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Hydra Controls


This vehicle can be used to pass S.A.M. missles. It will give CJ a parachute upon bailing out. It appears in the mission "Vertical Bird".

Ascend: W


Pitch up/down: Up/down arrow

Turn right/left: RIGHT ARROW or D and LEFT ARROW or A

Turn on the ground: Q and E

Gear up/down: 2

Move the exhaust: NUM 8 (up) NUM 2 (down)

Lock aim: SPACE

Shoot missles: CTRL

Shoot signals to the ground: LALT

Note: When CJ is holding a camera and goes to the jet, he will see the camera's HUD in first-person view.

Hydraulics Controls


These controls can be accesed when your car has hydraulics, in the mission "Cesar Vialpando", or any hydraulics contest (in Unity Station).

Raise the back wheel up: NUM 8

Raise the front wheel up: NUM 2

Raise the right wheel: NUM 6

Raise the left wheel: NUM 4

Raise all the wheels up: H or 2

Dumper Controls


The Dumper is the biggest vehicle in GTA:SA. It has a few controls, and does not appear in any mission.

Raise the container: NUM 2

Lower the container: NUM 8

Note: It is possible to close the door of the Dumper. Just go to an elevated place and exit the vehicle.

Andromada Controls


The Andromada is a plane in GTA:SA. It appears in the mission "Stowaway". It is unobtainable in normal gameplay and can be only be obtained using spawners. Like many other planes, it gives CJ a parachute when he bails out of the plane in mid-air. There is no "opening door" animation in the plane as CJ will just simply go through the exterior while entering.

Forward thrust: W

Reverse thrust: S

Pitch up/down: Up/down arrow

Turn on the ground: Q and E

Ailerons right/left: Right/Left arrow

Open/close cargo hold: NUM 2/NUM 8

Gear up/down: 2

Note: If CJ leaves the cargo hold open and goes in it, he will see that there is an invisible wall to prevent CJ from going in.

Towtruck Controls


The Towtruck is a tow truck in GTA:SA. It can tow cars but may seperate if the vehicle is making sharp turns, being too fast, etc. The Towtruck acts like a Tanker, in which they both lose their trailers/cars when making sharp turns, etc. When the Towtruck moves backward while having a towed car, the towed car will slowly turn and seperate from the tow hook. The Towtruck's sound is that of a Burrito, Rumpo, Pony, Black Boxville, Mule and more.

Raise tow hook: NUM 8

Lower tow hook: NUM 2

Cement Truck Controls


The Cement Truck is a cement truck in GTA:SA. It is used by CJ in the mission "Deconstruction". In one of the cutscenes, CJ is seen burying a man in the toilet with cement. CJ cannot put cement in normal gameplay, but the truck's roller can roll fast/slow.

Make roller faster: NUM 8

Make roller slower: NUM 2