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User:Bad Raven

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not having looked at any other user pages first (typical!), I'm not sure what people tend to put here, so I'll use it as yet another excuse to rabbit on.

I have done a lot in my life so far (and that's a while!). As the saying goes, I have always had "a lot of strings to my bow". That a lot of them seem dangerously close to breaking most of the time worries others more than me.

I suppose I was what is traditionally called a "late developer". Some might say they are still waiting, including my wonderful long suffering wife of 43 years current.

Truly I'm not a complete Idiot, as bits of me are missing.

My first memories are of trying to fix things and striving to make them operate better than as designed. Examples are:-

1. Modifying a clockwork railway loco so it didn't go so irritatingly slowly (it now fell off the tracks a bit, even with all my wagons and coaches on the back, but boy did it shift, all that mattered to a seven year old).

2. Deciding that the living room pendant light drop wiring wasn't evenly spiralled so giving it the "Chinese Plate Juggler" treatment. This worked, till a shower of sparks and darkness signalled that I'd spun it a wee bit too long.

Still, I didn't go out and spoil the neighbourhood with aerosol paints, take drugs, get myself tramp stamped or run through in unfortunate life changing places, or shop lift. (TOLD you I was a slow developer)

As a career Engineer, with Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic qualifications, coupled with bottom up experience, I pretty much had my pick of jobs, at least that is what those picking them always told me. They tended to be of the "Leap off this tall building.......See, hurts your legs, doesn't it" type. I still have two working legs (just) so must have done something right.

Why am I in Wiki? Well, dunno!!

One of my bow strings is that I look after a large collection of very old commercial vehicles. They are a bit like me, they are not clever, they are not good looking, but given enough time they'll do what was intended or desired...................almost well enough.

I may return, though I may be gone some time.....................