hugging

and Jason tells him what is happening. 
  Montserrat/ Montse- Aylin's friend
and best friends with Kassie and Jhoanna.
She is very outgoing and tries to help 

out Aylin with her problem. she also has

known JQ for a while.  
  Kassandra/ Kassie- Aylin's friend
and best friends with Montse and Jhoanna.
She is very helpful and has also known JQ 

for awhile along with Montse. She tries to

help Aylin by talking to her about JQ.
Aylin also explains that Kassie was 

very smart at relationships when she was always knowing what Aylin was going through. She was referred as a "mind-reader" by Aylin.